June 26, 2013

Nine Years, Six Weeks

Besides highschool, it's the longest thing I've ever done in my life.  9 years is nothing to sneeze at.  For nine years I commuted, badged in, worked for and represented the Boeing Company.  And tomorrow, I turn in my badge, say good bye and close this chapter of my life.

Last night I started packing up my desk.  I ran across some super glue I ordered especially for a certain manager because he just always thought we should have it around...ya know...just in case.  I found a cardboard cutout of a comedian's face that someone hung on my cube wall to make me laugh.  I recycled two binders and several hanging folders full of work I poured my heart into supporting the Admin community I worked in for a majority of my years here. I put away awards I'd earned and closed shop on nine years of memories.  In those nine years I worked hard, laughed a lot, cried a little, and learned a whole heck of a lot about myself.  In those nine years, I went from Jessie, the 21 year old fresh out of college girl, to Jessie, the 30 year old married, mother of 2 girl.  It's amazing how fast it all passed yet how many memories I came across as I packed away my things.

It's been an amazing ride and I'm going to miss a lot of things about it...the pride of working for a fantastic company who does such an important job for our country...the friendships I've made...the reminder that I was needed and important to the daily operation of something so much bigger than myself.

BUT...all that being said...I could not be more excited to embark on this next chapter of my life.  God led me right to this moment.  I sort of feel like this tiny person on the edge of a canyon.  All the things I've known are behind me and surround me...and it's comfortable, beautiful and good.  But below me is this amazing, new place I haven't been able to explore...and its just there waiting for me to take the leap. 

June 27th, ready or not.  Here I come!

June 20, 2013

June...some updating!!

I looked at the calendar today and then looked at our blog...holy moly!  The month is half over!! This month has been a big one for us...and there will be more on that later...but between family developments, major job changes on the horizon and the beginning of some pretty big house projects...the days have gotten the best of me and I feel the blog has taken a back seat! Before I get too far behind I wanted to do a little bit of updating...
Last day of Work
I officially have 5 and a half working days left at my current job.  It's scary and exciting all in the same breath.  I know all signs have been pointing me this direction...but it doesn't make it any less major of a decision and a life change for me and my family!!  God, I'm gonna need ya on this one!

Last week, Owen went to two follow-up appointments at Children's

First, the ENT:
Tuesday, June 11 he went to a follow-up with his ENT.  This follow-up was a bit more concerning than I really would have liked...but as for all things with my kiddos, if it is for the best for them, then we shall do what the doctor recommends.  Owen's appt began with a hearing test...which showed he had some fluid on his ears, making it show he had some minor hearing loss in one of his ears.  The fluid isn't causing a problem right now, but there is a chance it will in the future.  He also looked at his throat and tonsils (which were found to be larger than average for a kid his age) and he asked me if he snored.  He does.  And he also asked if there were pauses in his snores.  There are.  So, with that in mind, he ordered a sleep study.  The thought being that he could be dealing with a number of sleep related issues that do not let him sleep well enough to give him the rest he needs. 

We go to Children's for an overnight sleep study Monday, August 26th.  I am not sure how this is going to go, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say not well...I could be completely wrong though.  For now all we know is that we arrive at 7:30am...with PJ's, Owen's favorite night times comforts and one of his parents.  We can certainly follow directions...so at the least we'll get that part right ;)

Second, the Children's Eye Center:
Since Owen's surgery, we go back yearly for follow-ups. These help ensure there are no problems, his vision hasn't changed etc.  This appointment went well and other than an hour long wait for his appt...we are happy to report his eyes looked great.  We go back next March for his next follow-up! This time we get to wait 9 months!  Woohoo!!

And last but certainly not least...we officially have around 3 and a half weeks before we leave for the beautiful Gulf Coast on a family vacation. I cannot wait!!  I went through the drive thru behind someone from way out of state and wondered what they were doing...thinking oh maybe a road trip! Fun! Then I felt that rush of ...YES!! we get to do this in a few weeks. I can't wait to pack our suitcases, hit the road and be the "out of towners" on a beautiful beach, get some sun on my shoulders and spend a full week with my family with nothing to do and no where to be! Woohoo!!

June 14, 2013

Conversations with a 4 Year Old

Sometimes these conversations that I have with Owen just blow me out of the water.  He's come so far with his speech in half the time of kids his age.  It's amazing and I'm so proud!!  But talking with him these days gives you a great perspective into his little amazing mind and personality. And frankly it just flat out cracks me up.  He is full of it...just like his Daddy.  And we are in SO much trouble with him!!

