June 30, 2009

Family Time

We recently went for a walk/jog on the River Road. I think I take it for granted that we live near such a beautiful stretch of countryside. The walk was a great chance to get some fresh air and stretch our legs! The pictures from our outting were great!

Happy Owen!

Adorable tennies!

Family of 3

Little Man after our 4 mile adventure came to a close!

Random Cuteness

We have been doing lots of photographing of our son! I wanted to share some of my favorites :)

Holding one of his cool teethers. He's trying so hard to get the right grip on things. Once he does...every single thing he touches will be in his mouth!!

In his cute cute jammies from Grandma PJ. He's has already outgrown (in length) his other sleepers! Stay tuned for pics of his green dinosaur ones...they're adorable!

Our little sleepyhead

Giving us his "Seriously?" Face

Holding his bottle...what a big boy!

June 28, 2009

The Perfect Weekend!

We had an amazing weekend!

Friday I enjoyed a blissful morning and afternoon with my son! I'm already hooked on Friday's off! That night the three of us went over to Uncle Bryan and Aunt Steff's for some much needed Linoski time. We played Wii and ordered pizza. We were out WAY past our bedtime but it was sooo much fun! Owen crashed on their loveseat while Jer battled a basketball game on their Wii. It was so refreshing and relaxing to be together! Aunt Steff took pictures of Owen. You can check them out here on her photography blog.

Saturday was another wonderful day! Steff invited me over to do some swimming and girl time lounging by the pool. I took Owen to my Mom's and Jer went over to help Uncle Jonnie and Aunt April do some remodeling in their kitchen. I came home from swimming burnt and exhausted from a wonderful day by the pool. After Jer was done helping with the kitchen, we all went and had dinner together. It was Owen's first time enjoying El Mezcal with us. As usual, we spent 20 minutes outside the restaurant talking before calling it a night! It was a fun way to cap off our day.

Sunday Jer and I enjoyed a fun morning at church, then headed home for some much anticipated time around the house! We had BLT's for lunch and accomplished a million little things that added up to a whole lotta feeling accomplished! I even snuck a LandShark into afternoon ;) I headed back to work on Monday refreshed and relaxed. God is good! Here's some snapshots from the day!

Our Amazing 3 Month Old

On Friday, June 26th, Owen officially turned 3 months old! It's unbelievable! Since his 2 month birthday Owen:

Is now outgrowing his size 2 diapers
Laughs out loud :)
Can hold his head up while laying down on his tummy
Can roll over from his tummy to his back
Can bring his hands together
Can grab at his toys
Bear weight on his legs
Wants to sit up so bad he throws his shoulders forward and grunts
Loves Mr. Moose who hangs from his carseat
Is growing in some very cute dark hair
Has made us aware that he HAS to be on the move at all times
and one of my personal favorites?? He is starting to look like me!

Here are some pictures of him on his 3 month birthday!

Roll on Over!

This Friday Owen rolled over for the first time. I was taking some 3 month snap shots of him. I put him on his tummy and he seemed to be having more fun than usual. Next thing I know he wiggled around and was on his back looking at me like...What just happened Mom?? He did it one more time before calling it quits! It was adorable and I was so excited that I missed getting a video of it. I did however get some pics of him on his belly...just before the big roll ;)

June 23, 2009

Father's Day

Jer is very unselfish when it comes to buying things for himself. He very rarely will tell you what he wants for a birthday or anniversary or anything else. He makes it hard to shop for him and hates spending money on himself. He told me for weeks that he didn't want anything for Father's Day. I told him at the very least to tell me what he wanted to do with the day. He said he would think about it and let me know! The day before he finally decided he just wanted to hang out at home and be lazy. And I decided that for once I would try to stick to his request. It is afterall a day dedicated to celebrating Dad and giving them everything they want! So as hard as it was...I didn't cave from my plan. No big gifts and no big plans. I opted instead to make him a batch of his favorite cupcakes and let him lead on the plans for the day.

