October 31, 2012

O Man and Momma get crafty!

I say this every single year...but I LOVE this time of year!!  The leaves, the food, the smells, the decorations.  All of it fills me with warm fuzzies and a sense of peace. When fall rolls around I count my blessings for another wonderful summer and another wonderful holiday season to anticipate.

My love for decorations (AND another fun fall trip down the Target dollar bins) led me to a fun afternoon craft with my little O man.

We created a little fun garland for our mantle! Looking back last year was the addition of the halloween buckets and lights to the mantle.  They made a second appearance this year...only this time they looked even cuter with a fun homemade garland to round it all out!

Owen loved helping me cut, hole punch and especially liked applying the googley eyes onto each foam shape.  I wanted a touch of him and a touch of me...and I think that's exactly what we got.

Thanks Bubba for helping Mommy create the most festive little garland!!

Happy Fall everyone :)

All finished up and put together.  Please excuse the quality...but you get the idea!  Orange and purple lights, bats, and some spider webs.  Every day mantle transformed into magical Halloween fun!!

October 30, 2012

The big 3-0!!!!

Today is a very special day for someone who happens to be very special to me!!!

My hubby, Mr. Jeremy Michael Linley, PE (thought he'd like that I threw that in for him!) turns the BIG 3-0!! You read that right people. 30!! That's the number THREE....followed by the number ZERO (feel like you're on Sesame Street yet??) 

Anyway...back to the point. Today Jer can say see ya later 20's!! They are officially behind him.  How did we get to be this age already??  Neither of us really know how 30 got here so quickly....but we've done lots of joking about how old he is getting...and what an old man he is. In all honesty though...30 is still so very young!!  Our 20's were wonderful...and I hope it's only a glimpse of the greatness that our 30's will prove to be!  I'm talking for us both b/c well...my big 3-0 is breathing down my neck in a little over a month. YIKES!!

Jer, I'm so honored you've chosen to spend half of your life with me. I hope you know how special you are and how wonderfully lucky I feel to get to celebrate birthdays, holidays and every other day by your side. I couldn't ask for a better soul mate and I hope on this, your 30th birthday, you take some time to reflect on all the great things you are to so many people!  I'm glad 30 years ago God decided it was a good day to be your birth-day.

Happy 30th babe!!  If our 30's are half as good to us as our 20's were, I'd say we're in for a lot more fun times ahead. 

Love you always.

October 29, 2012

Momma and Owen go on a date!!

Just before Owen started school I decided to take off on a Friday morning adventure with him! We painted pottery, had lunch at the park, got his haircut and even stopped for a cupcake!!

My favorite picture of the day:

Who says cupcakes are for girls!!!!

October 26, 2012

Back to School

School has been back in for a little while now...BUT...none the less...Owen is back at it!!
First let me give a quick run-down of his summer school experience!

Summer school was Monday through Thursday, 8:30 to 12:30 for one month. A very long day for a little guy. But I’m proud to say…he did very, very well with it. He was excited to go nearly every day…he hugged his teachers and aids in the morning…and he even had some fun art projects which I have proudly displayed around my craft nook.

I’m going to take a minute to pause and share something else that has seemed to happen over the last few months. Owen is finally talking. And doing so well. I don’t always understand everything…and he still gets frustrated sometimes b/c he isn’t making the exact point he’s wanting verbally…BUT we’re miles from where we started. And I’m so proud of him!! I’m sure our journey isn’t over…but his progress hit me like a ton of bricks this weekend because this time last year when using this puzzle photographed here we were talking about letter sounds…and just getting him to make them/repeat them/give us anything. Last weekend…he had this puzzle together, naming every creature on the pieces either on his own of copying me after I told him…all completed in less than 5 minutes.

Whether it is signing him up for a special preschool, simple timing, months of his in home therapy or a combination of it all…we are a true testament to progress! That working with your child…though frustrating at times for everyone…is worth every painful minute. And you’ll find along the way that each milestone reached gives you fuel to keep going! We are a family who was not afraid to get tools to help our little guy get talking better. Be it therapy, finding them some social interaction or whatever suggestions you might be given…I highly recommend if you are worried, do something! Don’t be afraid for your child or for yourselves.

So in that vein…I’m very happy and excited for Owen to start on a new school adventure this year. After all his progress I’m sure he’ll continue to blossom and learn and grow!

