June 29, 2011


Owen just so happened to develop a sweet tooth. I love desserts after dinner.  I also have a husband who can clear a cookie jar in no time flat.  So to say I’m surprised or don’t know why he has such a sweet tooth would be untrue!!

When Owen is hungry, his general habit is to pull us into the kitchen and push our hands towards the cabinet where he knows all his food is kept.  He does this when he is thirsty too, as he’s pretty observant and also knows milk, juice and all manner of beverages come from the fridge.  He also knows his yogurt is in there.  He pulls these out all on his own!  On many occasions though, he has one main objective in his quest for snacks.  He is searching out and saying “cooks??”  He will peek over the top of the counter where they are kept and stand on tip toes to reach them. In our house, if you ask for cookies, you’re likely to excite our 2 year old son and have us ask you what on earth cookies are b/c cookies, are now lovingly referred to as cooks. Without even realizing it, it’s become a household staple. There are always cooks in the jar waiting for the next requestor!  Unless of course the requestor is a small blonde, curly-headed little boy who just so happened to eat none of his dinner.  Then I have to use the term No Cooks.  And no one in the house likes to hear that one!!! 

I love this small little change in terminology that has shifted at our house. It’s a refreshing reminder of simple happinesses that make up childhood. It also makes me laugh and I never want to forget it.  

June 28, 2011

The Pansies…have left the building!!

Or the barrel rather...

Remember this post?  Well I was just about accurate.  Memorial Day weekend, they took a nose dive and after a scorching hot, record breaking heat weekend, we officially need to take them out. I was excited to fill it up with a few brightly-colored flowers. Here is what I chose:

In other news…we had about 4 volunteer tomato plants from last year that popped up in our raised bed garden.  So after this weekend it’s all filled up and hopefully going to provide us with some tomatoes and such this summer!  We had plans to do a large garden mostly from seed this year, but our plans fell through and our seeds didn’t last because of it.   We did salvage a few though.  We have two squash plants and 3 tomato plants we will be growing from seeds! We did learn a few things about timing and hope in the fall to till up the ground ahead of time so next year it’s a bit easier to get our seeds going once they pop up!  Anyway…as I have in the past few years…I wanted to document our yard over the summer.  It helps me work with my camera…and it is fun to watch everything grow!

Above my infamous Chocolate Mint.  It seriously is EVERYWHERE! As I said before I love to cut this herb and make small arrangements in the kitchen and dining room and even in the bathroom sometimes. All I have to do is run my hand through a few of the leaves and the smell fills the room.

This year I thought I’d try Pineapple Sage.  It's tucked in behind the chocolate mint.  When it was planted it had some neat red flowers…I’m waiting on those to return!  Also in the mix is Bee Baum that my Grandma bought for me. 

In the above photo you will find...Our oregano.  Also strawberries which are huge this year…and next year will hopefully get transplanted into a bigger garden!  Of course you can also see our tomatoes and the squash that we started from seed.

Here is a shot of one our butterfly bushes. Last year we planted two and they were in small quart size plastic containers! It’s amazing how much can change over the course of a year. I cannot wait for them to bloom!!  I also intend to hang a hummingbird feeder out here to see if we get any action.

Oh..and we have a wren taking residence in our birdhouse!  Last year we had a tenant who built and then vacated. This year…this wren built and built and built…and now he/she is sticking around.  It greets us when we go to water and hangs around on our fence occasionally!  I love it.

All in all, I love the yard in summertime!  Every evening at dusk the fireflies amaze me…as they have every year. And it’s already started this summer!  I cannot wait for the boys to run around playing in them and catching them in jars…I know they will enjoy the light display as much as Jer and I do.

Thank God for warm weather and lightning bugs and well…honestly?  The spot he chose to put me on this planet :)

June 26, 2011

Wedding Bells for Hannah and Zach

The second weekend in June brought my cousin Hannah’s much anticipated nuptials!!  The day was perfect. She was a vision in white!   And she and her now husband (yay!) are one adorable couple!  You know there is love there that goes beyond words J  Zach, welcome to the craziness!!

This little rug-rat was the Ring Bearer. 