Here's some pics of my hubby's first Father's Day. Jer's only request was to spend the day with me and Owen. Who can argue with that? Happy Father's Day Jer! We love you very much!

Also a Happy Father's Day to the Dad's and Grandpa's in our life that have been our strenght, support and biggest cheerleaders throughout life! We would not be the people we are today with you!

Days of Old

Oh the days of Old! Per a Christmas present from my parents, Jer and I were able to go and enjoy a night at Pere Marquette Lodge last weekend.

What a marvelous and relaxing night! We left early in the afternoon to enjoy some time at the lodge before heading off to Grafton for dinner. We lounged in the pool and then got ready for a relaxing dinner on the river. We decided to hit a winery and brewhaus newly opened in downtown Grafton. What a wonderful idea! They have free wine tastings...so we got to sample a new brand of wines we've never had before. Then we enjoyed a laid-back meal from their amazing deck. The deck is set up above the landscape a bit and overlooks the river. Luckily a breeze blew in sometime after we sat down and helped cool the stifling humidity. We watched the sunset and drank our way through 2 bottles of wine before calling it a night. It was an amazing chance to talk to Jer about things we didn't realize we'd not shared over the past few weeks, reminisce about our beautiful son and what the future will hold for us. It was an amazing time!

As a side note...if you haven't taken a night recently to go out and spend time with your spouse, DO IT NOW. Make your marriage important. With the recent news of Jon and Kate Gosselin's divorce (which makes me immensely sad), I feel it is more important than ever to respect the sanctity of marriage and take time to talk to your spouse. Love on them and remind each other why you got married in the first place. It's so so important!

June 18, 2009

When the Critters of Summer Attack!

Some time back I wrote a post about some of my not so favorite things
about this time of year. Well...a few weeks ago...one of my not so favorite
things about this time of year literally jumped up out of the backyard and
basement and right into our bedroom. I have been meaning to regale my
tale of woe for some time now. Here goes nothing!

I was enjoying one of my blessed maternity leave Mondays. Owen was napping peacefully. I was wandering around doing my daily pick up of the house. Washing bottles, making the bed, putting fresh towels in the bathroom...when my beautifully peaceful day was wrecked at the hand of a four legged creature. It was not my dog. It was not my cat. Not even a mouse. It was, much to my displeasure...a lizard. I was picking up a bed pillow to add to my lovely stack of shams and toss pillows. As the bottom of the pillow reached my line of sight, I was taken aback b/c up at me stared a 5inch long, green lizard. The ones with bright blue tails. On my bed pillow. In my room. Did I mention it was on my pillow???? In a matter of 3 seconds I had thrown the pillow back on the bed and skipped and screamed my way out of our bedroom. A phone call to Jeremy proved unsuccessful as he reminded me that he was at work. 45 minutes away. OMG. What now? Quickly I dialed my Mom's number and before she could even finish saying hello...I begged her to send my Dad over. I believe the words were something like...Lizard on pillow. Send Dad. Rescue! I should preface my freak out with the fact that I have comes to terms with the creepy crawlies. In my flower beds. In my backyard. Even in the basement. But in my ROOM?!? On my pillows? I have always held fast to the belief that your bedroom...and your bed are "base". Remember when you played tag as a kid and you had base? The place where you were free from getting tagged out or told "Your IT!" Remember that? Well in my world of adulthood, my bed is base. It's the place where burglars can't see me under my covers. It's the place where I dream. It's the place where I find ultimate peace. So...lizards are NOT welcome on my base.

Not 10 minutes after I called Mom and Dad in walks Mom sans Dad. Our
conversation and lizard hunt went something like this:

Jess: Wait a minute...what are you going to do? You are going to go in
there, scream just like me and we're going to loose the
lizard...forever...and I'll have to nearly pee down both legs all over
Mom: No no no. It's fine. We can do this.
Jess: Ok Mom. I still don't know why Dad sent you here by yourself.
This is a bad idea.
Mom: Dad told me what to do...he sent me over with instructions. We
can do it.
Jess: Whatever you say. I still think this is a bad idea.

