March 26, 2014

5 Years Ago Today...

At 12:38am...we welcomed this tiny little miracle into our lives. 
Owen Wyatt Linley
8lb 14oz, 21 Inches long
 5 Years ago today...we became parents and we started our lives building a family. 

 To say its hard to believe he's 5 is the understatement of the year.  But here we are, all the same.   5 years old.  Walking, talking, opinionated beautiful little creature that belongs to us. 

 With big blue eyes and the kindest, sweetest heart I know.   
 I love this kid fiercely and without reserve.  I hope he grows up always knowing that always!!  
Owen, I can't wait to celebrate big beautiful you today!!  Love you to pieces little man.

And because I love doing are some links to how we spent Owen's first couple bdays!  Year one here, here and here.  Year two here.  Year three here, here and here and here. I was really on it during this time...note to this more!  And finally Year four!  We are so blessed!!

March 18, 2014

Happy Two Months Greyson!!

Two Months old!!  If I ever thought that time went fast with my first two...boy does that third baby seem to move at the speed of light.  We are embarking on month 2 for Mr Greyson...and here is what everything looks like for him:

At his one month checkup he weighed: 10.7oz
He was 23.5 inches long and 98% for height.  He is taller than nearly all babies his age so he's off the charts.  We have a long and skinny right now folks.
*We go Friday for his two month check up...our first go round with stay tuned!
Diapers:  Size 1 & 2. We just switched over to size 2's!
Clothes:  All 3 month and his feet stretch out his jammies a lot in 3 this won't last long!
Talents: Smiling, cooing, batting at objects and kicking his legs!
*At his one month checkup we found out he had a double ear infection...and he was put on his first round of!!  At a followup to this appt we found out he weighed 11.07!  Go Greyson go!!
*He is definitely starting to recognize when someone leaves or enters a room.
*We have started taking Owen to school and both he and Mommy are adjusting to the every day hectic-ness of getting out into the world early in the morning!
*This out and aboutting is how we figured out he is not a huge fan of his car seat.
*He loves his swing
*And he still loves being swaddled up.
*He is a creature of habit so night around 9 or 9:30 every night you definitely know when it's time to wrap him up and let him sleep!
*Speaking of sleep, we have moved him on out of our room and on into his own room.  Sniff sniff! He is still sleeping from between 9 and 10 till at least 5 or 6am.  Pretty incredible!

And here is a link to Owen's 2 months stats and photos...and Cooper's 2 month info!  Resemble each other much???

Dear Greyson Oliver,
This past month has been an interesting one for all of us! Mommy is adjusting to life with 3 kids and getting to know you and your little personality better every day.  Somedays it's smooth sailing and some's kind of a circus.  But we're learning and growing as a family right???  Your little smiles and the sweet faces you have started making make my heart melt.  I love knowing just what you need (most of the time!!) and am enjoying our snuggle time. I fear you are going to be a mover and I know snuggle time is closing fast! Mommy is excited for all of the fun ahead as the weather warms up!! We ventured out one day this past month and it was awesome! Here's to us as embark on another month together :)

Love you little bubba!  More than life itself.
Your Momma

March 11, 2014

Evolution of a smile...

I have lots to blog about and lots of catching up to do...but tonight...and for now...these made me happy so that's what I'm going to post!   He's been working on this smiling bit for awhile now.  Monday was his first session with me where it lasted long enough to capture with a camera!  One for the record books.  First real deal smile session with Mom...week 7. He is now smiling at me when I greet him after a nap, pick him up from laying down and change his diaper. This little play session was precious and I can't wait for these smiles to come more and more!!  

And the winner for my favorite shot. I c.a.n.n.o.t resist that dimple!