Me: Owen, are you really sure you want to go McDonalds for dinner??  Mommy was thinking maybe Burger King.

Owen: Um. No. Mom. I suuure.  No Kings place. Donalds.

Me: Well can we go there for Mom?  That sounds good to her.

Owen: Um. Nooo.  They have sandwiches at Mcdonalds for you Mom.


I'm sure you can guess where we went!

One Point Owen.  No points Mom.

June 13, 2013

A Friday Morning Zoo Trip

We took off last Friday morning...with our Linley crew (minus Daddy who was busy working!!)...to explore the zoo.

We had to meet Ryder and his parents this time around so we waited at the South Gate Entrance area.  I told Owen more than twice to stop hanging over the edge.  Boy does that kid NOT listen!  I'm just glad he didn't feel the need to go for a swim!
What Momma??
Um...give me that back...you know how much I NEED my binky!!
I'm not sure why you are asking me to smile Aunt Jessie...but I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna do it.
 Nope. Still not gonna.
I tickled her tummy and she hid her face...so I still didn't catch that smile. BUT I do love that pony tail :)
Why are just sitting here Momma??
YAY! Ryder is here :) Adventure awaits!
Giraffes were first on the list to visit.  Owen and Miss Lady had the same idea!
I look like my Daddy don't ya think??
Classic STL Zoo photo!!
Gorilla laying on the grass being lazy right in front of the glass!!
Walkin' with Grandma!
Hey, you have my hat.
Hey YOU have MY hat.
Oh wait. We have the same one. LOVE this pic!
Waiting for Sea Lions!!
Everything went awesome until Owen decided he wanted to go down and see the Sea Lions up close and personal. We had a pretty major meltdown after I tried explaining it wasn't his turn to feed the Sea Lions and we ended up having to bail early b/c the boy in front of us was mad he was crying so loud.  Ahh toddler-hood.  Apparently meltdowns happen whether you are 4 or 1 in our family...and after a nice soaking rain storm...it was time to head home!!  We'll try the Sea Lions another day!!

Thanks STL Zoo for another great visit!! It never gets old and it's always fun :)

Flood Waters of 2013

In 1993 Alton had a very historic flood. The largest in our town's history. I remember the flood very vividly.  Anheiser Busch trucked cans and large gallon jugs of water to a parking lot of a shopping plaza near our house.  I remember droiving up there with my Mom and Dad and picking up our supply for that week. I remember drinking from the cans of water.  I remember our water being shut off and showering at my Dad's work because it was the only way we could do it.  When I was 10 going on 11, I thought it was cool.  I knew the flood wasn't a good thing for lots of people...and having our water be out wasn't really good either...but there was something exciting about it all. It was an interesting summer of canned water, showers at Dad's work and just out of routine happenings. It was a big happening in our town's history. Today, when you drive through Alton and pass the Con Agra flour plant, you can see the large red painted line that shows us a reminder of just how far up the water really was.  Just something interesting many kids my age can say they remember pretty clearly.  Ever since that flood, whenever we hear there is going to be flooding, we pile in the car and take a drive to what it looks like...wondering if it'll end up being anything close to the craziness of the 93 summer flood.

The last few years we've gotten some minor flooding. I remember our last largest flood...it was before we had kids. Jeremy and I drove down, took Deci for a walk on the levee and took pics of the rising waters downtown. It's been a few years since we've had any real reason to drive down and survey the waters...but this summer (though it has just begun) has been very eventful!!  We had some major flooding.  Twice now the River Road has been closed from Alton to Grafton due to the river rising over the road.

Well this past weekend we got a round of very servere weaher...and there were tornadoes on the ground mere miles from our home. This severe weather was followed with torrential rains.  Not only did our basements flood (Hannah thinking of you guys!!) but Alton's Riverfront swelled.  Monday afternoon, Mom joined me on a ride with the boys to see the flood waters. We went across the river and even took a side road that leads to the Lock and Dam...which was barracaded off a short distance down the road. We drove past sand bags and I felt a slight sliver of fear. Owen was amazed by the whole thing and he kept talking about the waves and saving our town.  I love that kid's imagination!!

The eery part was that this was only a few hours before there was a levee breach in West Alton and the southbound lanes of 367 were completely covered in river water.  Now you can't even see the road signs below...and the northbound lane has been turned into 2 way traffic.  Downtown Alton is a large mess with lots of business closed and despresately trying to keep water out of their basements pumping it out onto the streets.

