December 30, 2011
Lots to be blogging about...
But since we have one last holiday gathering to enjoy, I'm gonna hold off on posting anything about the holidays just yet! I can say its been a blessed season for us!!! Until then...enjoy some candids of me and my handsome boy!
December 24, 2011
Ho Ho Ho!!!
I have mentioned in years past that Santa pays a special visit to our local State Farm office. This year we were excited to continue the tradition and share it with Cooper! I was hoping Owen would be a little more warmed to the idea of meeting the big guy dressed in red. But you just never know! Strangers are strangers…even if they do promise to bring you presents. He does after all say he watches over you…even when you sleep…

Everyone had a most wonderful visit with the Mr. and Mrs. Claus! Big thank you’s go out to Karen Wilson’s State Farm Office and Mr. and Mrs. Claus. We are so lucky to have a wonderful office filled with friendly faces we know and love!
Here's hoping everyone is gearing up for their special visitor :) We'll be reading the night before Christmas just before heading to bed! Happy Christmas Eve!

Here's hoping everyone is gearing up for their special visitor :) We'll be reading the night before Christmas just before heading to bed! Happy Christmas Eve!
Owen to Cooper: "Pssst Cooper...I heard this guy brings fun stuff if you're good!"
And we ran into this adorable princess there as well!

Ahh cousins!!
Owen to Isabel: "I'm makin' a break for it."
Celebrating my 29th!!
I just celebrated my 29th birthday...the your breath...of my 20's!! It was just a couple weeks ago. Honestly, does 29 feel any different? No. Because truth be told, I'm still me. Just another 24 hours older than the day before. Now next year...when we're talking about 30...hang on to your seats!
But anyway...I wanted to share a link to my best friends recent post. This particular family of 3 is a pretty amazing bunch and I was blessed enough to spend my 29th celebrating with them. We had pizza, wine, opened presents for the kiddos and trekked out to see lights in a giant Suburban. Two hot chocolates, 2 bottles of formula and LOTS of laughter later we were home by 9pm and exhausted. I will never forget the look on Steff's face when she climbed back in the back seat next to me after feeding Peyton her bottle and securing her back in her seat. All while watching a lights display mind you. She said...I'm exhausted! And I thought...ME TOO!! But we wouldn't have it any other way. It's always an adventure and I couldn't pass up the chance to share our adventures.
Thanks for a wonderful evening and a most memorable celebration!! From her blog to you all! Enjoy!
But anyway...I wanted to share a link to my best friends recent post. This particular family of 3 is a pretty amazing bunch and I was blessed enough to spend my 29th celebrating with them. We had pizza, wine, opened presents for the kiddos and trekked out to see lights in a giant Suburban. Two hot chocolates, 2 bottles of formula and LOTS of laughter later we were home by 9pm and exhausted. I will never forget the look on Steff's face when she climbed back in the back seat next to me after feeding Peyton her bottle and securing her back in her seat. All while watching a lights display mind you. She said...I'm exhausted! And I thought...ME TOO!! But we wouldn't have it any other way. It's always an adventure and I couldn't pass up the chance to share our adventures.
Thanks for a wonderful evening and a most memorable celebration!! From her blog to you all! Enjoy!
December 23, 2011
My Favorite Holiday Tradition
In case it escapes anyone reading, this is my favorite time of year! I love it all. The red and green. The snowflakes. Santa Claus. The giving spirits. The Christmas Story being told at church. But one of my most favorite things to do is head out to chop down a tree. Wandering the tree farm looking for the right one and smelling the fresh pines…it doesn’t get any better!
We trekked out the day after Thanksgiving for a fun filled afternoon of tree-getting and family time! Cooper was an awesome sport as we stuffed him into the carrier and exposed him to the cool afternoon air. Owen’s favorite part was Molly the German Sheppard and the tractor ride from the building to the trees (she made our Christmas card!). Once again this year we chose Mill’s Apple Farm. It is not a fancy place, but it has all the charm you could ever need and the friendliest people on the planet!
12 Days of Cookies and a Christmas Craft!
I am very happy to say for the 3rd year in a row, I have received the Food Network’s friendly free email called 12 Days of Cookies. For 12 days in a row beginning in December, you receive 12 fabulous new recipe ideas for cookies! I was also exited to learn that Betty Crocker has something similar called 24 Days of Cookies. It is just like Food Network…but twice as long. If you are a cookie baker, or have need to find some new holiday recipes…check out these fun free holiday options!! I plan to go through my emails and pin my favorites to Pinterest! Isn't Technology great????