Luckily she had on the "I'm a Mom!" Brave face that I clearly haven't
learned about yet.

Mom: Ok Jess. Here I go. I need a Glad container and something to put
over the top. Maybe a baking pan. Oh...and the broom.

So in walks my Mom. Broomstick in one hand, cookie pan and glad
container in the other. Mom was pretty crafty, I must give her credit.
She used the broom stick to pull up my pillow and see if the lizard was
still under the pillows. It was. Conversation continues.

Mom: Oh my God. There it is Jess! I'm gonna scream...
Jess: That's what I did. That's what I do when I find lizards on my
bed. Just let me know if it gets loose b/c I'm holding Owen and I swear,
if that thing runs up my leg I'm gonna drop him.
Mom: Put Owen DOWN. Oh MY GOD! There it is!!

Screaming commences. She does some sort of karate type move and drops
the Glad container on top of it.

Mom: I GOT IT!! Now what do I do?
Jess: I have no idea...I called you to send Dad. The lizard would be
outside by now. I am NO help.

At this point my skin was crawling so bad I couldn't sit still. And I
had a ring of sweat under my chest on my t-shirt.

Mom: Ok...I'm gonna do this. I just have to put the Glad container on
the cookie sheet. Oh MY GOD...it's staring at me. He can see me...I
swear. Holy SH%*T!!

Not 10 minutes after this is all happening, in walks Dad. To the

Dad: What in the heck are you guys doing in there? Owen...your Mom and
Grandma are not right.
Dad proceeded to put the lizard in the container and walk out to far
back part of our yard and let him go.

The lizard has never come back...or any of his brothers or sisters for
that matter. But now we have the nightly shake down of the bed covers
and pillows. Just the thought sends shivers down my back. I think I
have a phobia. Jess=no lizards.

Check out what my Dad bought for me about a week later? Oh so funny
Dad. Love you too.

June 15, 2009

Adorable O

Nothing much to write about right now. So here's some pictures of our adorable son for your enjoyment ;)

June 12, 2009

Catching up.

I sat down today and had some time to catch up. Finally! Being back to work kept me busy this week. Below you will find a couple older post drafted from last weekend but never posted. I should be all caught up now! Thanks for following along with me on my crazy journey called life!

On a lighter note...

So today was my first official Friday off. I am not on vacation or maternity leave. I'm not flexing and working long hours next week to make up for it. I'm off. My weekend began today. So to that and in an attempt to brighten my mood from my previous post I thought I would say rock on...

To Thursdays that feel like Friday
To Fridays off
To the promise that Friday's off will give me more time with my son
To getting to watch Owen smile all morning
To getting my grocery shopping done in 30 minutes
To Owen sleeping from 9:45pm to 5:40am last night
To a fun visit to the library and finding fun books about colors that Owen will love
To husbands who answer the phone while working...to talk to you about the frog you found in the basement and help you figure out what to get at the grocery store.
To the promise of relaxing weekend

Frustrated and searching.

Lately I've had some questions about what God does in everyone's lives. Why he does what he does. Someone once told me that God doesn't want bad things to happen to you, but there is evil in the world. Sometimes things happen you don't understand. You aren't supposed to understand them. But God is there to comfort you. What kind of an answer is that? If God is all powerful and knows all...then why can't the evil things that happen to good people, happen only to the people in life that deserve it? People who...for example, murder another person? Or rob innocent people of their retirment funds and livelyhood. Why can't tragedies, struggles, and disappointments strike them instead? Make the bad things in life happen to others. I'm tired of watching people around me struggle and grasp for understanding when the simple honest truth is...there is no understanding. Maybe I'm not supposed to understand it all...and one day, when I'm standing up to meet my judgement...God will lay out a book in front of me with answers to questions I never understood. Questions that rocked my faith. So right now...I'm searching and frustrated. God has blessed my life in so many ways. I am so happy with my own blessings I could bust out into sparkly little pieces of happiness. But that furthers the frustration. And today...my heart is heavy just the same. My frustrations aren't for that of my own life right now...though one day I'm sure I'll be grappeling these same questions over something that has happened to me...for now though...today...they are for someone I love. God help me find answers.

