The best part for me was that in the days following Owen's birth, we found ourselves continually surrounded by these same people and even more. No one tired of checking in on my post-surgery status or taking a turn at holding our beautiful new boy. By 10am the next morning flowers of congratulations for us and more wonderful gifts for Owen than our room could hold came pouring in. It truly was amazing and unforgettable.
Here are some pictures of our loving fan club!!
Uncle Jonnie
Aunt April
Uncle Josh
Aunt Jackie
Aunt Steff
Uncle Bryan
Grandpa Dave
Grandma Pam
Grandma Linda
Grandpa Mike
Grandma Stacey
Great-Grandma Flo
Great-Grandpa Pap
Uncle Doug and Aunt Jenni
Cousin Devon
Visitors not pictured: Brad and Alison! Somehow between all the cameras and picture taking we still managed to miss some of our visitors :( Sorry guys!! Many more picture taking opportunities to come.
Pap looks so weird without his mustache.
You don't need pictures of us!!
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