The duties of ring bearer include being adorable and sweet in a little tux…oh and walking down the aisle…just a small detail.  Unfortunately, he was only able to perform the looking adorable part!  The wedding was right at nap time…and Owen…he needs his naps.  So…our apologies go out to Hannah and Zach for that small snafu in the plans for the day!

We had a wonderful time none-the-less and enjoyed ourselves immensely!  Oh and Owen had a BALL on the dance floor!  Apparently he got his Dadda’s boogie shoes because we had to peel him off the dance floor to take him home at the end of the evening!

Meet Owen's girlfriend.  She was 3 and 1/2.  Her Daddy taught her to say: I'm a cougar.  It was pretty hilarious!  These two hugged and kissed each other several times.  Too cute!

Oh and dancing?  It's hard work.  It makes things get all out of place.  Just ask Owen.

Congrats Hannah and Zach! I hope Cozumel was beautiful and you’re enjoying settling into the beginnings of a wonderful married life together!  Love you guys :)

June 25, 2011

33.5 Week Checkup!

Today I was 33 weeks and 5 days.  Sunday will mark week 34.  This was probably my fastest appointment on record.  I was in and out in less than an hour.  Morning appointments rock!!

Dr. Talsky did the basics...my weigh gain is right on track...and for the record...much less than I gained with Owen.  I kinda like that.  Jer asks me if that means Cooper isn't growing...and I said no...it just means I'm not!  Also, my blood pressure is right on target and today it was a beautiful 112/80.  Cooper's heartbeat was a steady 140 or so and the lovely whir still puts me at such ease.  We talked about the fact that I need to get through another 2.5 weeks with no labor and after that, they won't stop me, they'll just take me in for a c-section if that happens (I think this means we better pack a hospital bag pronto...you know just in case!!).

Some other tidbits??  His head is down now which is good.  He hasn't dropped and because I had a c-section with Owen, I'm likely carrying Cooper higher. I asked Dr. Talsky what he was poking me with on the right side of my stomach.  He then showed me where his butt is positioned and where his head is.  He said that what I have on that side of my stomach and in my ribs is probably (and I quote) "little parts."  He makes me laugh!  So basically he meant little legs, feets knees etc.

The big news that came from this appointment though was that my c-section is being scheduled August 1.  YAY!  Exactly in the right time frame...not too early and I don't have to wait till past my due date to have Dr. Talsky do it.  He said he was staying an extra day that week just to do the c-section.  Works for me thank you very much!!  So barring hospital scheduling complications or labor earlier than August 1, it looks like we'll be meeting our newest little man in just a little over a month!!!

June 24, 2011

Thankful Thursday on Friday...

These are a recap from a few weeks.  So some things I've already posted about.  Regardless...I'm still thankful for each and everything on this list :) 

