I knew a c-section would mean a longer recovery, more rules to follow post-baby, and less freedom right at first. What I didn't know (though I should have seen coming) is how much this would drive me crazy! Though I am recovering much faster than I'd expected...and I'm so thankful for that...I still went through some tough moments following the arrival of Owen. Moments I didn't expect to find myself in. But it's hard when you have a new baby. Your body is recovering from surgery. You are on pain killers that make you drowsy, but are the only way you can function. You can't jump in the car and take yourself anywhere. You are completely reliant on everyone else to do what you naturally yern to do...which for me was care for my son and take care of my husband. I found myself frustrated, nervous, even a little disappointed with myself. But thanks to the loving support from those I love, I found that what I was feeling was normal. And after realizing that God puts family around you for just such occassions, and a shower can seriously make you feel like a brand new person, I began to see the light. I stopped feeling guilty for asking Jer to do things for me, I let myself shower when someone stopped by to visit so I could get in 20 minutes of me time and freshen up. I got myself out of my sweats and into regular clothes even when I wasn't going anywhere. So in my short three weeks as a new mom...I've learned quite a few valuable lessons! And I've learned so much about me as a person and the kind of mom I hope to grow into as Owen and I grow as mother and son! Below you will find pictures of the little things that have slowly helped me get back to being Jess.
I posted just a few weeks before we had Owen that my ankles were miserably swollen. Thank the Lord...my ankles have returned! I treated my poor feet to a pedicure once the swelling really subsided. I never thought I would feel like my legs are skinny...but now I look at them and think I might just have bird legs? Ok so maybe not...I'm sure this will pass. For now, I'm enjoying every second of my new found love for my legs!!
My push present from Jer was a few bottles of wine from my favorite wine shop! My first glass was fabulous ;)
Cooking in my own kitchen! Last night I opened the first of our frozen meals...the ones we prepared before Owen. It was so relaxing just being in my kitchen and fixing Jer and I dinner. It's the little things!
A new haircut! Aunt Jackie gave me a fresh new haircut...this picture is from Easter Sunday (more to come on that). I love it! Thanks Aunt April for watching Owen while Mom got some girl time in...and then enjoying lunch at Bread Co afterwards with us!
Spending the day with my best friend! Steff spent Good Friday with me and Owen. We ate lunch, chatted and scrapbooked. She helped me with Owen all day and even watched him while Jer and I ate dinner before heading off to the Good Friday service at church! Thank you for a wonderful day!
NO. Thank you for a wonderful day! I've missed you chicky!
Lookin good Jessie! Owen is just precious...I hope I can meet him someday :)
Angela Gray
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