There are more pictures, but I've taken over this blog for long enough! I'm going to save some stuff for Momma to do! Feel free to check out my blog for baby chatter...I'm sure I'll be talking about the Linley's in the next few days ;)
Also, I got to see Jess before I left. She's doing great! I asked her if she was disappointed in the CSection outcome & she said not at all. She gave it her best shot. I'm so proud of you Jess! Love you with all my heart & couldn't be happier.
Oh & Jer...Husband of the year award...YOU WERE AMAZING THROUGHOUT (NOT ONLY THE ENTIRE PREGNANCY) THE DAY TODAY. Thanks for being Jessie's rock.
And, most of all...Happy Birthday Owen Wyatt...You stubborn little turkey you!
Amazing...Jessie you're my hero! Congratulations on your miracle! :)
Good job to both of you!
Ella says he's very handsome and she can't wait to meet him! :)
Congrats Linleys!! Now the fun really begins...Owen is just precious. Sounds like it was a long day, hope you can get some rest and are recovering well!
-Angela Gray
Jess and Jeremy, all I can say is wow. You have me ALL emotional today. Can't wait to see baby Owen. Jess you were right, you knew all along you were having a boy! I'm so proud of you and how hard you tried.
Yea!!! I am so excited to meet your new bundle of joy. Josiah is going to teach Owen so many things. :)
I love you all,
Congratulations to both of you!! Cindy F and I were both up late trying to keep up on the latest. I am so happy for you!! I was also emotional for you and even teared up when I heard that you had the baby and everything was ok. Baby Owen is absolutely adorable!!
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Baby Owen...... Happy Birthday to you!!
Congratulations Linleys!! Owen is so adorable! After reading everything it looks like you had a long couple of days but you did great! Let me know if you need anything and I cant wait to meet Owen!
Jennifer Prose
Congratulations Jes & Jer!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Owen!
Owen, Mackenzie is excited and can not wait to see you.
~Larketta & Mackenzie
Congratulations to the Linley Family!! Happy Birthday Owen...You are one lucky baby!
Congratulations! You both worked so hard and it sounds like everything was perfect in the end:) I was praying for you all day yesterday:)
YAY BABY OWEN!!!! we cannot wait to meet him!!!! Love to all!!!
~Hannah, Sam, Aunt Pam and Uncle Don
Congrat Jeremy and Jessi for Grandma's little bundle of Joy. You did a great Job and will be great parents.
Thank you very much Stef for the updates of the events of yesterday. You did a great Job!
Congratulations Jessie! He is beautiful! Sounds like you had a similar birth to when I gave birth to Michael :S...but you know what? It was worth it, wasn't it!!! You will be an awesome Mommy! Congrats to you too Jeremy.
Congrats Jeremy and Jessie!!
Love him already.
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