For a chance to dig into all the organization that needed/needs done around the house.  Preparing for Cooper has been all about making the house more functional and getting the most out of 1000 sq ft!!
Having our best friends take our son and truly enjoy spending every minute of the day with him!!  He played in the hose, ran around with Indie and wore his Aunt Steff and Uncle B out…but he truly had a blast!!
That even though Owen came down with another sickness, the antibiotics seemed to have done the trick!!
That I have a job that allows me to work from home/take off when I need to and put my family first
Taking Thursday off to be with Owen. I made it into Alton and had to turn around and go back home.  I couldn’t leave him for another whole day. And it was the greatest decision I could have made.
Kicking off Memorial Day weekend with a maternity massage and dinner with my bestie.  It was fabulous!!!
Spending a glorious 5 day weekend with my boys!!
Making serious progress on the house for the second weekend in a row.  We now have paint purchased, baby clothes washed and organized, Owen’s clothes rearranged and the boys play room nearly organized and nearly finished. I’m hoping to post more on that very soon!
Having a nice 30 minute chat with my lil’ brother…about nothing in particular…just catching it up. Josh we need to do this more often!
Spending Sunday evening with our Walnut Linley’s
Having my most adorable niece smile and play with me…she melts my heart!!  And she’s getting SO BIG!!!  And her Mom just posted a post all about that! 
Attending the Memorial Day parade with Mom and Dad and Josh and Katie.  We BBQ’d and spent the afternoon at Mom and Dad’s after the parade.  We got sunburned and were tired when we went home but it was a great day!
Watching Owen throw Cicadas at my Mom and laughing b/c he thought it was funny!!
Seeing my belly grow and feeling Cooper getting stronger by the day…I may need reminded that I wanted him to get stronger in about 8 weeks
That we have 7 or 8 weeks left until we meet our newest little man
That we took Owen’s first trip to the Lake this past Friday and had a blast!!!
For inappropriately named liquor stores
Scenery at Ha Ha Tonka and the Missouri lake area in general
Van door malfunctions
Mini golfing at Pirates Cove
Cicadas also known as Kickaydias
Laughter till you cry
Watching Owen swim around for the first time on his own
Trying on maternity clothes with Steff - hilarity!
Shopping for Cooper with Jer
Recordings of One Tree Hill on our DVR
A sleepy Monday morning that included enjoying a McDonalds breakfast date with my hubby and wearing a new top that I got while shopping Generally feeling really good for being 31 weeks pregnant
That even in this heat, my ankles are faring well enough so far!
A surprise visit from Grandma Flo
Drive through car washes
Homemade dinners
Buying Owen’s shoes for the wedding!  Too cute!
Having a fun wedding filled weekend and celebrating the start of Hannah and Zach’s new marriage with them!
Watching Owen on the dance floor at the wedding reception. He literally CUT A RUG!!!
Spending Sunday afternoon with Uncle Jonnie, Aunt April and Isabel!  Owen loves to give her lots of kisses…not that I blame him. Those cheeks are irresistible!!
Watching a couple movies after Owen hit the hay. Jer and I hadn’t done that in awhile…and forgot how much fun it is to snuggle on the couch
My new obsession with Coke Floats.  I have Jer hooked as well.  They are becoming a nightly ritual!
Reliving some old memories through our blog.  So glad I have it there to go back to!
This picture of me and Owen.  I love nothing more than cheek kisses on this little face…if I were to pick a photo that best depicts my love for my son…any one of me kissing those cheeks is it!!

A weeknight girls night…nothing fancy…but just what the doctor ordered.
The weather cooling down
Jer’s Blue Old navy t-shirt that I officially am stealing till Cooper is here!
Spending a Friday around home with Jer and Owen…we did a little cleaning, a little organizing and a little family time!
Having dinner at El Mezcal and hanging with Uncle Jonnie, Aunt April and Isabel for a little while!  Her smile will melt ya!!
Saturday morning crafts with Owen.
Spending Saturday evening with my hubby.  We make such a great team…and I sometimes forget how hilarious he really is until I have him to myself for a few hours.
Painting the boys room!  I’m hoping we have before and after photos ready very soon!!  Just a few more finishing touches!
Visiting with Mike and Stacey Saturday evening
Making Jer his favorite breakfast and helping him celebrate his 3rd Father’s day
Dad’s BBQ’d chicken wings, homemade cheesecake and hanging out at Mom and Dad’s for a little bit.
Hitting week 33
Organizing my cabinet under my kitchen sink…it was um…much needed!
Organizing our hall linen closet, our junk drawer and a few other miscellaneous things.  The nesting urge is in FULL swing!
A very successful appointment with Dr. T this morning...more on that soon :)
Seeing Owen's dino sheets on his bed for the first time!  So fun!
A couple fabulous weekends on the books.  I cannot wait!

June 19, 2011

Owen’s first trip to the Lake!

Over the last several years, we’ve become huge fans of Lake of the Ozarks. So much so that since our first visit with these two people:

we go at least once every year.  Mostly together, but even sometimes, just the two of us!  It’s a close little get away that has become happily familiar to us…it’s not home, but it’s not a week in a foreign country either.  I love that we know what we like to do, where we want to go, and can guarantee to find some time relaxing. And thanks to Steff we know some of the fun back-road haunts that make it even more fun!  This weekend we decided it was time for Owen’s first adventure. It was his first Linoski road trip and his first hotel stay to date. It was also his first swim in his big boy life jacket.  His first round of mini-golf and his first vacation t-shirt purchase! 

The weekend was pretty darn amazing!!  We packed a lot of fun, relaxing, shopping and food into a two and a half day span. There was a lot of laughing, a lot of sweating, a couple sunburns, some cicada attacks, lots and lots of jokes about a liquor store and all in all some much needed good times that were had :)  Here is a photo montage of the trip!