Now onto my Christmas Craft...I am not sure exactly what made me think of this particular craft idea…I think it's a mash up of a few ideas I've seen around. But I want to share with everyone a fun new tradition I hope to start with my family each year.
Thankful Paper Chains
These aren’t just your average paper chains…no sir! In the middle of the chain you will find handwritten moments courtesy of me! Before putting these together I sat down and did some reflecting on 2011 and what I am thankful for this year. They were super easy and I'm so glad I took the time.
Step 1 Make your list of thankful/favorite moments from your year. I used our blog to jog my memory and also just let myself reflect on the months that went by.
Step 2 Cut strips of construction paper. I chose red, white and green, but you could use a rainbow of colors. I cut my strips into 1 1/2 inch strips. You could smaller or bigger! It's all up to you!
Step 3 Using an archive safe marker I jotted all my moments down (despite the fact that I HATE my own handwriting...I did it for memory keeping sake!) I included dates when applicable and anything else about the moment that was important or made it special! I could have gone on for days writing, but stopped for sake of time.
Step 4 Using a scrapbook stamp pad I inked the edges of my chain. It gave it the rustic look that matches all of our holiday decor.
Step 5 Have some little hands or your own help you assemble. I simply used a glue stick. It reminded me of elementary school!
Step 6 Hang on your Christmas tree or display with your holiday decorations. Ours is on our tree. I need to add some links so it will wrap the whole way, but I figure for the first year, it's a great start!!
I plan to cut the chain after Christmas and include it in my scrapbook with our pictures from the holidays :) Next year I'm hoping to do this the day after Thanksgiving when we normally begin putting up all of our holiday decorations and preparing for Christmas! I’m excited for Owen to be able to begin sharing with us and writing his own thankful thoughts on these chains and eventually Coop as well.
I hope everyone is knee deep in wrapping paper and cookie baking and celebrating the birth of Jesus in lots of special ways!! Happy Holidays!
These aren’t just your average paper chains…no sir! In the middle of the chain you will find handwritten moments courtesy of me! Before putting these together I sat down and did some reflecting on 2011 and what I am thankful for this year. They were super easy and I'm so glad I took the time.
Step 1 Make your list of thankful/favorite moments from your year. I used our blog to jog my memory and also just let myself reflect on the months that went by.
Step 2 Cut strips of construction paper. I chose red, white and green, but you could use a rainbow of colors. I cut my strips into 1 1/2 inch strips. You could smaller or bigger! It's all up to you!
Step 4 Using a scrapbook stamp pad I inked the edges of my chain. It gave it the rustic look that matches all of our holiday decor.
Step 5 Have some little hands or your own help you assemble. I simply used a glue stick. It reminded me of elementary school!
I plan to cut the chain after Christmas and include it in my scrapbook with our pictures from the holidays :) Next year I'm hoping to do this the day after Thanksgiving when we normally begin putting up all of our holiday decorations and preparing for Christmas! I’m excited for Owen to be able to begin sharing with us and writing his own thankful thoughts on these chains and eventually Coop as well.
I hope everyone is knee deep in wrapping paper and cookie baking and celebrating the birth of Jesus in lots of special ways!! Happy Holidays!
I have come to realize…
Me, blogging and the holidays don’t mix! I haven’t blogged since the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. It’s my own fault…but it’s just ridiculous!! It’s not that I don’t have ideas or worse than even that…that I don’t have the blogs ready to go. Because I DO!! I have blogs drafted that just need pictures thrown in and they are ready to post! ARRGHH! So my apologies for the long term absence…if I look back at my blog from past holidays, it usually happens this way. It just seems that I get busy with the events taking place. I get the pictures and get the ideas rolling and then the execution fails! I guess it’s just a typical year for me right??
Anyway…my holiday break from work has just begun…and I have all kinds of great stuff ready to go! Enjoy the Linley 4 holiday highlights that are on their way and everyone have a safe and Merry Christmas!
December 6, 2011
Set the date
mentioned here that Owen would be most likely need to have surgery on his eyes.
At our last follow-up visit to Children’s on November 11, they did one final measurement to ensure the condition wasn’t correcting itself, thereby
eliminating the need for the procedure. Based on this appointment and along
with findings from the last one, it was determined that he would definitely
need the surgery. So we were
encouraged to move forward with setting the date. January 24th Owen will go in for his first and
hopefully only procedure to correct his cross-eye issues.

