April 30, 2013

April 2013 Phone Photo Dump

How is it that April is nearly over already? Where did this month go???

Daddy has a work trip this month and at bedtime one of the evenings he was gone, we enjoyed fudgesicles...without him :(  But we sent him a picture to let him know we were thinking of him!

Not sure what happened to the saying April showers. In our area it was  more like April Tornadoes. We had one blow right on through the area...again while Daddy was out of town on the above mentioned trip.  I could write a whole post about the mayhem of me trying to rush an almost 11 year old dog and two toddlers into the basement while trying to think of everything I might need in case of an emergency or that we got barricaded into our basement for an extended period (flash lights, candles, water, snacks, pillows and blankets...madness I tell you).  I think I did ok...but I now feel the immediate need to create an emergency kit to keep on hand...you know...just in case anything like this happens again.  The boys probably just thought yep...Mom's acting crazy again...but we get to play for 30 minutes in the basement (with all of our outdoor toys that are wintering over down there) and NOT go to bed. AWESOME!!!
A random Friday morning play session...Coop sits and play with his trains nearly every morning for at least 30 minutes! :)
Close up!
Bedtime was near...and he was all hunkered down enjoying a little TV time.  I couldn't help but think..man its good to be little!
One of my new faves to grace our Wow Wall :)
This puzzle was in Owen's Easter basket..and he loves to put it all together.  He's getting so amazing at puzzles!! This one is fun to put together then read after. We love us some Dr. Suess!!
Saturday morning baking!
What happens when you have toddlers and can't hear your timer!!
You know it's bedtime at our house when the boys start doing hot laps around the living room, kitchen, dining room circuit.  We have tried to curb those laps and over all mayhem by creating pallets and laying down with a movie before we even start the process of going to sleep.  Look at Owen's face...
One point Kiddos...No points parents!
The following two pictures were a me, myself and I type of night. While Jer celebrated Josh's bachelor party...after the boys hit the hay...I enjoyed indulging in my favorite foods/drink and curling up on the couch with a good movie! It's the little things!

Ever had the Dominoes philly cheese steak pizza?  It's kind of unbelievably good!  And red wine/chocolate brownies?  Count me in!!

This bad boy is catching water in our fridge...that drips down into it. If it goes uncaught it fills up the whole fridge.  Time for a new fridge?  Possibly. 
And I think that wraps up my April photo dump. 

May, we are ready for ya!!  Bring us some fun :)

April 29, 2013

Afternoon Bird Feeder Building

I have seen different versions of this all over the place...but this Friday was the perfect day for us to try our hand at this little project!  I found these wooden letters in the craft section and got one in each kiddos initial.  I also purchased a bag of bird seed.  The peanut butter and twine were already waiting for us at home. So simple!!

Owen was so excited to give this a try...and it was easy and not too involved...which just so happens to be perfect for short attention spans!
Supplies you need:
Toddler hands for helping...
Spreading the bird seed.
Ready to hang up!
No idea what this pose was...but this is what I got. I'm pretty sure there was a super hero name thrown around before he said cheese!  Ahh...4 years olds. You never know what you'll get when you ask them to pose for photos!
Thanks Owen.  Mommy had a blast making this fun little craft with you!! 

April 28, 2013

Zoo Trip with the Fam'!!

We took off a week ago Sunday for a trip to the zoo...my and Owen's second of the season.  Look people...we are excited to cash in our awesome Zoo Member benefits :)  Our whole family did the Zoo Members deal and I'm hoping this is the first of many trips ahead!

Posing for a Linley Family picture.  Everybody head up by the elephant...
Line up, Everybody line up.  Think Bubble Guppies...with less coordination than a kindergarten class!
Owen!  Cooper! Hello....
 Um Owen. Cooper.  Yo.  You both know your name right??
 6th time's the charm? 
 Okay...maybe not.  We gotta practice before Gulf Shores guys!!

We got up close and personal with Sea Lions...and the kids thought it was amazing. Who am I kidding? So did I!!!

 Can I help you?? We're busy looking at animals. DUH!

Hmm...you funny looking humans...what are you up to today?

The weather was PERFECT!  And the zoo animals were very congenial and seemed as happy about the weather as we were!  Many came right on up to the front of their exhibits and said hello!  

Sleepy Mr. R took a nap hanging out with Mommy! This kid is getting so big it's hard to believe!! When he's awake he's got the BEST smile :)

I always call Isabel Lady when I see her. She is probably like look Aunt Jessie...my name is Isabel.  Duh!!

She was telling me quite a story...though I'm not sure what it was about...she was excited!

Checking out a Zebra (not pictured!)...we called him Marty...b/c we like movies. Especially about animals!
 The men in my life...I'm a lucky girl!

For as much fun as the animals seemed to have...I think Cooper might have liked saying hi more.  This is one of the 20 times he said hi to whatever animals we were checking out!

We also remembered WHY we are hesitant hate to visit River Edge...it's about 10 minutes too long for the kids and adults to tolerate.

By the time we hit the train...we had two sleepy kiddos!! The other one was riding with Grandma.  Our rider looks like he almost fell asleep.  I'm still not sure who he looks like. Me? Jer? 
Cheek smooches...my fave!
 Seriously Mom...with the pictures.
Daddy was sleepy too!
We were in the car about 5 minutes....and this is what we got: 

Asleep with a mouth full of nutra-grain bar...

Cheese cracker in hand...his second one never made it to his mouth!

Wonderful trip with wonderful people :)  This crew is blessed!  Happy Zoo trips everyone!!