Dadda and Owen playing a toddler game on the laptop.  It took us awhile to get Owen settled down enough to sleep. We blew his bedtime both nights by several hours. But he was a trooper and really wasn’t near as crabby as I feared he might be!  Owen thought our room phones were super cool and since we had adjoining rooms…he helped himself to spend time in both rooms. All in all, I’d say he enjoyed his first hotel stay immensely!

Owen was a rock star in the pool.  He loved every minute and swam for around 2 hours without getting out to rest.  He’s our little non-stop go-getter!!  In some of the photos above, you can see him swimming/paddling on his very own!  Such a big boy!

During a drive to get a nap in for the O man, we took off and saw several places at the lake we hadn’t seen in awhile.  Steff and Bryan took us to the Ameren UE look out!  There are some neat views of the lake from here.  And we stopped to take a few photos!

I took some time out cruising the old strip to play a little Skee Ball. Apparently I'm not the only one who enjoys the game.  Owen was instantly intrigued and interested in helping me!  I can't say how many rounds we played, but it sure was fun!  Buddy I hope we have lots more Skee Ball in our future!

Um...no caption necessary!

Mini-golf presented us with a few interesting outcomes.  I have no idea what our score was because Owen felt the need to watch all of us hit our ball towards the hole and after one put, he picked them up and put them in the cup. He also screamed and wriggled in between every hole on the course because he couldn’t run free and jump into the water falls and ponds around the course.  We saw the BIGGEST frog I’ve ever seen in person.  It looked like it belonged on the cover of National Geographic.  It was about 1000 degrees still…it was dark and nearly 8pm…and I don’t know that I remember sweating that much in a long time!  All I can say about our experience is this…we laughed A LOT…and my husband got the greatest workout of his life hanging onto our maniac 2 year old who would probably say that mini-golfing is the worst idea ever!  We did redeem the crab-fest with a stop at Cold Stone to enjoy some delicious waffle bowls and ice cream.  I wish I had taken a picture of Owen saying Bite? To Aunt Steff about 70 times.  It was pretty darn cute!

No caption necessary here either.  Sisters in Crime...preggo bellies and all :)

This is the last photo I took.  Notice the sweat and the red faces?? 

The last day of our trip included breakfast at our favorite breakfast spot.  We also enjoyed some amazing finds at the outlet mall. Photo of our haul here:

Owen crashed about half way through the shopping trip and slept in his stroller.  On this day I put the camera away and just enjoyed myself.  

Steff wrote about it here…I second Steff’s sentiments. Ahh…Linoski vacations!

June 18, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend!

We spent the first part of the weekend doing some much needed organization around the house. Then we enjoyed a meal with our Linley crew from Walnut!  We had Roma's for dinner and enjoyed some family time back and Mike and Stacey's house.  The kids blew bubbles. I got to hang out with and get some laughs from Isabel! We thoroughly enjoyed our time together with family!

Then on Monday we celebrated the holiday at Alton's longest running parade (it also happens to be the country's longest running parade too!) and then a BBQ at Mom and Dad's house.

Grandma PJ and Owen

The crew getting settled for the parade to start

Uncle Josh and Aunt Katie :)

The Linley 3 and 3/4!

Owen LOVES ice cubes.  This cup was full when we sat down for the parade and was empty before it started!

Owen thought the Shriner guys were cool, but they got really close and he covered his ears...just in case!

This corvette with suicide doors was too cool!

Back at Grandma and Grandpa's Owen and Dadda took a ride around in the red radio flyer wagon that Josh and I played with as a kid.  So fun!

Getting set for a trip through Grandpa's garden

June 17, 2011

A little update on the O man

Remember here? I mentioned Owen was having an evaluation done? Well we have an update to share.