I snaped a few of these pictures I sat in gridlock traffic on the way to work after the levee breach.

This is where my normal southbound lane of 367 is.  Water all the way over it to the northbound side.

Where 367 splits after the Alton Bridge. You can see 367 begin to be covered in water.

If you are a short drive from the flood, it's quite a site to see and I would recommend making a trip out. When I was little I thought it was absolutely amazing. Now that I'm older I understand the danger in all of it...along with the amazement.  I have a very healthy respect for the power of water, the river and mother nature in general.  I am thankful we are blessed enough to be safe through all of this...and I pray for the business owners, workers and anyone else directly affected by the flooding.  

June 12, 2013

A Memorial Day Weekend Tale

This Memorial Day we had plans to head out of town for Jennifer's graduation party.  She is officially going to high school...holy cow!!! Not sure how that is possible!  Jennifer don't grow up so darn fast ok??

But moving on...our plan was to head up Friday afternoon, attend the ceremony at 7pm, partake in the party on Saturday and make our way home Sunday. Good solid planning I think.  Not too much.  Not too little.  Well, you can only plan so much...and then fate and roadways take care of the rest!!

We woke up early Friday and finalized our packing, picked up the house, gave Owen a torturous, but necessary, summer hair cut and then took off out the door.  We stopped for lunch and it was smooth sailing!  We had movies for our DVD player if the kiddos got bored..the Wreck it Ralph soundtrack on our iTunes account..and while the boys napped we even had Pandora to enjoy listening to a bit.  All was well...and as we neared our destination we jammed Wreck it Ralph and our whole crew sang along!!

About five miles outside of Walnut (our final destination at the end of our 4.5 hour road trip) we hit a bridge deck and heard a very loud bang.  Jeremy and I looked at each other and both said out loud..."That didn't sound good." To which we went back to jamming to music and dancing with our kiddos. After a few miles though, a whole different kind of sound filled the car and the car swerved to the shouldera bit...and that folks is when we ran into this:

The scenario was about perfect as far as flat tires go b/c it blew out right as we neared a farm where we were able to pull far off the highway. A young guy who happened to be renting the place came out and made sure we got off the road safely and then kept my husband company while he changed out the demolished tired to our spare tire...which happened to be in PERFECT shape (thank you Mike!)! Owen hung out the sun roof and watched his Daddy do his work..asking "Dad?  You know about flap tires???  Wow! I want to see our flap tire!" I had a good laugh, even posted the incident to Facebook with a thankful heart.  After about an hour delay we made the remaining 5 mile (yes I said 5 MILES of a 300 mile trip!) drive to Walnut!  We missed the graduation ceremony...but we were there safe and in plenty of time for the party the next day!

The next day we enjoyed Linley family visiting, a graduation party and some pretty chilly weather!  We're talking 50's.  Man was it chilly.
Cooper and Owen enjoyed playing on the "motor cycle" that will soon come home to our house for the boys to ride.  It belonged to Grandpa Mike and was fixed up to riding condition so the grandkids could enjoy it.  And both boys had fun with Great Grandpa's cool piano that plays itself!

Sunday after some rough sleeping, we enjoyed a family lunch and then took off for home.  We made a pit stop to stretch our legs and do some exploring. Thanks Grandma Stacey for the wonderful idea!!  If you are ever in the Springfield area, look up Scheel's on your Google maps and go take a gander.  A pretty fish tank full of salt water loving fish and an indoor ferris wheel are just the beginning! 

Owen went to bed talking about how much fun he had riding the Ferris Wheel!  Thanks Jennifer for riding with him!

 In the lobby there was a big wooden carved bear or moose, I honestly can't remember which!  But the boys had fun trying to push each other out of it and say CHEEESE!

Sunday night after we got home, we got the kids settled and worked on getting our lives back in order.  Monday was going to be a busy morning for our crew...we participated in a freeze pop give away with UABC.  I am happy to report it was a smashing success and lots of fun :)

Assembling pre-packed groceries bags for the give-away.  We had somewhere in the neighborhood of 1000 pops just in our freezer.  The goal was to collect 5000.  We met and beat our goal by a few hundred!  Alton citizens...we had fun and hoped you enjoyed it!

That afternoon there was family napping while it thunder stormed away and then had delicious BBQ dinner (courtesty of my Dad who made us a carry out package to enjoy at home!) and we closed up shop on Memorial Day 2013!!

Thanks to those who gave their life so that we may have freedom...and enjoy the kind of weekend we enjoyed. God Bless America!