September 5, 2014

Getting Back to Real Life

School is officially in session for two of my 3 kids. Summer weather is set to take a dip this weekend.  I'm working hard on getting back into the routine of real life.  No more lazy mornings turned into zoo tripping days or splash pad visits just because.  I think Labor Day Weekend we actually took our last outdoor dips in the swimming pool.  My blog even took a hiatus this summer.  Heck since Greyson was born I sort of dropped the ball.  But like I is in session, life is beginning to return to a familiar rhythm and so too shall this blog.  I'm not quite sure how I'll catch us all the way up...but over the next few weeks that's my plan.  I have a few things on my mind to share and then I'm going to spend a week or two updating this place...without further random thoughts:

It's all finally clicking!
Something I noticed about me over the summer...or something I realized I guess (and I'm sure it's the same for many people as they add additional tiny people to their family) is that one at a time, each member of your family enters your life and as they enter there is a change.  At first it feels foreign.  This new baby instantly fits because you love them and have a fierce desire to care for them.  But the rest feels foreign.  The rhythms of the house change.  Leaving-the-house routines are uprooted.  What you need to leave the house and have a successful outing is different.  The sounds in your home at night are different.  Heck the simple act of bathing, feeding and putting little ones in bed changes.  Everything feels different.  New.  After bringing home Greyson it was no different than when we brought home the other two.  There was change.  But this summer, it all clicked.  Getting out the door with 3 kiddos no longer frightens me.  It exhausts me some days.  But most days it's no big deal.  Getting 3 kiddos dinner, baths and even finding time to play with 3 kiddos isn't near as daunting a task.  We're growing and grooving in a way at first I was never sure would happen!  Don't get me wrong. There are plenty of days when my head hits the pillow and I'm thankful to lay my tired body down and get some rest. And there are plenty of days when leaving looks like a circus, going out in public is a circus and the simple act of being in our house is a circus.  But, as a mother of 3 for now, it's finally all clicking.  Routines feel good.  Life feels comfortable and though we don't have our act completely the saying goes...together we have it all.  So now God, that doesn't mean we need to mix things up and learn some hard life lesson this year ok??  I'm thankful and blessed and would love to feel like this for a little while longer if that is in Your plan.  Thanks.  Jess

Summertime was awesome!
We spent so much time this summer soaking up the fun.  I think I was finally able to embrace the beauty of staying home with my kids.  The first year after I quit, between pregnancy, house renos and bringing home a new baby...there wasn't much time for anything but surviving each day and hitting milestones.  This summer we just gloriously soaked up 3 months of sleeping in, playing with friends and making memories.  I wasn't an exhausted pregnant mom trying to muster enough motivation to swap laundry and get everyone dressed.  I was just me.  Enjoying snuggles on the couch.  Bucket list making and the amazing fun of checking off nearly every item off our list!

An exciting school year!
We just embarked on our first official year of real school for Owen and I'm nervous for my little boy.  But I know I need to let go.  He's strong and resilient.  He is going to do this and do it well because he likes doing well.  He also loves school.  But prayers for us as we navigate these waters would be great.  Owen's story isn't the simplest and our journey is truly just beginning.  I need strength to trust his teachers.  Patience as everyone learns and grows into these changes.  And more strength to be the parent Owen needs.  Last night as I watched him exhaustedly complete a math page just before bedtime I felt sad.  He's only 5.  We're asking him to give up TV time, playtime with his brother and simple freedoms of being a kid a.l.r.e.a.d.y. Ugh. But I want him to know homework is important. It's something we have to do.  But part of me feels like he's so little to start talking about this.  So like I said...prayers as I navigate the emotions I've got going on as well.  They are tremendous.

Also, as this is all taking place, Cooper began preschool.  He is loving it.  And doing great!  I LOVE that he is at our church preschool.  There is so much love there.  The familiar faces of church family are wonderful greetings and I'm so excited for him!  Also I never want Cooper to feel like his milestones are overshadowed by the things that encompass Owen's schooling.  Cooper will probably never have an IEP or deal with the same obstacles that Owen faced.  For that I am so very grateful.  But I need prayers to make sure that we always make him feel like we are as involved and concerned for him as we have been for Owen.  We absolutely are.  I just never want him to feel as though we aren't.  So praying folks who are still out there occasionally checking this blog?  I appreciate anything you send up to the big guy!

I think that's about it.  We have a wedding to celebrate this weekend and lots to do.  But this blog is being pushed back up in my priority list!  There are too many memories I don't want to miss!  Stay tuned.