With my heart already heavy for things I can't understand, I stumbled upon this blog today. I do not know these people...but I think because of having Owen, my heart was struck with grief for them. They lost their son at 364 days old. I just don't know how I would go on. Amazingly enough they seem strong and faithful to God. I haven't experienced this kind of loss so I can't say what I would do. But maybe they are the proof out there that though God doesn't always give us what we ask for or expect...he gives us strength in times when we don't have any left.

Thanks for reading.

I survived.

As I mentioned sometime last week, I was facing the end of my maternity leave. It came and went. And I survived. It was actually less horrible than I thought. There are several reasons for this. One is that my Mom is home with Owen now. I couldn't ask for a more reassuring person to leave my son with than the women who raised me. So that gives me peace of mind. Another reason is that today is Friday...and I am not at work! Jeremy and I decided that if work agreed, I would go to 32 hours a week. YAY! Now my Wednesday is like Thursday and my thursday is like Friday. And I have one full day a week to spend with my little man!! It's amazing to me what a difference that made in getting through the week. Yet another reason? I had some fun quality time with Owen every night when I got home. And we had fun things to do to keep me distracted from thinking about being away the whole next day! So...in looking back on the week...the best I can say...is for now, I survived. I have to work, so I have to be away from our boy. But I'll take 4 days a week with Grandma PJ watching over him. It beats other alternatives. So in our lives right now God provides.

June 7, 2009

The Weekend...The End of Maternity Leave...and my Favorite things

So we spent Saturday and Sunday hanging out as a family of three. It was relaxing and rejuventating. I'm not at all ready to face the work week. But it's here none the less.

I have been wanting to do a "My Favorite Things" post for some time now...and given that I'm heading back to a full week of work in just 12 short hours...my heart is already breaking at the thought of leaving Owen all day everyday this week until Friday...and I really want to cry about it...I decided what better time than to think about the last 10 weeks...and the weeks to come...and focus on the positive. Dwell on all the wonderful blessings in my life and the anticipation of things to come!

My favorite things from the past 10 weeks:

Meeting Owen and seeing this face for the first time

Surviving a long Labor, a C-Section and finally Delivery

My Amazing Husband

Putting Owen in his crib for the first time

Dancing Owen to sleep several times a day

Spiderman PJ's

Owen's smile


Owen in navy blue

Our first trip to the park

Owen falling asleep in his bath

Celebrating My First Mother's Day

Here some things you can't put pictures with...but are still favorites that should be included.

Learning that Owen loves to be outside.
Learning that Owen loves music.
Learning to be a parent.
Having amazing friends and family.
Learning to be a Mom, a wife, a friend.
Being able to keep our laundry completely caught up.
Feeling more connected with my husband than ever before.
Being blessed enough to spend not 6, not 8, but 10 whole weeks with my son before returning to work!


It feels like I've lived my life in this bubble recently. I've been living in a serene place where everything moved at this relaxed and easy pace. Mondays were just another day to me...like Saturday. If I was tired I could go back to sleep while Owen took his morning nap. If he was fussy, we had the next day to have fun...and try something new. But tomorrow my bubble pops. My maternity leave is over and real life begins. This precious time with my first child is closing. I'm so very sad. But I'm sad for a number of reasons. Not only because I have to go back to work. Or because I'll be missing Owen and have a void in heart every morning while he shares his morning conversation with Grandma PJ instead of me. But also because this time is already gone. My baby boy is over ten and half weeks old. We're quickly moving into a new phase of life. Already. I feel like I did when I went into the hospital all those weeks ago. Bittersweet. I'm going to tearfully say goodbye to this blissful, challenging, amazing 10 weeks of my life and step swiftly into something I knew was coming. I'm going to join the working mom's of the world. I'm motivated to establish a new routine and welcome in the warm lazy days of summer. To watch Owen grow every day and plan for the future. But part of me is terrified at just how fast everything else seems to move. 10 weeks with Owen is already gone...never to be had again. Wow.