that being said our pediatrician assured us that they do not just perform
surgery on a whim. If they decide to do it is because they have thoroughly
reviewed his case and feel it is necessary. So, while all of the above scares the pants off me and makes
me nervous for my little boy…I am comforted remembering we are doing what’s in
his best interest in the long run!
am usually a more information is good kinda gal. But for now, I just want to pretend I didn’t read it
all. And when we get a little bit
closer to his appointment…I’ll pick it all back up and read it again. They gave us a wonderful set of papers, books and a DVD to share with Owen before the surgery so he is more prepared. We will also read a book or two to Owen
about surgeries and going to stay at the hospital. Just so he isn’t as scared. It is still a little ways off
and we have lots of wonderful Christmas things to concern to ourselves with at
the moment. But don’t you worry.
I’ll be back! We return January 13
for follow-up measurements and then again on the 24th for the
surgery itself.
now we just wait!
December 5, 2011
Happy four months Coop!!
crazy crazy! Our littlest man is 4
months old!! Here are some stats
and interesting tid bits about our adorable little guy.
back Mr C’s 3 month diaper pics weren’t super flattering. Sooo…Mommy is making up for it this
month!! Happy chubby-little-baby-all ready-for-Christmas photo gazing!
**Weight: 16.9lbs (believe it or not, his big brother still outweighed him at 4 months!)
**Length: 26 1/4inches long
**Head circumference: 41.2 cm
**Survived round 2 of shots with zero complaints! A little tylenol helped his sore legs and the next day all was well :)
major change in hair. Every time I think he’s getting more, more on the back of
his head disappears. Poor poor
Coop and your bald little head.
Thankfully you and Momma are big fans of hats! We gotta keep that noggin warm!
are blue!
Huggies size 3’s! Holy macaroni buddy!
Also, are going to begin purchasing Huggies overnights for our little
all night sleeper!!
sporting the chunky baby look…though he has grown in length and his tummy has gotten
a little less rotund!
to work on rolling over and sitting up. He can now sometimes flip from his belly to his back. Nothing from the back to his belly yet. But he's sure trying!
putting everything in his mouth.
Our hands, his toys, his teethers.
He has also turned into a drool factory. Looks like we’re gonna be sporting a lot of bibs!!
fits in only BIG 3 month clothes, 6 month and also is wearing PJ’s that his big
brother Owen wore…shhh don’t tell but they are 9 MONTHS!! Me and my big boys!!
managed to stay healthy. Now let
me go find some wood to knock on!!
to be smily, happy and amazingly content. Again...I need some wood.
being held in the evenings…and Momma is happy to oblige!
begun playing and talking to Owen. Owen and him played with Thomas and Percy trains the other day and my
heart melted into a giant puddle.
to sleep all night long. And also has made the transition into his crib. No more bassinet in our bedroom. This Momma had a much harder time than
I anticipated making the switch!
Maybe it’s because in the same range of weeks, Owen began staying in his
big boy bed all night long. I
often wake at 3am wondering whose house I’m in!
his first Thanksgiving/holiday event!
A fabulous day of family time!
month has come and gone. 4 months
old buddy. Before we know it you
are going to be rolling around and beginning to scoot! I’m excited to watch you show us more
and more of your personality! You
have so much to say and you pay attention to every single thing going on around
you! Your smiles continue to light up
our days and remind me we are blessed by you and your sweet big brother.
you to pieces sir.
and Dadda
November 23, 2011
Almost Wordless Wednesday...
While I was away at a work event this past Monday and Tuesday this photo came through my cell phone courtesy of their Dadda. What a wonderful Monday afternoon surprise! These two faces make everything better :)
November 21, 2011
Cell Phone Pics!
On the days when I'm home with the boys and it's just us...I often send pictures and video to Jer. I just like to say hi, love you and miss you. My cell phone is a very convenient way to keep track of these type of photos and also a quick way to capture a video I don't want to miss.
As I was flipping through a few the other day, I realized there were some really cute ones of me and the boys. And honestly the boys in general. So I decided to do a cell phone photo dump :) Enjoy these random selections...from Jessie's Palm Pre...soon to be iPhone!
As I was flipping through a few the other day, I realized there were some really cute ones of me and the boys. And honestly the boys in general. So I decided to do a cell phone photo dump :) Enjoy these random selections...from Jessie's Palm Pre...soon to be iPhone!
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