It comes from a book we bought out of a desperate night of sleeplessness with our son. One spent with him crying in our arms with zero ability to comfort or calm him. He was fed, changed and was not running a fever or sick. It's the hardest thing as a parent...not knowing how to comfort your child. What we learned from the book has been a blessing ever since...b/c though Owen isn't sleeping through the night yet...he is at the very least not crying with us unable to stop him. I would recommend this book to any parent who has a baby who cries from time to time and you can't figure out why.
The book works off the premise of implementing the 5 S's. The five S's are: Swaddling, Shhhing, Sucking, Side/Stomach positioning and Swinging. We put the 5 S's into action all the time. Sometime it requires one or two in combintation. Sometimes it requires all 5 at full force! Jeremy and I haven't quite figured out if it's the 5 S's that actually work, or the simple time spent implementing them that makes the difference, but either way, it's helped us have a much happier, calmer baby and gave a great sense of confidence by helping our son!

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