Owen's First Day of Fall Preschool was August 28, 2012
8:30 to 11am session
Teacher: Mrs. Lopez
Aids: Mrs. Taul and Mrs. Romo

Owen Wyatt,

Momma and Dadda are so proud of you!!! You’ve come so far and have so much ahead of you! Keep working hard. One thing we already know is that you LOVE school. You cried when we left after open house. Keep that love buddy. Always stay excited about it. And I promise…good things and doors will always be open for you!!

Can’t wait to see where this year takes us!


Momma and Dadda

All we were missing was some sand...and a salty breeze!

A little more summer catch up is in order...

Someone turned one year old and had quite the party to celebrate!!

It was a smashing success. I'm happy to report all of the hard work and visioning that went into it...came together most perfectly!!

Our first shot at cake pops...and I must say I was pretty excited at the end results!


Action shot!!

His smash cake was a palm tree....but it was leaning by the time it got to the party :(

He still dug in a little bit anyway!!

Linley kiddos...

October 18, 2012

In a little less than 3 weeks…

We will be hopping a plane and kicking off a much needed vacation! First we will fly into Pensacola and stay one night at a Hampton Inn on the beach. Then we will make the hour commute to Gulf Shores were we will be relaxing at a beautiful beach house...right on the water for a few days. To say I'm excited is an understatement!

October 15th  marked 7 years of marriage. October 30th Jeremy turns 30…and December 9th I turn 30. We figure smack in the middle we’ll plop ourselves down somewhere relaxing and enjoy some much needed husband and wife time!

Yes we’re probably crazy for going to the beach in November instead of when it’s more popular to go. But there is something about going down when it’s not the busiest time of year…when we can enjoy a stroll on the beach by ourselves, perhaps. Or we can soak up some salty air without sunscreen and sweat. 

Also, this trip is all about retreating to some place quiet, relaxing, beautiful and peaceful…for a few solid days of time to recharge, regroup and celebrate the life we’ve built.  Just the two of us...our own schedule...sleeping in...watching the ocean roll by...and maybe finding a few fun adventures to get ourselves into. I am already dreading leaving the boys..and I absolutely know as soon as we get there I'll wish we'd brought them. BUT...I also know that time apart is healthy for everyone. And I think after nearly 14 years as a couple, 7 years of marriage, and 2 beautiful kids…it will be nice to sit back and enjoy a little time to reflect without any little misters needing this or that...or having a schedule to keep up with!  I'm pretty sure we won't know what to do with ourselves...but it'll be fun figuring it out! 

3 weeks and counting…Jer, I can’t wait :)

October 17, 2012

Summer Run Down: I know...I know....FINALLY!

This 4th of July we took a family stay-cation!! What did we do on this staycation??? It was marvelous! We took 5 days to be the Linley 4.

The weekend before our stay-cation began, we kicked off the 4th of July holiday with a BBQ with my Mom and Dad. There was a red, white and blue patriotic cake, sprinklers and kiddie pools on the patio, delicious food and great company. Unfortunately all the pictures and videos I had were lost in the great data loss of 2012. BUT those memories will not be far from my mind. It was a day most worth of remembering always!

Stay-cation Day 1
We took one day and headed off the zoo. Just recently when we were going through pictures Jeremy said look babe. It’s the day we visited Hades. I had to crack up laughing because at a steamy 106 degrees (without the head index) it was a pretty insanely hot zoo trip. BUT our kiddos were excited to be there, red faces and all. We rode the train, drank lots of water, saw the new Sea Lion exhibit and took in a few animal requests from our 3 year old. (Can I just sideline and say how much fun it is to have your child tell you about an animal they want to see at the zoo?? Yep. Amazing.) We left before it got any hotter and I can’t remember another time in my life when I’ve sweated so much in just a few short hours...but we had a great day despite the heat and I’d do it again in a heartbeat!! What kind of mother of boys would I be if I weren’t up for a little adventure right??

Hightlights of this adventure:
The giant misting fans…totally worth waiting in line to stand in these and Cooper and Owen both LOVED them!
The hippo that came right up to the glass and how amazed Owen was at the sight of him.
Carrying around giant green souvenir cups full of ice and water. I’ve never drank so much water in my life and still been so thirsty!

Stacy-cation Day 2
Day two brought us yet another insanely hot day. As a note for my memory bank, I do believe this was one of St. Louis’s hottest summers on record. Wow is about all I have for it. We decided to trek up to a water park in our area called Raging Rivers. There is a wave pool, flume slides, kiddie play areas and lots of fun to be had. Owen seemed like the perfect age to give this business a shot. So we loaded up on sunscreen, water and snacks and took off.

