On this day, at 12:38am,
four years ago...this little guy came into the world.
Four years later, I still can't believe it's been four years. I can't believe he's walking, talking, going to preschool and even pottying like a big boy. But he is...and sure as the sun...four years have found their way here.

When you become a parent no one hands you a rule book or instructions. They just hand you a baby. You read, you pray, you imagine, sometimes you may even cry. Because the saying nothing prepares you is absolutely true. These past four years have been anything but predictable and I could have never guessed what would be in store for us. Laughter, tears, hope, fear, pride...and a whole smattering of other emotions have filled up an all-encompassing set of years that have been nothing short of amazing...challenging...and incredibly fulfilling in ways I can't even put into words. They have change our lives. Jeremy and I have learned to parent together. Be a Mom. Be a Dad. Be a family. Owen has taught us so much about the kind of people we thought we were and the kind of people we still want to strive to be.

If I could put this post to a song, I'd put it to What a Wonderful World. An old classic that strikes a chord with me on moments like this. Though there is bad in the world...I have so much good. For me, it truly is a wonderful world. I have my kids and family to thank for that. And on this particular day...Owen Wyatt Linley.

Happy 4th Birthday baby boy. Thank you for a year of amazing fun. For being such a tender heart. For loving me and Daddy and Cooper SO much! You're pretty darn amazing kiddo. Don't ever forget it :)
Love you always.
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