What we learned is what we’ve always known.  Our son is busy.  Busy busy busy.  What I didn’t realize, is that this busyness is hindering his ability to take in all the information he should be able to at his age.  Some of the things I believed to be him figuring out his words are simply him making noise…what the therapists called “not meaningful communication.”  He does have words, just not as many as he should.  He does communicate, but not near as much as using verbal skills as he should for his age.  I have always been one who was very afraid to compare my child to other people’s children. Kids are kids.  They are quirky and no two are alike.  Nor should any two be compared or labeled for that matter...for the sake of feeling better about yourself or your child.  Owen is uniquely Owen.  The very things I love the most about him do in fact make him different from some 2 year olds his age.  It was helpful for me during our evaluation to hear that they did not want to say anything just yet about Owen having a delay of one type or another.  The hour both therapists spent with him, told them a lot about him, but I believe just scratched the surface of what he is capable of as a child.

Based on their hour evaluation, they can’t determine what level of speech and development he is truly at b/c they could not get a good gauge in just an hour.  He moved around too much for them to be able to make a good assessment.  That being said, they also felt that he would/could absorb information the best while being active.  So on one hand he needs to slow down to absorb the most.  But in the mean time, helping make sure active play (rough housing and spinning and swinging outside) also present opportunities for him to learn something new.  Their recommendation was that he have weekly therapy.  He will work with a developmental therapist, a speech therapist and also following this assessment we will be setting up a visit with an occupational therapist who will work with him on controlling and channeling his energy into constructive play.  Play that allows him to take in all the information around him more effectively.

While all of this is not surprising to learn, it is at the same time.  I would not wish for my son to need therapy of any kind…much less 3 different kinds a week for at least 6 months.  Though to him it may seem like play, I am not a fool to think he won’t find the therapy, especially the occupational, just the slightest bit frustrating.  But, this is the road we have been given.  I’m trying to focus on how much we will all learn from this situation and the fact that we are able to get Owen what he needs now instead of brushing this stuff off until he starts school and we have a situation where his education is compromised.

Because we decided to share this information on our blog there are a few disclaimers I would like to put out there.  We are sharing this for a couple of reasons. 

One, I feel that Owen should always be able to look back at these posts and see the love Jeremy and I share for him as his parents.  That he will always know that when life doesn’t take the straight or easy path, you follow the curves and bumps and never lose sight of what makes life worth living.  And also so that he knows how proud we are to have him as our son and how hard we worked to make sure he has a healthy, happy, and able to do his best always.  And more importantly, just how hard he will end up working to come up to speed with kids his age.  I have no doubt this will be adventure for us all. 

Two, the outcome from his evaluation was not exactly what I was expecting. After a weekend of time to mull over what was shared with us, Jeremy and I are both still a little overwhelmed.  But we are also motivated.  And sharing our progress and everything we learn here, gives us an outlet to share our experiences. 

And three, I know there are parents out there who may just find what we are about to embark on helpful.  Helpful because they aren’t alone.  Helpful because Jeremy and I thought that it was something we were doing wrong as parents. Too much TV. Too much sugar. Too much/too little discipline.  We could not understand why he wouldn’t just sit still and why he wasn’t interested in repeating us. We are first timers at this and are not trained in any of these things. It’s especially hard to look at your own wonderful child and be anything less than amazed. B/c he does amaze us every single day. 

As a side note, we shared all of this with the therapists. Our fears about it being something we did wrong, or were failing to do correctly.  To which they said, we should applaud ourselves for the fact that Owen isn’t a much more frustrated child. That we have adapted to him and have clearly tried very hard to work with and work through his busyness. We’ve accommodated him, his communication style and at the very least are able to meet his needs and satisfy him.  And also that we noticed something and were willing to admit something was different. When these words from the therapists washed over me I was relieved.  Relieved b/c I wasn’t being told we were the root cause of the problem…which had crossed my mind. Relieved because this will help me find more patience with his boundless energy.  Relieved because I know Jer and I will be continuing to do whatever is going to help get Owen doing what he needs and should be doing.

The therapists said there is no doubt he is a smart child and they believe after some therapy we will be amazed with what we see.  And amazed with everything he can do.  They said they would like to do a 6 month eval with him instead of an annual b/c they truly believe they will be able to re-assess things in a new light after a few months of working with him.  They each had a list of goals on things to work with him on.  I am hopeful we will have these goals shared with us so we can hang them on our fridge as reminders of our destination.

