August 29, 2012


One little word that carries so much weight in my life! I went to our blog today and realized very quickly that balance doesn’t mean that everything gets a fair shake. For me, at this time in my life, it means that I have to balance the things I have on my plate on a daily basis. It means learning to balance the never-ending-to-do list, with the things-I-really-want-to-do list. It means taking a look at what’s necessary, would be nice to do, and what is absolutely not a priority in a given day and accomplishing what I can from there.

So in looking at my blog, I realized that lately, in the balance rotation, this (my blog) has slipped to the “that’d be nice to have more time to work on” department. 28 days into a month…and I have 1 post to show for it. Maybe it's more of a "fallen off the radar completely" category?? But, I’ve never wanted this to be a part of that category for me. It’s been such an amazing way to track our family life. So in the spirit of balancing (and in other words) prioritizing, this Momma is going to get her bootay off the couch…or well…turn off the Netflix at least and fire up the laptop…and get back into the habit.

I appreciate anyone out there who reads…being patient with my lack of ability to balance, prioritize, whatever the proper term is. I’m going to once again attempt to catch things up here…and get into a more solid habit of putting together posts!

While I get my wits about me…here’s a couple pics from a family photo shoot we just did around Cooper's birthday! 

**And while I'm at it... a quick shout out. For Cooper's 1st birthday we decided to have pictures done with Metropolitan Picture Company.  Check our her blog here also.  Sherry is amazing and so fun to work with! The boys loved her and we were instantly at ease and had lots of fun taking these photos :) Enjoy a quick glance at just a few of my favorites!

August 1, 2012

Happy One Year Coop!!

One year ago today, we met you little mister.  You were perfectly pink and perfectly lovely and perfectly ours.

August 1, 2011

I know I'll never forget the first time we met face to face!  I told your Dadda that you had Owen's nose. Because you did.  The very same newborn nose! And boy did you cry. Didn't those people know that 9:30am was nap time!

One of my favorite moments after having you was this one:

When this favorite little guy of mine...

met our newest favorite little guy...and one amazing kiddo in my life quickly became two!

It was pretty amazing to see the love that was already there. Owen was so sweet and so excited to meet YOU...his new baby brother. Even though he had no idea what it mean, he seemed to understand it meant something great!

Only the love of brothers...I hope you two always remember how important the bond of siblinghood is!

And now just like're a toddler.  Thanks for being ours little man.  We're blessed to get to be your and Owen's parents.  Every day, crazy, quiet, or somewhere in between...God gave us you and allowed us to spend this life we're given being your Mom and Dad.  Wow.

Year 1 was a smashing success. I can't wait to see what the rest of our years together will bring us!

Happy Birthday Coop. We love you more than words will ever say!!