November 29, 2009

Mr. O is MOBILE!!

For the past few months Owen has been working on doing lots of different things. Pulling to a stand, walking while we hold his hands, putting one hand in front of the other so his rocking actually gets him forward motion, and many other stages of mobility. He’s also been working on making himself go from a crawling-on-all-four’s position to sitting. This allows him to move in the complete opposite direction he was just facing. This has spurred even more forward motion. I would say since this weekend we are officially to an out and out hand over hand crawl, and between a few hand over hands and a few wiggling worm looking moves, then the spin around and sit down deal, he’s moving forward and FAST! The other night I put him in the middle of the living room floor in front of the couch…made him a bottle and came around to find him staring at me from on the backside of the couch and heading into the hallway. He actually scared me so much I jumped. He thought this was hilarious and of course laughed! I’m used to him being where I left him! I also found him sitting on the pedestal base of the fan in our bedroom…yanking on the CORD! And while getting ready for Thanksgiving dinner he crawled his way right on in from the living room to my feet at the bathroom sink.  Looks like it is baby-proofin’ time!

November 28, 2009

8 Months OLD!

Our baby is 8 whole months old! It's unbelievable how fast the time goes.  Some milestones and stats.

Owen weighs in at 21.5 pounds
He is crawling
Walking with help
In LOVE with Bee Movie
Needs his crib dropped to the lowest setting
Falling asleep nearly on his own most nights
Had a second cold
Hates his nasal aspirator (who wouldn't?)
Eating puffs, yogurt melts, lil' crunchies from Gerber, and all manner of other things we dice up small enough for him!
Drinking from a sippy cup
Smiling and laughing more than ever!

Pictures coming soon!

November 27, 2009

Thankful Thursdays on Friday...the Turkey Day edition!

Today is an especially appropriate Thankful it's occurred on the Thanksgiving Holiday!  So here's what I'm thankful for...this week...and this Thanksgiving holiday!

Learning to make my Mom's porkchops and sharing them with Jer.  He loved them!

Trying new recipes and one of them turning out absolutely delicious

Tousel me Softly Spray Gel from Herbal Essence

It was short week at work

Only one night of class

Free Blues Tickets and a date with my husband

Shopping with Mom at the grocery store at 9:30pm on a Wednesday night to avoid the crazies...although I kinda think we were the crazies!

Ringing in Owen's first Turkey Day!

Watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade on T.V.

Lazy morning's spent cooking

Appetizers with Grandpa Mike, Grandma Stacey and Aunt Casey

Dinner with Grandma PJ, Grandpa Davey and Uncle Josh

Thankful that on our menu was:
Turkey and gravy
Sweet Potatoes
Brocoli and Rice Casserole
Corn Casserole
White House Rolls

Getting this picture of Uncle Josh and Owen

Happy Turkey Day a day late!

November 24, 2009


It’s official Owen is WAVING. And of’s adorable. Last Sunday night he was in his bouncer playing. And he looked up at me and waved. I said Hi and he waved some more. This followed with repetition about 10 times. He’d play for about 30 seconds. Then look up at me…to see if I was watching. When he saw I was, he would stick his chubby little arm in the air and fold his hand in half. Sometimes his whole arm would just wave in a circle, other times it was just his hand folding in half over and over. Every time it came with a smile, a puffed out proud as punch chest and a little giggle. It was precious. Such a fun and an amazing memory! Thank you God for the little things!

November 23, 2009

Gettin' Crafty!

This past weekend Steff and I set out on a quest to create a craft. She had created a goal for herself to spend time crafting. One of the crafts that made the list was this one.  A few glasses of wine, hemp string and two bottles of tacky glue later, we achevied success!  I'm think they turned out marvelously and I cannot wait to create two more and hang them in our bedroom.  I'm on the search for a cool light kit and to have an interesting feature to give our room a cozy feel! Check out our before and still-progress pictures. I'll post completed photos once we both get ours hung up!

Holiday To-do’s:

Remember when I talked about the holidays here? Well this is the list I started after that blog post went out. I’m sure this list will grow. But I’m hoping the following things keep me on track as the holiday season is truly upon us!

