April 6, 2009

Not sure where to begin

I know everyone is dying for pics and updates on Mr. Owen...and I promise...they are on their way! I've been working on blogs slowly but surely and can't wait to get posting! But before I go any further...I wanted to take a moment to reflect and soak up all the events of the past few weeks before I start updating on life since Owen!

Jer got me the laptop up and running and I finally was able to spend time getting back into the real world. I have been dying to get a chance to really read our blog and all the comments during our labor. After reading it...all I can say is thank you. Thank you to everyone! Thank you thank you thank you. Jeremy and I have always known we have a wonderful support system...but after going through this major event in our life...the support is more evident than ever. Thank you Steff for the love and support and wonderful tracking of our whole entire day. Thank you to each and every reader who logged in and stayed tuned and followed us throughout our day. You will never know what it meant for us. It helped me and Jer keep on truckin' when we were too tired to think straight! The updates and comments are all being saved for Owen's baby book so one day we can share with him how much love he was surrounded with on the days leading up to and the day of his birth.

Thank you everyone for reading, loving, and surrounding Jeremy, Owen and me with more love than we could ever ask for. You are all amazing!

Now...stay tuned. I'll be posting lots of Owen pics and updates about everything since Owen's birth!

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