August 28, 2010

Love isn’t borrowed, we aren’t promised tomorrow…

To my husband:
Life has thrown us some interesting twists this year. And I know it’s made us both unsure of what lies ahead. Sometimes the future looks really scary. But like I have many times in life…music and the lyrics…have found their way into my heart…and helped me make sense of the confusion that life can sometimes be. Though we may not be steady, or ever be ready for what life has to offer… we aren’t promised tomorrow and I’m blessed b/c I have your love to carry me through. I know whatever we face…it’ll be ok. Whatever the decision…whatever the “thing” we’re diving into…I’m glad it’s me and you. Like it always has been. Love you always.

Mat Kearney - Never Be Ready
We’ve got our feet on the wire, talking ‘bout flying

Maybe were diving in over our heads

Scared of what I’m feeling

Staring at the ceiling here tonight

Come on lay down these arms, all our best defenses
Were taking our chances here on the run
The fear is an anchor, time is a stranger
Love isn’t borrowed, we aren’t promised tomorrow

We’ll never be ready if we keep waiting

For the perfect time to come

Won’t be steady, we’ll never be ready
Where we don’t know, though we can’t see
Just walk on down this road with me
Won’t be steady, never be ready

You’re okay; you’re with me here in the silence
With all of the violence crashing around
Saying we can’t go, saying we don’t know
This road that is narrow is the one we should follow

We’ll never be ready if keep waiting
For the perfect time to come
Won’t be steady, we’ll never ready

Where we don’t know, though we can’t see
Just walk on down this road with me
Won’t be steady, we’ll never be ready

Won’t be steady, never be ready
Won’t be steady, never be ready
Won’t be steady, never be ready

(and for your listening pleasure...a link to the first minute of the song)

August 27, 2010

Lost in a World of Play

The other day Owen and I had a TV free afternoon at home. We listened to music, played and ran around the house a little while. But of all that he did, sitting down with books all around him and flipping through pages is what he did the longest. I always told myself that I love to read and I’d love to start early with Owen and inspire a love of reading…I think we’ve done a good job so far!!

August 25, 2010

Haircut Number 2

Owen got his second hair cut ever last Monday.  And boy does he look like a little boy :) Thank you Aunt Jackie for an awesome job once again on both of Owen and my hair!!  You take good care of us!!

**Also a shout out goes to Nana Robin for the adorable Cardinals shirt.  It looks perfect on him!!

So serious!!!

Okay Momma...stop taking pictures already!!!

August 24, 2010

The Breezeway Project Complete!

So remember back here? I posted about this remodeling project? Well Jer and I have slowly but surely been putting some of the finishing touches on it. Here are photos of the finished product:

We gave some new life to an old coffee table that my grandparents donated to us.  New legs, new paint, new home!

We finished painting and hung up a personalized magnetic chalkboard…perfect for hanging notes, flyers and things to remember. As well as leaving each other notes and writing down the weekly going-on’s at the Linley Household!

Benches courtesy of a cool magazine we found in the spring: We built these ourselves in just 2 hours! I was pretty proud of us both! They weren’t difficult by any means…and they are furniture we are currently utilizing!!

And some of my favorite touches were…these pillows:

Our new ceiling fan (so worth my husbands blood sweat and 7 hours of work. Thank you Jer!!)

the storage totes under the benches (Lowe’s for a steal…1.97 for the small totes and 6.99 for the big ones…you can’t beat it!)
There are few more little projects up my sleeve…but for the most part, this room is done! And I’m in love! It feels like home when you walk in now!

August 23, 2010

An "Awesome" Update

I went out and purchased this book for Jer.

I mentioned wanting to buy it here. We've said many times this year, the little things are so important. What better way to remind ourselves! 

What I will say about this book is simple. It’s AWESOME! Much to my satisfaction Jer has been reading this and finding it so amusing or profoundly relatable that he reads passages to me.  It’s been a great reminder for us both! Some of the passages...just to name a few are:  "Waking up before your alaram clock and realizing you've still got lots of sleep time left," "When the socks from the dryer all match up perfectly," "Reading the nutrional label and eating it anyway," "The three paycheck month" and "The Smell of books."  And there is one about Trick or had me in stitches!  There isn't really much I don't relate to in some way.  If you haven’t picked this up, or if you know someone who could use a little lifting up, this book is the perfect purchase! It’s amusing, light-hearted, and so very true and relatable! I hope you enjoy it as much as we have!

**I also just found out from his blog that he is going to be publishing The Book of Awesome 2. Can’t wait!  Oh and if you're reading here and you've read the book, post a comment and let me know what some of your favorite passages are!!

August 20, 2010

A Garden Update!

Jer and I are daily checking on things in our beloved little garden spot. It’s been such a fun project to watch these past few months. Everyday there are more tomatoes and the chocolate mint seems to be growing by the foot. We also have gotten about 10 or more strawberries ready to pop! I also (very excitedly) noticed that my Gerbers are blooming again! In fact, the cream one is blooming for the first time since we replanted it. BUT…there is MORE! Last night, we got the biggest surprise of all! We have new tenants in the birdhouse above our butterfly bush!! Well, we haven't actually seen the tenants, but there is a nest!

Garden de Linley!

August 18, 2010

When the weather turns steamy…

The Linley’s bust out the giant beach ball sprinkler and enjoy one of summer’s best pastimes!!

I have heard…

Absence makes the heart grow fond.

And I’ve been absent on my blog for a lot longer than I meant to!! How 3 weeks have passed in the time I’ve blogged is beyond me!! I’ve even let myself slip on my Thankful Thursdays. Though reasons are not necessary (I have lots of great "excuses") I’ve found the above statement 100% true. So anyway…consider my impromptu blogging mini-holiday over. I’m back and ready to get down to business!