September 13, 2012

For the love of a water bowl...

I'm currently working on updating all of the amazing summer fun we had...and it's taking me some time to figure out the best way to get it all out here.  Worry not, we did the zoo, a water park, swim parties, BBQing, I even took Owen on a date the Friday before school started complete with pottery painting, cupcakes and a haircut...but my compilation of all those events got exponentially harder...because I lost the all the photos on my phone from these awesome events! 

So...while I gather my wits, dry my tears and figure out the best way to post this stuff without photos to help tell the story...I want to tell you another little story.  The one about how I lost all those pictures and everything other blessed thing on my phone.

It all starts with this little creature. Isn't he a doll face?? 

Well this little doll face is soon to be renamed wrecking ball. He's literally into everything..and when I say everything I'm not kidding.  It's literally everything. Every drawer, every shelf, every cabinet.  There is no place he hasn't gone unless the door knob rest about 35 inches off the ground.  He also has a very STRONG love for the dog food and water bowl that reside in our kitchen. I would be lying if I didn't say that I've pulled more than one piece of dog food out of his mouth...on more than one occassion.  (Sorry Cooper...embarassed as you may be later in life about this's true.  It really happened. You ate a piece or two of dog food in your time buddy! So don't let any boys dare you try some. You already have!)

Yes we could move the bowls...but there are few places where the dog goes but the kids don't. And I feel horrible leaving our 11 year old dog to find water in some obscure place. So...we resort to placing them on the counter top above the floor for some percentage of everyday. But for the life of me...I cannot keep Coop away. I swear he can smell the water when it's down! So I'm either dehydrating the dog or I finding myself pulling the latest object that has met Cooper's demise out of the dog's water dish.  Until last week we were talking crackers, dog food, his feet, his hands, his bink...but that all ended.  During an interesting "moment of crazy" (I'm going to sideline for a moment...and mention this crazy time happens daily in the some point during the everyday without fail...I loose the ability to keep track of what I was doing for who and who is where, doing what...It's a problem. But one I've yet to come up with a solution.  Apparently this is common for kids my kids age...especially two boys)

Where was I?  Oh yeah.  Moment of Crazy...well during these moments of crazy I often find my children doing random things like base jumping off our couch...OR putting sippy cups in toilets.  Well during this particular moment of crazy...I found Cooper (who 10 seconds before was happily dancing to some music and hanging onto my phone in the living room) with his hands and my phone in the dog's water dish. Yep. I know. Toddlers.'s a bit of a gamble to combine. But I just never dreamt he'd dunk it in water.  Drop I got a shock proof case.

Anyway...after about a week and some phone insurance, the phone was returned me like it was a brand new phone.  Fresh out tha' box...but i had my home need to panic. WRONG.  I should have begun panicking when I left the store.  Because much to my dismay, I discovered when trying to recover my phone to it's old status via my laptop (which the sales guy repeatedly told me I should have backed up to iCloud and I repeated debated punching him in the nose) my backup on my laptop was corrupt.  No dice. No data.

And that my dear friends is the story of how I lost every contact I ever had in my phone...along with a couple books, a whole summer's worth of photos.

What now? Well now I am the proud owner of a spanking new iPhone.  And I have spent a week or so slowly trying to recover things.  I feel though...I'll never get them back to exactly the way they were.

I'm the poster child for those new LifeProof cases aren't I?  What's that you say? You don't have one??  Have toddler? Have an iPhone? Go get one. Like right now. 

Oh and while you're at it...back your stuff up to iCloud.  Like stat.

But change is good right???  So are clean slates.  At least that's what I keep telling myself!