I woke up with them a bit puffy on Saturday morning. Steff and I spoiled ourselves with a pedicure that morning and we both noticed they looked a little off. I thought our shopping trip to the Mills and around town would nip it in the bud. Usually walking alleviates the swelling and they go back to a somewhat normal version of my ankles. By Saturday night however, they were unstoppable. My toes looked like they had been smashed together...and when I walked on them there was a crease and it tingled. I proceeded to prop up my feet and read in the nursery that evening for awhile. It helped, but still the swelling kept coming. Figuring sleep would be the best remedy, I went to bed Saturday night and tried to forget about them.
Sunday morning...they were not quite to the point of tingling anymore...but they were still big. As of Monday night I no longer have ankles at all. My calves and ankles appear to be one big blob and my feet look like webbed version of their previous selves. Coming back to work this week quickly ensured the swelling would not be going down...and now my feet are impossibly swollen. Nothing seems to help. So...here's a picture of my lovely lower extremities. Thank God for the purple toe nails all neatly painted. Otherwise I might not have had the guts to post this picture!!
Maybe I don't want kids after all.
Jess it's Beth Richards. Your poor ankles and your belly! You are the definition of pregnant. Hope you continue to do well and know that the reward at the end is wekk worth the aches and pains you have to go through!! I am keeping you in my thoughts!! Keep in touch, if you need any advice or anything.
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