Though I can hardly believe it...Owen turned 2 months old on Tuesday of this week!! May 26th. He also had his two month check up...complete with his first 3 shots! He did so good! Jer and I are so amazed everyday with the things he can do and the way he changes. It's going so fast! I try everyday to hang onto the little things he does that day...and enjoy every smile, laugh and chance I get to rock him to sleep, watch him see something new for the first time, or even just smile at me around his bottle. Time is going to fly...and I'm only starting to get a glimpse of just how fast it's going to go!
At two months old Owen:
Weighs 13lbs 13oz
Is wearing a size 2 diaper
Can control both his hands intermittenly
Loves to laugh ;)
Can hold his head up
Is 24 and 3/4 inches long
Is loosing some of his baby hair and growing in new ones
Can wear 3 to 6 month clothes
Loves to be outside
Amazes us every single day with how much he changes
Laughs when Purcey rubs on his feet
Here are some pictures taken on his 2 month birthday!

Usually, I see a ton of Jeremy in him...In these, however, he looks a lot like his Mama!
I can't believe how fast he is growing. Is he Josiah's size?? J/K I am glad you are treasuring everything. I goes way too fast.
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