Start a recipe list – check

Start a holiday cooking list – check

Get holiday gatherings on our calendar – check

Do a grocery trip for non-perishables to save myself the headache later –

Buy cards – ordering them online thanks to a fabulous email from Steff ;)

Make Tags –

Make my gift list for Jer and Owen –

Make a gift list for everyone – check

Go and see a Christmas Movie –

Make cookie/goody bags for various people I see often…parking garage attendant at school and other's

Make fudge with Mom – still need to set a date

Make cookies/candy with the girls – December 6th

Plan a Linoski night out to celebrate my b-day and graduating school – December 18th

See historic St. Charles during their Christmas festival – December 18th

Take Owen to see Santa – December 4th

Take Owen through Rock Springs Park to see Lights –

This is a good start anyway!

November 22, 2009

Puff lovin’ little boy!

We have started working with Owen on eating different types of foods besides his baby food. He seems interested in what we’re eating and we thought the best place to start besides soups and yogurt would be to try the Gerber Puffs. They teach him to work with his hands and also to chew up something that mushes pretty easily! We started with them two Saturday[s ago and have since tried them with every meal. We put him in his highchair, sprinkle a few on his tray and let him busy himself with touching them, putting them in his mouth and just working out the whole business of chewing! 5 of every ten make it to his mouth and the rest end up on his lap, on the floor or mushed in between his chin and neck. Sunday evening when we were getting ready for his bath, one dropped out on the floor from under his sweat pants! It’s a blast to watch him work on this new skill. This week he has gotten very crafty at getting them from the tray into his mouth.  When he accomplishes this, he looks up at me and smiles from ear to ear!  His face says...I GOT it Momma!! Anyway…it's yet another adorable thing our son loves to do! So of course I had to take pictures of his mushy messy puff buffet. Below a picture of Owen vs. Sweet potato and Banana flavored puffs!

November 21, 2009

Thankful Thursdays a few days later...

Seeing Aunt Jenni

A day to catch up

A text message that made me cry

Having my feathers fluffed by Steff

Another week down of classes!

A relaxing weekend ahead

Finding out our company didn’t raise $6000 but over $8000 for the USO

Owen waving hi at me across a room

Long boot-length socks from NY&C

Seeing UABC Family on Sunday

My umbrella

Fires in the fireplace

Wallflowers from Bath and Body

Thanksgiving dinner at work

$3 for 30 prints at Walgreens

Laughing till we cried while thinking about Owen’s little chubby fingers and hands putting a puff into his mouth

Seeing Owen’s concentrating frown

Hearing my husband say good things about me to someone else

November 13, 2009

"Splish! Splash! I was takin' a Bath"

Thanks Aunt Steff and Uncle B for the cool cool tugboat bathtoy you gave me for Halloween!  I love to play with all the pieces in the water...and the tugboat is fun out of the water too.  I think the cups with the holes on the bottom are my favorite!


P.S. I also love my squeaky rubber ducky dressed up like a pirate that I got from my Linley family in Walnut!  Thank you everyone!  My bathtime ROCKS!

November 12, 2009

Thankful Thursdays

Welcome to my first of what I hope to be many...Thankful Thursdays.  The inspiration grew from other blogs I follow...thanks Alison, Julie and Brad!  Everyone had their own little twist on them and enjoy them I thought I could try it too.  Since Thursday is my official Friday b/c I only work 4 days a week, I thought keeping track and celebrating a wonderful week would be the perfect way to start my weekend!  I kept a good track of all the little things, big things and in-between things that made my week special, easier or funnier this week.  Enjoy!

This week I am thankful for:
Husband packed lunches
New green sweaters from NY&C
Finding said green sweater on sale, plus a coupon...bonus!
Short lines at McDonalds
XL Cokes with extra ice
Parents who care about what works for my family this holiday season
A best friend who always knows just what to say
Being a part of an organization who came together to raise nearly $6000 for the USO Thanksgiving Basket Drive

Gerber puffs and watching Owen eat them
Reading my friend Alison's blog about listening to gossip at Bread Co. (this has be blogged about more than one's highly entertaining!)
Text messages about quirky bartenders w/ Steff
Another week of school under my belt - 4 weeks to go!!!

Owen vs. the sprite can story Jer told me, making me laugh out loud!
Cancelled Thursday night class
The weekend and the promise of a massage on Saturday

Glee returning to new shows this week - YAY!