So all that being said…the Linley household is about to get turned upside down. 3 hours a week for the next several months. So if you visit our house and we have words plastered on our fridge or our dining room walls or sheets of paper with first words, games, songs or tips to keep us on track with things, you’ll know why.  We are going to be knee deep in learning about communication with the busy little toddler who resides there.  I have no doubt it won’t be easy…but I have no doubt it’s going to be something we never forget!  We got our first homework from the therapist:

  • Collect 3 or 4 boxes with foods that Owen likes to eat and cut them out before putting the empty box in the trash. They are going to create a menu for him.  
  •  Use the term All Done…followed with the sign language gestures that match it (waving your arms at waist level back and forth, almost as if you were pretending to brush off your pants) EVERY time we’re done with something.  Diaper changes, car seat rides, eating in the highchair, etc.
  • Take a book (first words book for example) and put him in his swing.  Every time he swings to me, stop him and point to a word/picture and say it. Essentially, read to him the book while swinging.  This goes back to the part about teaching him while he’s being active. 

Before I go, I just wanted to share a note to Owen. 

I don’t know if one day this will all be a distant memory.  Or if this will be something that follows you all of your life.  But I do know this:  Your Dad and I love you so much more than you’ll ever be able to understand. And I hope no matter what you face in life, you remember that above all else.  We’re your biggest cheerleaders; you’re biggest supporters and cannot wait to watch you grow up!  I know you will do amazing things and are already an amazing little boy with tons of personality and charisma.  You make everyone you see smile…and are the light of your Daddy and I’s life.  We can’t wait to see what else you have to show and teach us as we learn to be better communicators with you and your endless energy!!
Love always, Momma and Dadda

June 12, 2011

A 32 Week update!

I am happy to say today marks 32 weeks for Cooper and me!  I’m very excited, a little nervous and anxiously awaiting what we have ahead of us!

I always have heard how each pregnancy is different…and that’s definitely been true for me this time.  What’s different so far? 

For one, I began the pregnancy not feeling so well.  I had a tooth get infected and unfortunately had to have a root canal while pregnant. So I’m not sure if the beginning was the tooth or the pregnancy, but I had no appetite and no energy.  With Owen I was tired, but starved.  All the time.

So far, I’ve felt Cooper move WAY more than Owen.  Owen was a busy baby.  But I didn’t really feel him until around week 21 or 22. I’ve known Cooper was moving and grooving since week 15 or 16.  So I was fully aware of every movement that happened during our ultrasound and such.  With Owen I couldn’t feel anything and the tech couldn’t believe it!  I’m also pretty sure I’ve felt Cooper move and I’ve had a little foot and/or hand in the palm of my hand.  I could always feel Owen move, but was never able to distinguish a body part or parts. It’s been pretty amazing.  Jer and I have spent several evenings just watching him move around.  You can see tons of movement from the outside this time as well.  Sometimes my whole belly will change shape if he’s shifting his whole little body around.

My appetite is different.  I still eat more than I normally would, but I do not clear near as many plates.  I will say so far my weight gain is around a pound a week…and that’s average.  So in that respect I’m doing better this time around for sure.  With Owen I gained nearly 70 pounds.

I’m getting slightly nervous as I’m nearing the stage of the game last time where I had pre-term labor.  I do not want to have this happen, nor do I want go through the pain of being told I have to rest. What I have been doing this time is resting when I know I should.  This was not something I did all that well or all that often the last time.  So I’m hoping this time it pays off!

I love being able to wear skirts and lighter clothes this time!  Getting bigger as the weather warms up isn’t something I thought I would like…and I still may not come July.  But so far, I’ve enjoyed the cute skirts and t-shirts. I’ve also enjoyed the motivation that comes with spring weather as well!  With Owen I did a lot of couch sitting starting around the holidays…with Cooper I want to open the windows, water my flowers, and take Owen out back to play in the yard!!!

I LOVE being pregnant with my best friend!! I was a lone preggo last time around. Which was fine…but I have not taken a second for granted that we’ve been able to spend talking about our pregnant bodies. Or exchanging text messages over how tired we were after a typical night of shopping!  I love you Steff and I’m so excited we are able to have some fun doing this together!

