March 31, 2012

A little celebration with some help from Lightning!

The Sunday before Owen's birthday we asked his grandparents to come over to the house and help us celebrate!  With so much going on around his birthday this year, we thought a low key celebration might be just what the doctor ordered.

I almost did a mash up of Toy Story, Cars and Thomas the Train...but decided to go with one things...just for simplicity sake.  You can guess what we chose from the title!!  Here are some pics of his Cars-style birthday party!  He LOVED every minute of it and is so blessed for his wonderful wonderful Grandparents...our wonderful parents!

March 30, 2012

Out on a date!

I mentioned in last week's Thankful Thursdays that Jer and I went on a date. So there was kids clothes shopping, So there was a traffic jam and massive thunderstorms. Oh and also...dinner at a mall restuarant that was ok...but not the best.  But life is what you make it right?? 

We still took a few pics, talked a lot more than we've been able to recently and enjoyed a few hours as husband and wife.  If you haven't date-nighted it in awhile, do it now! Don't wait!

March 29, 2012

Thankful Thursday...

Getting some photographs of our family!
Taking the boys out for mexican...though neither of them ate anything from the restuarant...Dadda and I enjoyed the dinner very much.
Owen's first day of preschool
Owen's 3rd birthday...spent together!
Getting out to the park for a little bit.
Getting my camera back out and taking some real pictures..I already have a scrapbook page idea for Owen's dandelion discovery!
The way Owen says birthday party...which I can't convey in flat written words. It must be heard to be appreciated.  But trust me when I's adorable!
The way Owen says..Buckle Your Seatbelt when we get in the car
That after several days of school he's exhausted, excited and doing wonderfully!
How strange and new dropping a child off at school is. Some how out there amongst the other parents and kids, it a new stage that signifies my parenthood.  As silly as that may sound!
A new top to sport for work
My morning stop for a fountain's a moment of serenity and just for me.
Learning new things at work...and keeping things interesting.
Getting some plans going for Jackie's baby shower...I'm excited!
My Downy Unstoppables...cannot do my laundry without them now!
Messaging with my cousin from California.
My red flats from Gap...a wardrobe staple since the weather has warmed up
Selling our Jeep! Woohoo.
Girls night with my bestie...dinner, sweats, margaritas and massages. More serenity!
Getting to hang with Coop for awhile before work one morning...we did his morning breakfast and nap all before Grandpa got there!
Watching my husband study and being proud of him for how hard he's working
That he's trying so hard to be super Dad and husband...and is unfailingly unselfish, as always
Having my normal 3 day weekend coming up and guaranteed time with my kiddos! I can't wait!

March 27, 2012

Turning 3, Owen-style!

So after the first day of preschool..what did we do the rest of our day together?  A little bit of everything we thought Owen would love!  

Upon his arrival back at home we had a few surprises waiting for him!

Basketball hoop

 New Thomas Track addition...

 These two spent a ton of the day just goofing around with the trains and tracks.

 We also tried out his basketball hoop, had lunch, drank lots of chocolate milk and before the afternoon came to a close, we took off to the park to enjoy some fresh air!

Owen took his tricycle for a ride.
 Still learning to steer!

 We had a crash.
 Back on our wheels
 Momma stoppin to enjoy the red buds!
 Here he comes!
 The tongue out...definite sign of concentration!
 Pointing to where he wants to go...since he can't steer himself that way just yet!
 Me and Mr. Dollface lounging on a blanket!

 Running for me...
 A little closer...
 Later Mom.
 And a crash!
 Owen discovered dandelions. And loved them!!!
 Blowing them away...
 When did he turn into this little boy?? 

 Cheeks full of air!
 Watching them go.
 More amazement.

 Love how green the grass is!

We ended the night with baths, cookie cake and snuggling on the couch watching Happy Feet 2. He loves any and all things ocean.  

Owen called his cake Berthdaay...Paartay!  And I absolutely adore it!

Happy 3rd Birthday Baby Boy.  I hope you know how special you are!!!