Owen learning to wave

Sunshine and sunglasses
Finding my new and promptly misplaced shades in a jacket pocket
Being laughed at by Jer because I swore I looked everywhere for them

November 11, 2009

The Holidays

Yesterday I was cruising through the store looking for snacks before class and I noticed something. I noticed displays loaded with nuts and ready-made pie crusts and baking essentials. Everything is prepped and ready for the approaching holiday season. This scene brought about that warm familiar feeling. And I thought ahhh…the holidays! Yummy food, warm sweaters, family gatherings, wrapping of presents. The good stuff in life! I was also suddenly realizing that’s it’s already November…that in a few weeks Christmas lights will begin being put up, that we’ll be going to cut down a Christmas Tree at the tree farm soon. There are great things in store and they’ll be happening sooner than we think. This also started my brain running through the list of get-togethers and dates and baked goods and Christmas lists. And I was tired. While I love the holidays and all the busyness and festivities, I also always find myself exhausted and glad they are over! So at that moment at the grocery store then and there, I resolved to make sure I made a list of what I wanted to do for sure, what I am ok if we don’t do, and some things I can do ahead of time to make it all go smoothly! I know b/c I’ll be wrapping up my final term of school it’s going to be busier than normal. But it is Owen’s first holiday season and I don’t want to forgo my whimsical love of goofy traditions and holiday cheer b/c I’m busy with school.  In other words, I don't want to be this guy...although I think that sometimes he has the right idea!

Anyway…another offering from the Happiness Project was recently posted and I thought it appropriate to include. You can check it out here. It got me thinking about traditions. What’s your favorite holiday tradition?? How do you keep the holidays from getting overwhelming?? Any techniques you want to share?

November 10, 2009

Lovin’ this lady!

So I often wander on over to this blog called the Happiness Project. She posts daily blogs about a project she started while trying to write a book. I’m hoping to get the book for Christmas…it’s definitely on my list! I won’t get into too much detail…because it’s on my blog bar and/or you can read about it here. I cannot remember what first brought me to her, however, I often find myself going back over to check out what she has to offer. I love her Personal Commandments and the force with which she took charge of her own life and made changes for the better. Everyone could use a little refocusing now and then. And I often find that her posts put life in a whole new light!  In the past few weeks she’s posted some great things and I think a couple of them won’t disappoint. Check them out here, here and here. Enjoy!

November 8, 2009

My Grown-Up Phone

After 2 long years I ditched my texting, teenagerish phone properly titled Rumor. I also ditched my antique planner from Day Runner with all its paper and post-its and mess. I now am the proud owner of a slick and sleek new smart phone. It’s my first. And though I’ve only had it a few days, I know I won’t be able to function without it from now on. The need was growing more and more. I was struggling for a way to keep my life in better order. This seems to be one of the first of many answers that were obvious and staring me in the face! Here it is, in all its glory. Like any phone you will find good and bad reviews. But both Jer and I have them and are hoping the good reviews ring true.

November 7, 2009

Halloween Linoski Style

The Linoski's have become fans of the hit show Grey's Anatomy.  We are not watching the current season though we are nearly all caught up!  This year while vacationing at the Lake the four of us came up with a brillant plan to bring the doctor's of Seattle Grace a little closer to home!  We dressed for Halloween in full, real-deal scrubs complete with name tags and everything! We attended Alton's Halloween parade dressed in our gear.

Here we no particular order:

Dr. Mark Sloan - aka McSteamy

Dr. Owen Hunt

Dr. Cali O'Malley (pre-Dr. Haun)

Dr. Meredith Grey

The Linoski's/Seattle Grace's Finests

November 4, 2009

7 Weeks to go…HOLLA!

You read that right. HOLLA! Holla like what they say in rap songs. I learned how best to use it while spending a weekend at the Lake of the Ozarks. It’s appropriate for yelling out of car windows, at the guy at the piano bar who is asking to yell if you were born after 1981 and there are many other fantastic places to use this word. Thus I’m using it here!
I am officially 7 precious weeks away from considering myself a Webster University Graduate!!! During my final weeks of Fall 1…I turned in a 9 page paper on the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and took my 3rd test in HR management. And in Business Law received the greatest compliment I’ve gotten about school work so far! On the top corner of my test, he said my essays were some of the best work he’d ever had. Rock on! Finals week went very smooth. I finished both my finals and made it home by 8:30pm. Very nice. On Wednesday, my business law teacher even had the proxy for the exam bring in pizza for us. Bonus!!

