February 17, 2014

Greyson Oliver - 1 Month Old

January 15th we welcomed you into the world little mister.  And here we are...February 15th saying happy one month birthday!!  It is hard to believe you are already one month old!  While it is not very old at all in the grand scheme...it's crazy to me how fast we got through your first month home.  And it's hard to imagine you not here with us!

Here's some stats on how Grey is growing:

Weight: 9lbs 15oz (we go to the doctor on the 20th for his checkup, so I'll some updated stats after that)
Diapers: Size 1
Clothes:  Mostly 3 month
Eating:  3.5 to 4 oz every 2.5 to 3 hours during the day
Sleeping: Usually either 8:30/9pm to 2:30/3am, but mostly 10pm to 5am (Rock star you are sir!!)

A few more bits of info to remember about this first month:
**Since coming home, he's having more awake time between bottles and giving us some of the sweetest little expressions with his eyes.  He does these long slow blinks when you talk to him...and I adore it!
**He is getting a handle on his arms and legs.  He is no longer shaky and uncoordinated.
**He still enjoys being swaddled up for his longer nap during the day and he also loves being warm. 
**He screamed through diaper changes until this past week...and every now and again when he really feels like it I think he does just for fun!
**Speaking of crying, he doesn't do much crying...BUT when he does boy is he loud!!  Yes indeed...he's related to the other boys in the house for sure!  
**He had his first snotty nose and head cold...which led to his first doctor's visit for said cold.  Some of the "if you experience this, this or that, go the the ER," comments scared the daylights out of me.  Other than a couple days of the nasal bulb sucking snot out of his nose, lots of spitting up bottles, some saline and a couple less than stellar nights sleep...I think we are on the mend!!  Thank goodness!  It made this Momma a nervous wreck!
**Loves loves listening to his brother's.  They can be being loud and crazy...or sweet and rubbing on his head.  He stops and stares at them...and you can see him working his arms in their direction.  It's precious!
**Has grown and changed and been a little amazing blessing to this house.  It's amazing how quickly you forget that sweet newborn smell and little noises they make.  In his first month we've spent lots of quiet time enjoying all of these things with him.  A time I know I will cherish always!!
**We celebrated our first valentines day together and he also had his picture taken by the amazing Sherry Rosenberger...more on that in a separate post!!

All in all?  It's been a busy first month!!  The weather and colds have kept us around home.  But as a Mom adjusting to caring for 3...the simple act of grabbing a quick shower during a day is just about as much multi-tasking as I want!  But we are learning and growing together :)

Oh and for comparison...here are some Owen Stat's from month one.  And Cooper stat's as well!

That about wraps up month one!

Dear Greyson,

I mentioned on the day we went home from the hospital that our home was the greatest place on earth.  I hope you think so too buddy...I know some days you probably shake your little head and think Mom was off her rocker...but most days it definitely is!!  You are so loved in his house!  Your brothers and Dadda and I simply adore you and your sweet little self.  I'm looking forward to better weather and all the fun things we have to explore together in the coming months!!  Momma is feeling very blessed these days.  For health, for warmth, for the life God decided would be mine because it included you.  It's pretty darn great and your arrival has given me such a sense of peace.  Your Daddy and I created a beautiful little family that I know will bring us all nothing but fun and joy.  Thanks for being amazing little you and for fitting right into this perfect space God carved out for you as part of our crazy crew!

Love you babe.