crazy crazy! Our littlest man is 4
months old!! Here are some stats
and interesting tid bits about our adorable little guy.
back Mr C’s 3 month diaper pics weren’t super flattering. Sooo…Mommy is making up for it this
month!! Happy chubby-little-baby-all ready-for-Christmas photo gazing!
**Weight: 16.9lbs (believe it or not, his big brother still outweighed him at 4 months!)
**Length: 26 1/4inches long
**Head circumference: 41.2 cm
**Survived round 2 of shots with zero complaints! A little tylenol helped his sore legs and the next day all was well :)
major change in hair. Every time I think he’s getting more, more on the back of
his head disappears. Poor poor
Coop and your bald little head.
Thankfully you and Momma are big fans of hats! We gotta keep that noggin warm!
are blue!
Huggies size 3’s! Holy macaroni buddy!
Also, are going to begin purchasing Huggies overnights for our little
all night sleeper!!
sporting the chunky baby look…though he has grown in length and his tummy has gotten
a little less rotund!
to work on rolling over and sitting up. He can now sometimes flip from his belly to his back. Nothing from the back to his belly yet. But he's sure trying!
putting everything in his mouth.
Our hands, his toys, his teethers.
He has also turned into a drool factory. Looks like we’re gonna be sporting a lot of bibs!!
fits in only BIG 3 month clothes, 6 month and also is wearing PJ’s that his big
brother Owen wore…shhh don’t tell but they are 9 MONTHS!! Me and my big boys!!
managed to stay healthy. Now let
me go find some wood to knock on!!
to be smily, happy and amazingly content. Again...I need some wood.
being held in the evenings…and Momma is happy to oblige!
begun playing and talking to Owen. Owen and him played with Thomas and Percy trains the other day and my
heart melted into a giant puddle.
to sleep all night long. And also has made the transition into his crib. No more bassinet in our bedroom. This Momma had a much harder time than
I anticipated making the switch!
Maybe it’s because in the same range of weeks, Owen began staying in his
big boy bed all night long. I
often wake at 3am wondering whose house I’m in!
his first Thanksgiving/holiday event!
A fabulous day of family time!
month has come and gone. 4 months
old buddy. Before we know it you
are going to be rolling around and beginning to scoot! I’m excited to watch you show us more
and more of your personality! You
have so much to say and you pay attention to every single thing going on around
you! Your smiles continue to light up
our days and remind me we are blessed by you and your sweet big brother.
you to pieces sir.
and Dadda
1 comment:
Seriously these pics are stinkin adorable!!!!!! What handsome little nephews I have ! :)
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