If you are interested, you can read my recount of Owen's birth story starting here. As we approached his first birthday, I retold it. It's a long one, but it's a good one!!
But this year...I'm recounting Coop's birth story! So here's a little about what we were doing as we waited for him to join our family!! Leading up to his birth we:
Did some reminsicing
Worked on creating a prehistoric wonderland
We had a lot of Owen-filled fun...here, here, and here.
I did a little pregnant girl cooking
I got really nervous about my pending surgery and posted one last post!
And I didn't post this till after Cooper was here...but this is how we spent our entire last weekend as the Linley 3.
Boy did life look different then!! I will never forget the night before heading in...I TRIED so hard to sleep...but was completely unable to. I tossed and turned from horrible heart burn...and my thoughts would not allow me to rest. I promised myself after being so nervous with Owen...I wouldn't allow myself to do that with Cooper. Well with Cooper I was nervous but in a different kind of way...and a whole different set of things to wonder and worry about. Will the surgery go fast? Did I make the right choice to have a c-section? Should I have tried for a natural birth? What would two kids be like? Would he be a good sleeper? Or would he take after his brother? Would I ever feel like I could love them both enough? I also wrestled with memories of post c-section pain and all the needles and medicine and machines. All of the things that sort of fade from your memory until your marching right back into them...in less than 24 hours! I know why I had trouble sleeping.