October 31, 2009

Pumpkin Pickin'

The Linley 3 took an impromtu trip up to Eckert's to pick a pumpkin.  It was a beautiful trip down the River Road and a fun afternoon.  We bundled up to brave the wind and had a lot of fun. Owen is such a good sport.  He loved the guy playing music.  It made us think of Pap b/c we're pretty sure he busted out an Eddie Arnold song or two.  He loved looking at the big red barn and flashing his adorable smile to people passing by.  During the tractor ride he reached out and grab the side and watched us churn through the muddy corn fields. He even got his first taste of funnel cake (well the powdered sugar anyway!) and we found two perfect pumpkins to bring home with us!  Dad carried the heavy load while I carried Mr. O in the carrier.  It was quite the adventure!

October 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Jeremy!

Happy 27th!   We love you!

October 29, 2009

And we have TEETH!

On top of the cold and shots the first week of this month, Owen cut his FIRST TOOTH!  Teeth actually!  It's adorable!  He was doing his usual naw on everything thing including my thumb and something felt sharp. I look down and sure enough there two white nubs were staring up at me!  Over the past few weeks they have kept on coming...and they are both about half way in.  Just when I thought his smile couldn't get any cuter!!

October 28, 2009


Jer took a vacation day to do yardwork.
So I tried to log in and work from home.
Called the help desk at work to see about fixing my ability to remote into my desktop
Figured out that I couldn't log in until I went back to work and fixed something on my computer
Took a vacation day :)
Immed with Steff - Happy Anniversary to you and Bry!
Spent an unexpected morning with Owen
Caught up on our blog - good things are on their way. 
Kissed Owen goodbye while he went on a fall photo shoot with Grandma Stacey.
Had lunch made for me by my hubby (who hasn't made it outside yet b/c of the weather)
Caught up on some much needed emailing
Loaded some videos of Owen and watched them with Jer
Laughed our butts off. 
Tried to load a quick video to blogger and it wasn't done in 30 minutes. 
I gave up. (Anyone know how load videos faster on blogger?)
Then I did Laundry
Played with new pictures I loaded of Owen
Fell in love with him in this hat all over again

Made a to-do list for myself that will hopefully focus me on my next free day
Am now logging off the computer b/c I need to:
Swap my clothes over from summer to winter - it's finally cold enough
Get a shower
Go to class :(

What a great way to spend an unexpected day off!

October 24, 2009

Ohhh...the Lake!

A weekend or so back, Jer and I headed off for a much needed mini-holiday with our best friends, the Cincoski's. It was a much needed Linoski weekend away from everything! Our weekend was filled with much relaxing, laughing, a little alcohol, and just plain good times! Steff did a great post on the weekend with all our pictures! You can read that here. Here are the pics we took and what we did on our wonderful mini-holiday weekend :)

October 23, 2009

The Apple Farm

A few Sundays ago we ventured to Eckert's with the Linley Crew.  My favorite part of the day was watching Owen suck on an apple while Jer and I helped him pick. Here's some of my favorite pics from the day!

October 15, 2009

Happy Anniversary Jer

Today is Jer and I's 4 year anniversary. 4 Years ago today, I walked down the aisle and said I do to my high school sweetheart. The weather was beautiful, my dress made me feel like a princess and our church and reception hall were prettier lit up with candles than I could have ever envisioned! We said our vows, toasted Champaign, cut our delicious cake, and danced the night away! We took our honeymoon a bit later....over Thanksgiving break for Jer because he was still in classes at the time. Puerto Vallarta was our destination. It was an amazing few days away from everything and spurred our desire to go and see more places like that! I put a few pics in for fun!

October 5, 2009

Baby Tylenol and Vick Vaporizers

This weekend was filled with Baby Tylenol, Vicks Vaporizer instructions and lots and lots of tissues.  Owen got and still is battling his first cold.  I'll spare the details that go along with a cold b/c well...everyone has had a cold at some point and knows what they are like.  With Owen it was a lot nasal aspirating and crying b/c his nose was raw.  And he wanted so badily to play, but would only be up for it if one of us was with him.  We had some late night crying fits, but he's really taken it like a champ!  Thanks buddy.  Mom and Dad love you for your beautiful little spirit.  Even when you're down you still love to smile at us anyway! Luckily enough because his fever stayed put after his shots, we were able to keep from taking him to our flu ridden doctor's office on Saturday morning.  Yay!  Unfortunately, all the lovin and kissin from Mom and Dad got Mom and Dad sick. So Jer and I are battling it out now.  And I must say...so far Owen did less complaining than Jer and I have.

6 Month Stats

Owen went to the doctor's on Thursday for his 6 month check up!  From our check-up we learned:

Dr. Hill's office has a wonderful doctor who helps her see patients on Thursday. She's from Children's Hospital and she was GREAT!
Owen is 19.7 lbs
Owen is 28.5 inches long
He is doing very very well for his age in terms of sitting up, moving around and trying to crawl
He is "perfect" to quote the doctor!

He needs 4 shots total to be completely vaccinated for the flu.  :(
He got 4 shots in one visit this time...and he did so good!  He even smiled for Dr. Hill who poked her head in and visited with us for a bit after his shots. Since the other doctor got to see him, she wanted to get a minute with him just because. This made me feel so good! 
I love our pediatricians office thanks to this wonderful visit.

Here's some pictures taken on his 6 month birthday of our 19.7 lbs little ball of fire!!