The important part says "Exam Results: Pass"
Oh and "Congratulations!"
Way to go Jer! We're so proud of you :)
May 30, 2012
May 23, 2012
Wordless Wednesday...well almost!
This little chickie is on summer break with her Mommy. And I got this message yesterday:
Hope your Tuesday is totally cool! Love, Isabel
And I have to say it was...thanks to these cute little cheeks showing up on my phone!
May 22, 2012
Bathtime Mowhawks!
This never gets old!
And someone (Owen!) needs a haircut! So we're having fun with the craziness until we get him one :)
May 16, 2012
These two kill me...
Yep. Still here. My brain, all organization and multi-tasking skills just so happen to be missing. Have you seen these things? I'd dearly love to have them back!
In all seriousness, lots of great things are in the works. I've actually been getting out the real camera for a change!
Back to the point of this quick post. This picture...didn't fit anywhere else. But it was too cute to fall into the pile of pictures I have no idea what to do with. So here you go. Double trouble cuteness at Home Depot. They made awesome helpers as I shopped for Mother's Day goodies!!
In all seriousness, lots of great things are in the works. I've actually been getting out the real camera for a change!
Back to the point of this quick post. This picture...didn't fit anywhere else. But it was too cute to fall into the pile of pictures I have no idea what to do with. So here you go. Double trouble cuteness at Home Depot. They made awesome helpers as I shopped for Mother's Day goodies!!
May 9, 2012
Happy 9 Months Coop!!
Holy Moly another month has come and gone and Momma is tardy as can be on posting this update! It flew by faster than the last...I swear!! What has Cooper been up to these past few weeks?? Let me run down the list for ya:
In size 5 diapers...oh yes. Your read that right.
Weight: 22lbs 4oz.
Length: 29 1/4 inches longIs wearing 12 to 18 months clothes and size 5 shoes...craziness I know!!
Crawling so fast he's blowing smoke from under his chubby little feet
Pulling to a stand and officially cruising on and furiously!
Working on getting some cute whispy far it's dark.
Loving drinking from a sippy cup at meal time
Loves the telephone and pushing buttons on it
Dropping things on purpose and waiting for you to say Uh-Oh with his mouth in the shape of an O...just like yours.
Shaking his head to the beat when there is music
Clapping furiously when he's excited.
Eating anything and everything you put in front of him...notice all the highchair pictures? It's because when he's not sleeping...his next favorite place to be besides with his brother is right here. Eating. In his highchair!!
Still doesn't have a single tooth!
Saying Ma ma ma ma and Da da da da da
Has the most ear piercing baby cry on the planet and has been exercising it a lot lately...maybe we're finally working on a tooth or two??
Has the best baby laugh on the planet...which is a wonderful counter-balance to the above mentioned crying!
Is beginning to show us just how independent he things he needs to be! Two strong-willed children I think we have! I assume this will help make them very confident, competent adults!!
Went for his first swim
Went for his first weekend trip to the Ozarks
Dear Cooper,
Has the best baby laugh on the planet...which is a wonderful counter-balance to the above mentioned crying!
Is beginning to show us just how independent he things he needs to be! Two strong-willed children I think we have! I assume this will help make them very confident, competent adults!!
Went for his first swim
Went for his first weekend trip to the Ozarks
Dear Cooper,
I am waiting any day now...for you to get a tooth...and for you to take off walking! I can just see you now on your chubby little legs...stumbling around! You're growing up faster than I thought possible. We will be celebrating birthday number 1 in no time flat! Mommy doesn't want to rush the glorious summer we have ahead of us though. So I'll stop thinking about that first birthday for a little while longer! This month was so much fun...our first weekend vacation together...your first swim! I love how much you love to eat and that you will try anything we give you. One day I am sure this will change, but for now, it's absolutely so much fun!! You still light up like a Christmas Tree when you see your Dadda. You and him have a bond...and I love watching you together. It's so special buddy.
Thanks for continuing to make this first year with you nothing short of amazing!
Love you so much! Momma and Dadda
May 8, 2012
Current...but random thoughts (and pics) from my wandering mind...
I have a couple posts that need to get organized and put together. They are in my head...just haven't made their way to our blog just yet. In the meantime...I wanted to leave everyone with a few tid-bits of info. Random things I've been wanting to share but haven't...along with some pictures too!!
First...Pap..who I discussed here and also CANCER FREE!! Praise God for wonderful news and the absolute amazingness that this means! We are so blessed!!
Also during baths this weekend...the boys thought it was particularly hilarious that I put on their Shark and Frog hooded-towels over my head and pretended to be just that. A shark and a frog. I made quite the spectacle of myself and that made them laugh even more. Owen told me "No Mommy. No frog! Nooo.." And laughed till he had the hiccups. Pretty much the 3 year old equivalent of your so silly Mom!! I happen to I did earlier in the day with Owen...that Cooper looked particularly the frog getup. So again...I snapped a picture!
First...Pap..who I discussed here and also CANCER FREE!! Praise God for wonderful news and the absolute amazingness that this means! We are so blessed!!
Second...this little man joined me for church yesterday. Just me and him. I haven't posted a Remember Always about this little guy in quite some time. But I'm working on a big one! He just amazes me every single day. And he's getting so darn big. When did this happen?!? I happen to think he looked particular handsome in his little-man shirt and shorts. And I snapped this picture. After church we stopped at Subway...where he picked a jug of chocolate milk and doritos out to eat. And was such a good boy for me while we ordered and I made sodas. I think I will always remember this simple and precious time with my little boy as long as I live.

Another thought...I'm super excited to celebrate Mother's Day this year! This is usually the weekend we set aside to begin doing our yard purdy-ing up. I can't wait to fill my barrels and plan out our herb garden! This year I'm looking forward to relaxing with my 3 amazing men as usual. Maybe a steak on the grill, a glass of wine, a few wagon rides around the yard...ahh. Is it Sunday yet?? I hope everyone is excited about the Mother's Day weekend ahead!
Also, I received this photo from Miss Peyton while traveling this past week. It made her AJ's (Auntie J's) day :) Isn't she a doll face?? I raise young ones and make choices on what I say about them to others...this recent post on a blog I frequent struck a chord with me. If you have children, it's worth a read. It'll leave you thinking for sure!
Oh...and one last thing. I have mentioned that I'm a pretty big Gavin DeGraw fan. Well his new album's working its way to be my favorite album of his! This particular song is my current listen-on-repeat-till-you're-sick-of-it song! The video was fun also. Check it out :)
May 2, 2012
Has this ever happened to you??
Where there was once two cute little flowers with rinestone centers...there is now this lovely smushed up mess:
No buddy. It didn't hurt Mom's toes...just her pride!
I stupidly put my shoes back on too early last night after enjoying a very relaxing pedicure and catch up session with my bestest lady Steff. But let me just say...I have had way too many pedicures to make a rookie mistake like this!
I got home last night and was so mad that I decided to leave my smudged up toes and wear them proudly...until tomorrow evening when I will take my sorry rear-end to the nail place to pay to have them fixed. I just could NOT bring myself to remove the rest of my perfectly polished pinkness.
As a side note, Owen thought this hurt Mommy's toes. And when I got home he pointed to them and said "Ohhh no Momma!" And "Dadda look! Momma owie!" He put his hands up in question and then said "Hurt?"
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