Braxton Hicks abound.  I’ve had tightening on a daily basis since sometime in March. This shocked me, but I was told it happens much more often in second pregnancies and its normal!  I’m pretty sure in the past week or two I’ve had some uncomfortable contracting…but it’s certainly nothing like what I had when I was in real labor. So, I’m pretty sure it’s all just normal for the stage of the game we’re in. 

I think chasing a toddler around has kept me feeling great this far along. The constant shuffle and busyness that abounds in my house keeps me moving at a good pace.  I run out of steam just before or around the same time he does…and often on the weekends can nap when he does…or at the very least sit down and rest!  So while it doesn’t make every single day easy, I think overall it’s helped with my weight gain, my swelling and my overall well being this time around.  Thanks O man for the exercise routine and keeping me on my feet!!

At the end of the day I have this pain that pops up in my ribcage.  It’s pretty darn unbearable…but it forces me to lay down and stretch out my arms.  I’m not sure what he has pushing around up there…but it’s not a lot of fun.  I remember going through something similar with Owen...but it finally went away when he dropped a little lower.  Cooper, I’m ready for you to drop a little bit lower!

I have dealt with lower back pain since around week 18.  This has not been a ton of fun...but every time I do too much picking up of Owen, or if I do too much house cleaning (sweeping and vacuuming are the worst...convenient I know!!) I end up down in the back until I get a full night's sleep!  I do think this helps keep me from over doing it though...and so in a way, it's a blessing too.

At this point in the game with Owen, I was of course anxious to meet him.  We were very close to being ready.  But, I was spending a lot of time worrying about labor and delivery.  What would it be like?  What’s a hospital like?  How will I feel about this that and the other being done to me?  Will I be able to deliver him on my own?  What’s an epidural feel like?  So many thoughts.  This time around, I’m anxious for all the other things that come along with a baby...that smell, the quiet time together during feedings, the little hats and mittens and watching a new little person grow up before our eyes all over again. What a blessing!

My ankles are still normal size. Even in the heat!!  I’m so happy to report this.  Now, I understand that I have a several more weeks to go, but that’s ok.  For now it’s worth celebrating because with Owen, my ankles were not a pretty sight.  AT ALL!

I have allowed myself caffeine this time around.  Something about chasing Owen and keeping up with his busy little body has left me with little choice.  I’ve remained within a healthy limit, less caffeine in a total day than what is in a cup of coffee.  All I can say is that it’s been nice to have a small indulgence of something normal…and it certainly helps on those days when I’m just flat out of energy but can’t afford to sit down!

One thing that remains the same from this time to last is Jer and his unfailing ability to do whatever I or our family needs when we need it.  He never hesitates to tell me to sit down...or let me go take a bath...run to the store or wrangle a wily Owen monster at bed time.  I couldn't do this thing called life without you babe.  Thanks for being wonderful you!

Some other interesting tidbits about what’s going on with Coop and the Linley’s right now:

We have been working very hard on getting everything together for Cooper’s arrival.  I dare say our house has become the most organized it’s been in our entire lives.  And Jer and I are pretty organized people to begin with – on most days anyway!  I’m proud of our progress and the strides we’ve made.  I’m excited to post some photos of the changes we’ve been making.  Soon to come will be photos of our play room area.  Also some documentation of my scrap organizing that I’ve been working on.  The boys room transformations…I can say the walls will go from yellow to green…and our bedding was a huge splurge for us from Pottery Barn Kids.  And the creatures it features are prehistoric and roared according to modern science!  So in the coming weeks I’m hoping to post some progress on all these changes!  It turns out that you can make a small house work after all ;)

The Linley 3 and ¾ have also been busy enjoying some of the wonderful things about summer.  Memorial Day weekend we enjoy a family dinner, the Memorial Day parade and some BBQing, last weekend we all made our first trip to Lake of the Ozarks and had ourselves a blast!  And yesterday we watched my cousin Hannah get married…she was beautiful! So I’ll be posting pictures from all of these wonderful events in another few posts as well!

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far!  Today, I’m most thankful that I got up and our outdoor thermometer didn’t read 80 at 8am!  It actually read 65!

Oh...and much overdue...here are some belly shots of me at 32 weeks!!  Hard to believe we're just a few short weeks away :)  You can see here for a comparison of week 35 with Owen...and also here...for the last set of belly shots we took at 17 weeks!  I've certainly grown since then!