June 5, 2009

Trying not to think about it...

Today marks my last official day of maternity leave...that's right. My last official day! I have written some draft blogs about my feelings on the subject. I'm not quite ready to post them b/c I am currently in AVOID ALL THOUGHTS about going to work mode! So...that being said...I'm going to focus on the amazing 2 and half days I have left to enjoy myself. Sure Monday morning is breathing down my neck...but right now it's Friday. And I love the way Friday's always hold the promise of relaxation and freedom! What do we have on tap? Tonight I'm heading to girls movie night with "my girls" who I love dearly and can't wait to spend time with! Saturday Jer and I are doing lunch and the park with Owen (his favorite past-time) and Sunday after church I don't know what we're doing. But my plan this weekend is to spend as much time with Owen as he can possibly stand!! All the cheek kisses, hugs and lovin' I can give my little man before...dun dun dun.........Monday morning creeps up on me. Stay tuned for great pics and fun stories from the weekend...and a likely tearful send off to my maternity leave as I head back to work!

June 3, 2009

Messy Face!

In my last post I mentioned that we fed Owen his first taste of bananas with his rice cereal. It was a huge mess...but he loved it! I captured a couple pics of him sort of smiling at me after a couple spoonfuls went in...and came back out. It was great!

Not what I'm used to...but

Last night when I crawled into bed my dishes weren't all done and neatly stacked away in our cabinets. My bedroom floor was scattered with folded clothes that have yet to make their way into our dresser and closet. On my couch the pillows were strewn all to one side and the dog had left a fresh hole in another cushion corner. My carpet and floors needed swept and vacuum in the worst way. My bathroom towels needed to be swapped out for clean ones and the rugs needed washed. I needed another shower after being spit up on for the 4th time and changing into my 3rd clean shirt of the day. And the dinner I cooked wasn't as hot or near as delicious as I anticipated it to be. But...
My husband came home with a hug and smile. Our son slept while we ate a meal together. I got to catch the Jon and Kate episode I'd missed from the night before. We fed Owen bananas in his rice cereal for the first time. And he smiled at me through a messy mouth full of mushy food. I got to take a picture of that smile. I got to listen to Jer rock and sing and dance Owen to sleep. I learned his favorite Jason Mraz song to sing to Owen. The chorus talks about "Sleep all Day...we sleep all day." I got to hear him sing it from our living room while I lounged in bed writing this. And now, I sit amid my messy house, a situation that would drive me crazy just a few short months ago...and I find myself warm, relaxed, completely exhausted and completely content. My animals are sleeping soundly. Jer is breathing deeply next to me. His arms are outstretched over his head. I realize this is where Owen gets it and I smile. Owen is crashed and dreaming in his nursery. A nursery I take pride in every day because it was a labor of love. And I realize tonight as I write, that this is not what I expected life to look like. I'm not sure you ever know what life will look like exactly. But you have these pictures in your head. At least I did. And somehow in the pictures you never picture the mess. The spit up. The exhaustion. But what I have because of all of this is so much better. I have the promise of a beautiful future. A beautiful life. Of family vacations. Of Friday nights watching movies in our bed all snuggled up and throwing popcorn at each other while watching Owen's favorite Disney movie again for the 100th time. Of sticky summer ice cream treats. Skinned needs and kisses that make the pain melt away. Tonight...I realized that life is never as neat and easy as the pictures you paint in your head. Emotions sneak up and suprise you. Some good, some bad. Tonight what I realize is...it's never what you imagine, it's not what you're used to...but because of that...it's better. So much better.