It's amazing how much he has changed in just four short weeks! Some of his milestone include:
Lifting his head for brief lapses of time.
He no longer screams through his diaper changes - Yay!
He has a super strong grip with his little fingers.
He knows me and Jer when we talk to him and his gaze often turns our direction when we walk into a room.
He often stares up at me while I sing, talk or read to him and his gaze locks on mine. It's adorable!
He now cooes and "talks" to the animals around his room. Milton the Monkey lovingly stares down at him from above his changer and Owen loves to waves his arms around and coo at him!
He also loves his baby gym. It's an under the ocean Baby Einstein gym and he enjoys looking at and talking to all of the things hanging above him!
My personal favorite? He smiles. Not on cue just yet...but when he does it makes your heart melt!
Yup, this blog made me cry! I can't believe that in a few short weeks, I'll be were you are now! wow! I hope I get to meet O soon! He's such a cutie! it's only been like less than two weeks since we have seen him and he looks so different! We are due for some visiting! I hope you are getting more sleep!
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