So without further ado:
January 2013 Photo Dump
Poor Coop laying in our bed watching "Pooh" (Winnie the Pooh...his first and only official interest in a movie) when he was sick. He was just flat out miserable with this cough and cold!
I am attempting with lots of vigor to utilize my Pinterest recipes and ideas. This pin, inspried this creation. Toasted whole grain english muffin, eggs a la muffin tin, and cheese.
These eggs not only ended up being delicious on the muffin, but they were delicious thrown in with my salads that week for work too! And I just so happened to pick up a couple and snack at lunch around home too! Just like a hard boiled egg...without the mess! Love it! Thought for next time...make a breakfast meat to go with them.
I also tried these: Chicken pot pie cupcakes. This one was a double pinterest inspired deal for me. I used this for the chicken. And this was where I saw the cupcake idea. They are cuter out of the tin...but it was another pinterest experiment...and it was a happy one :) We had our fill for dinner and put 3 more in a baggie for lunch the next day. Not to shabby!! **As a side note, the shredded chicken recipe? I made 6 breast, used some for this, some for ranch chicken tacos and some for a chicken noodle soup. It went a really long way!
On a hormone filled day, there is nothing better than a little chocolate. I usually turn to Suzy Q's..or some other manner of delicious chocolate cake and cream filling combo. Well I'm here to tell you...these:
These are NOT a good enough replacement. Hostesss Suzy Q's are missed by this girl. It's a sad day.
Bathtime with this kid is just hilarious! He LOVES this cup and has been working very hard to be able to put water in and dump it out like Mommy and Daddy. He has been known to carry this cup around the house for no reason...toddlers!
Deci is getting old. She's 10. :( Her hips have begun to hurt her when she gets up in the morning...she is now on mediciation to help with it...along with a daily glucoasmine pill. Along with the hips...old age has brought this:
Why? I have no idea. It's got chewy and hard bits in it...and she eats all of hte piece eventually. It's like she's saving some for later. Or takes pleasure in watching me and Jeremy step on the pieces on the rug and curse and throw them back in the bowl! I thought maybe her teeth but her teeth looked good at the vet. with so many other things...this dog remains a mystery. Even in old age!
Oatmeal face! This kid LOVES oatmeal. And he's pretty darn good with a spoon and will attempt it on his own. Makes me laugh. And it's a HUGE mess when he's done. But how else will he learn right??
A blurry pic of my boys. Snuggled in. Watching Wall-E. And Owen tell me...Mooommm...the flash is messing up our dark movie watching experience. Stop with the camera!
Jer and I enjoying a Saturday lunch date! shopping, margaritas, then off to do some mall shopping. Holding my hubby's matter how long we are together...I never get tired of a simple afternoon with him! Love you babe.
After a morning of church and lunch with family...we hit the car and took off our Spiderman winter hat...BAM. Pretty great case of hat hair if you ask me!
I created another mantle space that marks the coming holiday. It's blurry but you get the idea. LOVE, XOXO and BeMine wooden word art grace the space along with some cute circle lanterns covered in hearts in all shades of pink red and purple. Add a cute little banner in the front with more's a Valentine's Day wonderland! So girlie...I think I may have to investigate more ways to bring out some girlie touches around our house!

I think that about wraps up January for me in terms of cell phone photos!!
Happy end of January...welcome Feb. We are ready and waiting to see what you have in store!!