February 19, 2011

A Favorite Winter Past Time...

I had just crossed over to my favorite spot on my drive to work.  The sun was peaking out from behind some clouds. Everything around me had this amazing red glow.  This time of year, sometimes I get an extra surprise on my drive.  It's funny, I always forget about it until it happens each year.  But this particular morning as I looked out, drinking in my view, an eagle came soaring over my car.  It was just a mere 20 or 30 feet above me.  I could see it's wings and pretty white head and tail feathers.  Right there, just above me.

I'm reminded of how cool nature really is when things like this happen.  And also how neat it truly is that every single winter...eagles follow the ice down the river and settle in our little river-side town and make a home for awhile.

I love getting out and cruising down the river road and watching to see if we spot any.  I love seeing them on the ice.  I even love knowing that the cluster of jammed up cars up ahead means there are probably eagles to be enjoyed!

One of my favorite eagle cruises in recent seasons was the one we shared with my parents the winter I was expecting Owen.  You can read about our adventure here!  We still talk about mature and immature eagles to this day.

It's one of the fun winter past times I look forward to.  Not only does it mean winter isn't too far from over, but it also means we are in for some car rides and lazy Sunday afternoons in our sweats!

Happy Eagle Watching Everyone!

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