I enjoyed a very fun break week. I found it interesting…the week off didn’t motivate me, in actually de-motivated me a bit. I think the lack of schedule and responsibilities went to my head! I felt the need to be lazy lazy lazy. And we did a lot of lounging. By the end of last week though I was back to motivated. I cleaned house, caught up laundry, went to the pumpkin patch, hung out with the girls. It was fantastic.

Last week was my first week of the remaining 8 that make up my final term of college classes to complete my bachelor’s. I’m trying to soak up the fact that I never have to take Monday night classes again, and let that propel me with motivation for the coming weeks. The classes this term will be interesting. Wednesday’s I have my capstone class called about strategic Management. On Thursday is installment 2 of Business Law. Wednesday’s class only has 5 people and the first night left me curious about the rest of the term. Thursday was very familiar. Although the subject matter wasn’t near as intriguing…he warned us that would happen! We talked all about orders to pay and promises to pay. It was a barrel full of fun!

Anyway…though this is a bit delayed…here is what my Fall 1 taught me about school and me and everything else:

That night school students survive on vending machines. Even if you try like hell to avoid it…you MUST carry cash for that emergency burst of caffeine.

That I don’t care for EEOC as a topic for a paper

That in general, HR isn’t my thing

16 hours away from home are NOT fun.

I’m proud of myself for what I’m doing

I can’t wait to finish

I miss my son.
I miss my husband.

I miss my freedom.

I’m motivated to enjoy life to the fullest after this thing called school is over with.

And I have NO idea what I’m going to do with myself when I get done with school. This goal has been one that has encompassed my last 4 and a half years. So it’s hard to see myself without it in the back of my mind. Regardless…I can’t wait!

Steff has been doing a lot of goal setting on her blog. I have found her lists inspirational and motivating. Check them out here. I'm hoping to do a few of the crafts along with her. I love how she's keeping track through her blog! I’m also hoping to post a post-graduation goals list to my blog soon.  It’s in the forming stages at this point…I keep finding new things to add to my list.  Stay tuned!

Anyway, I’m cruising through Fall 2. I’m motivated, exhausted, excited, determined and pretty much a mixed bag of emotions at this point. Wish me luck!

November 3, 2009

Monkey Business

We celebrated Owen's first Halloween this year!  It was a fun weekend that encompassed all the usual holiday flare.  We trick or treated and even saw the town's annual Halloween parade.  On top of it we celebrated Jer's birthday!  Owen and I had balloons and cupcakes waiting for him when he got home from work. 

Friday night was trick or treating.  He got some awesome "treats" and enjoyed a very fun time visiting with family.  On our stops were Grandma PJ, Great Grandma Flo and Pap, Uncle Jonnie and Aunt April (we also got to meet the new Gillian baby Juan - dressed as a Tootsie Roll - too cute!), Grandma Linda and Grandpa Gary, Grandpa Mike and Grandma Stacey, Uncle B and Aunt Steff, Grandpa Davey at work, and Uncle Paul and Aunt Jackie!  Owen was one tired out monkey by the end of the night!!  Thank you everyone we visited...for the candy for Mom and Dad and the toys for our crazy little monkey!  We sure had fun visiting and sharing Owen's first Halloween with you.

Happy Birthday Dadda!

My boys

I LOVE these feet!

Why exactly do I have these footies on my feet again?

Walkin' in my monkey suit.

All smiles

November 2, 2009

7 Months Old!

Owen turned 7 months old last Monday!  I know, I know.  I'm way behind on the post, but I didn't want to do it without the pictures! On his actual 7 month birthday, he had a particularly fussy evening (I think his bedtime is shifting to a little earlier in the evening then we are used to) so we didn’t get our normal pictures of him on the day…but I took them this weekend! Owen is growing like a weed. I am beginning to see Jeremy in him more and more everyday. Here a list of some milestones we’ve crossed!
Sitting up all by himself like a big boy. He can nearly sit up from a crawling position now!

Walking with hands held. He has been pulling himself to a stand for a long while now…but last weekend he was facing forward and took off while Jer was holding his hands. He made almost 2 full circles around the house before he quit.  We couldn’t stop laughing!

Had his first cold, first sinus infection and first 10 days of antibiotics!

Began sleeping solidly through the night. Last night he slept for a record 11 hours…and was still sleeping when we left the house!

Shows us how smart he is by watching us do something first a few times, then doing whatever we're doing. Exactly how we did it.

Makes us laugh more and more every day.

Making life a big happy adventure that we could never imagine without him!