November 12, 2010

Owen Remember Always

How you fell asleep when I read you the Cat in the Hat

That the next night you handed it to Dadda and did the exact same thing

That you are ok with allowing Dadda and I to take turns getting you up and putting you to bed. Both times are precious times with you and we enjoy getting to do both!

Our trip to Children’s hospital and how awesome you were the whole day…even though you had no idea what was going on and had every right to be a total crab.

How cute you look in your dark blue jeans and your striped fleece sweatshirt.

That you stack the rings on your shape barn over and over again. Did I mention over and over? It’s crazy how much you love to stack and have us count with you and clap when you’re all done!

The night that you curled up with me in our bed and really snuggled up and we watched Princess and the Frog together till bedtime.

That you started saying bye bye to everyone. And you know when you are ready to go somewhere…you start saying it…even if we aren’t leaving yet.

The morning you grabbed my finger and said, Bye? With question in your eye. You were ready to go to work with me. It melted my heart so much!

Your glow in the dark PJ’s

That you spin in circles when you are dancing and open your eyes really wide after each turn. It cracks me up!!

The powdered sugar on your face when you eat a donut in the morning.

Finding your blocks and toys in strange places because you left them there

Playing with your bathtub letters and numbers. You would stick them to the side of the tub, we’d count to 5 or so and then you would get all excited and pull them off and splash in the water.

How much you HATE getting your haircut, but how adorable you look with it freshly trimmed.

That you held a pumpkin all the way home from Golden Eagle Ferry and talked to it and played the entire rest of the ride!!

That you laugh through all of Bolt. Every time he’s on the screen you find it necessary to giggle non-stop.

That you are now saying Me Me Me. And Beebee. Beebee. Beebee, also known as Me and Baby. I also like Beebee Baba. Baby Bye Bye.

How much you love to stack things

That you get frustrated when stacking doesn’t go quite as well as you would like it to!

That one morning when I went in to say good morning and I still had my towel on my head, you cried until I took it off. In fact you tried to pull it off and sat back down in your crib and looked at me with this look of fear. Once I took it off you stood up and wanted out! You little turkey! It’s just me under that towel I promise!

That you are pulling one cushion off the couch and sitting on the couch without the cushion.  One day I assume you'll get that it isn't as comfy and leave the cushion on!

That you love peanut butter and ritz sandwiches

That you know when it's bed time and you have started crying real tears before we even get to your's so hard to make you go sometimes!

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