Highlights of this adventure?
Riding double with Owen down the flume slides. He LOVED every minute of it…and so did me and Jer.
Forgetting to change Owen’s diaper to a swim diaper and having the stuffing come falling apart out the top just as we were about to get onto a slide. Embarassed much?? Well…hey…every parent forgets things like that now and then right?? Please tell me I’m not the only one!!
Taking Owen for his first ever water park adventure. I can’t wait to take both the boys together next summer!
Running into Missy, Chad and Miriam and having fun spending some time visiting with them while we were there!!
Owen sharing gold fish with Miriam and watching Owen demolish a push-pop while I snacked on delicious Dip n Dots.
That exhausted sun-drenched feeling at the end of a fun day of play
That evening we got to meet our nephew Ryder! Happy birthday Mister!

Stay-cation Day 3 & 4
These two days were spent lounging indoors where it was cool. We played in our loft, watched movies on the living room floor, got ice cream at our favorite summer ice cream stop and simply enjoyed being together!

Stacy-cation Day 5
The last day of our time off together, we got up and spent the better part of a morning having a picnic breakfast at a park by the River Road. My hubby has some of the greatest ideas! This was one. And I hope there are more picnic breakfasts in our future.

Highlights of this adventure?
Sitting on a blanket and soaking up a view of the Mighty mississippi
Cooper and I sharing my sunrise crossiant from Hardees
Playing on the playground while it was still shady
Sweating even though it was barely 9am
Watching the boats go by on the river with Owen
Napping kiddos on the way home!

I highly recommend a stay-cation!  There is so much exploring to be done right in our own neck of the woods.  We definitely enjoyed ours!!

October 15, 2012

7 Years and counting

This day, 7 years ago...at 3pm in the afternoon...Jeremy and I started our married life. It's been amazing,  and by far the biggest adventure I've decide to take in life.

Babe, I don't have a lot of deep reflection to share on this particular anniversary.  We've been through so much in recent weeks...that when I think about being emotional and reflective about our life...there isn't a multi-tude of feelings to talk about. Not because the feelings aren't there...but maybe b/c of what we've been through recently...my emotions are on overload a bit. Or maybe in light of the last couple weeks, my feelings are simplified...less complicated. Because today... when I relfected...I just had one simple thought that overwhelmed everything else. Thankfulness.

Today I simply feel thankful. Thankful for you. For our health. For our lives. For another October 15th to share and reflect. For the little things like your shirts in our laundry...for the way Cooper tries to wear your sandals on his own two feet...for the way I see you in both our boys...for how excited Owen gets when your car pulls up in the drive...for finding your warm legs under the covers in the middle of the night...that you fall asleep with the TV on, but down so low you can't hear it...for the tiny, simple things, for the big, important things. For all of it...I'm simply thankful. For the past 7 years of married life we have shared.  I'm blessed for our experiences and our journey. 

In honor of our anniversary, I went back and re-read a few of my older posts from past anniversaries.  My favorite is a toss up between this one from 2010 and this one from 2011.

Thanks for another wonderful year Jer.  I'm glad it's you and me. Like it always has been. Like it always will be. Love you so much.

October 9, 2012

One of those days...

On March 10, 2010 I posted this post.  In light of this day that happened over two years ago, I knew one day, a day like this past Wednesday could be in our future.  But nothing prepares you for a day like this.  No amount of time makes its easier, simpler, less painful. I mentioned in that post sometimes we have days we know we'll never forget.  I can say with certainty, if I thought the diagnosis would haunt me, it was only a glimpse of the way that Wednesday morning impacted me.  To say I won't forget it is an understatement.

Michael F Linley was my father-in-law.  He was my husbands beloved father and a grandfather to my children.  He was stubborn.  He fought very hard. And now he is finally at peace.  I thank God for simple mercies like a quick passing.  Of all the things I prayed for through this, I think this small  mercy was God's greatest gift in the end.

Mike, I will miss your calls on my birthday...singing me happy birthday loudly and with abandon. I will miss so many things. I am emmensely sad that my children won't know you as the strong, independent man you used to be. But know your children and Stacey will be sure to tell them all about you and your memory will live on always.

Also, thank you for my husband.  He's in good hands and I promise to always take good care of him.

I'm sure you're up there somewhere bragging about your amazing family and how loved you were.  Because you were.  Or maybe for now you're kicked back in your sunglasses, drinking a Corona (no lime, no glass) and listening to a baseball game or even playing a little golf.  Where ever you are...I know there is now peace for you.

For now we figure out how to move on in our life without you.  And I suspect of all the battles we've been through, this one will be the toughest.

Love you always.

For his obituary, click here.