August 24, 2010

The Breezeway Project Complete!

So remember back here? I posted about this remodeling project? Well Jer and I have slowly but surely been putting some of the finishing touches on it. Here are photos of the finished product:

We gave some new life to an old coffee table that my grandparents donated to us.  New legs, new paint, new home!

We finished painting and hung up a personalized magnetic chalkboard…perfect for hanging notes, flyers and things to remember. As well as leaving each other notes and writing down the weekly going-on’s at the Linley Household!

Benches courtesy of a cool magazine we found in the spring: We built these ourselves in just 2 hours! I was pretty proud of us both! They weren’t difficult by any means…and they are furniture we are currently utilizing!!

And some of my favorite touches were…these pillows:

Our new ceiling fan (so worth my husbands blood sweat and 7 hours of work. Thank you Jer!!)

the storage totes under the benches (Lowe’s for a steal…1.97 for the small totes and 6.99 for the big ones…you can’t beat it!)
There are few more little projects up my sleeve…but for the most part, this room is done! And I’m in love! It feels like home when you walk in now!

1 comment:

batlaswlkinson said...

Jess I love your breezeway! You and Jer did a fabulous job. So warm and inviting.