August 13, 2015

The Lost Posts - December, The Polar Express

This past winter thanks to a heads up from Steff, we jumped on the chance to get Polar Express tickets. I'm so glad we did!!  This made my holiday loving heart flutter and is an experience I'm so glad we gave the boys!!  It was magical and an adventure from start to finish!

Waiting for our departure!

 Heading in to get our boarding passes!  Pety was napping so this pic isn't quite complete!

 Polar Express Boarding tickets!
Waiting to board the train.  Where we waited there were characters from the book, a screening of the movie and elves leading dance parties.  Holiday fun to the brim!

 The conductor!

 Case Austin checking out the dance party this crazy lady dressed like an elf was talking about.
 Peyt and Uncle Jeremy talking about something important.
 Heading to get on the train!

 A tent where we lined up to board.

 Another run in with the conductor!
 On the train!

 Time to punch the tickets!

 May have been one of Owen's favorite parts.  Cookies!!

 Everyone on board got hot chocolate and a cookie. They even sang the hot chocolate song from the movie! Too fun!
 Just exploring...
 Reading the story.

 Me and Peyt!
 Watching us go...

 My love.
 We took a ride to the North Pole where Santa boarded the train and gave each child the first gift of christmas…a silver bell!

 The boys were awe struck…and a little nervous about this whole thing...
 But Coop's face is priceless!
 After Santa arrived, there was a train-wide dance party/conga line.

 Looking back at Mom and Dad!
 All in all it was so much fun and I can't think of better company for this awesome holiday adventure!!