And another note about the felt strange to find myself counted among the women who call themselves mothers. I suddenly realized that now I'm one of them...and one day my son will know what it means to give me Mother's Day. What I realized was not only do I LOVE the idea of having one more day a year that is like my birthday ;) but I also realized what a huge responsibility I have. Don't get me wrong, I knew having a child meant I would become a parent and assume a huge amount of responsibility for molding a little tiny person into a man. But I a mother, I have the responsibility of upholding the sanctity of motherhood as a whole. To be selfless, loving, noble and strong when everyone else around you falls apart. To be a role model, honest, dependable and amazing. To hold the bandaids and kiss away ouchies. To read the bedtime stories and make bathtime fun. To be on the other end of the line years from now when Owen has a bad day or a hard choice to make and needs advice. And a whole list of other qualities that make Mom's amazing. All of the sudden, I'm responsible for being all of the amazing things I've always seen in my own Mother. And instead of feeling like I should be showered this Mother's Day, I wanted to make sure I took time out of the day to say thanks for those who represent all of those things to me. So after our trip to the nursery we got to spend time with all the important women in our life and give them some special gifts to tell them we love them! Thanks Mom for being amazing. And being the kind of Mom that I hope to one day be for our kids!
May 13, 2009
Mother's Day - My First!
This year I had the humbling honor of celebrating my first Mother's Day. I had an amazing day! Jeremy made sure the day was relaxing and fun for me. I asked for time to go to a local greenhouse, pick out flowers for our house and do some planting. I also wanted to visit the other Mother's in our lives. Our flowers turned out amazing and I can't wait to watch them grow this summer! (Check out the post following this for more on that!)

And another note about the felt strange to find myself counted among the women who call themselves mothers. I suddenly realized that now I'm one of them...and one day my son will know what it means to give me Mother's Day. What I realized was not only do I LOVE the idea of having one more day a year that is like my birthday ;) but I also realized what a huge responsibility I have. Don't get me wrong, I knew having a child meant I would become a parent and assume a huge amount of responsibility for molding a little tiny person into a man. But I a mother, I have the responsibility of upholding the sanctity of motherhood as a whole. To be selfless, loving, noble and strong when everyone else around you falls apart. To be a role model, honest, dependable and amazing. To hold the bandaids and kiss away ouchies. To read the bedtime stories and make bathtime fun. To be on the other end of the line years from now when Owen has a bad day or a hard choice to make and needs advice. And a whole list of other qualities that make Mom's amazing. All of the sudden, I'm responsible for being all of the amazing things I've always seen in my own Mother. And instead of feeling like I should be showered this Mother's Day, I wanted to make sure I took time out of the day to say thanks for those who represent all of those things to me. So after our trip to the nursery we got to spend time with all the important women in our life and give them some special gifts to tell them we love them! Thanks Mom for being amazing. And being the kind of Mom that I hope to one day be for our kids!
And another note about the felt strange to find myself counted among the women who call themselves mothers. I suddenly realized that now I'm one of them...and one day my son will know what it means to give me Mother's Day. What I realized was not only do I LOVE the idea of having one more day a year that is like my birthday ;) but I also realized what a huge responsibility I have. Don't get me wrong, I knew having a child meant I would become a parent and assume a huge amount of responsibility for molding a little tiny person into a man. But I a mother, I have the responsibility of upholding the sanctity of motherhood as a whole. To be selfless, loving, noble and strong when everyone else around you falls apart. To be a role model, honest, dependable and amazing. To hold the bandaids and kiss away ouchies. To read the bedtime stories and make bathtime fun. To be on the other end of the line years from now when Owen has a bad day or a hard choice to make and needs advice. And a whole list of other qualities that make Mom's amazing. All of the sudden, I'm responsible for being all of the amazing things I've always seen in my own Mother. And instead of feeling like I should be showered this Mother's Day, I wanted to make sure I took time out of the day to say thanks for those who represent all of those things to me. So after our trip to the nursery we got to spend time with all the important women in our life and give them some special gifts to tell them we love them! Thanks Mom for being amazing. And being the kind of Mom that I hope to one day be for our kids!
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