It’s 2012…over 2 weeks into 2012…and boy have I been slacking! What’s new? Lately it seems that my blog mantra has been filled with these same sentiments. Maybe if I stop beating myself up about it, it won’t feel so guilty about not posting?? Anyway...moving on...
I love the feeling of a new year. How it refreshes and motivates me to get things a little more organized, start fresh and re-set and create new goals. I want to start my first couple posts focusing on getting all caught back up about general Linley goings-ons. I hope you enjoy some general catch up from the trenches of this thing we call life!

Surgeries…oh will be I happy girl when January is over!! January 20
th my Dad went in for a procedure having to do with his heart. He has a condition called Wolff Parkinson White. My laymen’s understanding of this condition is that there is an extra nerve in the electrophysiology of his heart…and it causes it to beat differently than most. There are dangerous risks involved in carrying on with this condition. Not the least of which can be cardiac arrest. Dad recently gave us all a great scare when he was admitted to the ER with a heart rate of 214. After a night of observation he was told that he did not in fact have a heart attack (praise be!), but that due to his condition he was lucky that in the almost 30 years since he was diagnosed that it was the only episode he’s really had! Dad was referred to a specialist who deals with WPW and based on his first appointment with this doctor was told he needed to have a procedure that will eliminate that extra nerve. The procedure took just under 3 hours to complete and Dad was home resting early in the evening last night. He goes back in a month for a new EKG and following that another 6 months later to ensure that little bugger of a nerve didn't regenerate itself! Thank goodness for medicine and the amazing things they can do! On the flip side the doctor took one look at me yesterday and said, you are his daughter? I highly recommend you get an EKG just to be sure you don't have the same condition. Apparently you can walk around your whole life with zero symptoms and still have it! Interesting and good to know!
Then let's see...January 24 (THIS TUESDAY!!) Owen will go to Children’s Hospital for his eye surgery…so far everything is the same as the last time we mentioned it. Momma and Dadda and everyone else are nervous…and anxious for this to be over! Nothing new here…just marching towards the scheduled date! This coming weekend we will share a video with him and talk to him about what he will be going through on Tuesday. I also answered a bunch of health questions for a day surgery nurse and got some basic instructions yesterday. We can bring a favorite blanket or toy for him to take with him...also to bring sunglasses b/c his eyes will be weepy and sensitive when we leave. Um...queue the tears!

Speaking of Owen, we have embarked on the final 3 months of Owen’s therapy. He is finally rocking and rolling with a speech, developmental and occupational therapist 3 hours a week. To say that the journey has been easy is a lie. But the hardest part about the journey has not been the therapy itself. That part…what we have received anyway, has given us great empowerment and motivation as parents. We have great tools to use…and we’ve learned a lot about the kind of parents we want to continue aspiring to be. And how best to get Owen all that he needs to learn and thrive in toddlerhood And best of all...Owen has soaked up everything like a sponge and turned into a talking machine! But the program we have been involved with…has put us through some interesting trials. And it’s unfair just as everything is settling out and we’re getting Owen the complete package he was supposed to have since July, that we will have to be leaving the program. Regardless, Owen’s care is our top priority. I would like to get into a post all about therapy and what it has done for our house and how it has helped us teach and work with Owen in a more positive way…and I will. Very soon so stay tuned!
Speaking of leaving programs…Owen turns 3 in March. This means that as he exits the Early Intervention Program, he will be entering the Early Childhood Program through our school district. We toured the school in December and Owen loved it. And we go back February for an evaluation and to make the final decision about Owen attending this school beginning in the spring. If he does qualify, he will begin preschool 5 days a week for a few hours each day. I’m excited for him and also not sure I’m ready! (It's all about me right?!?) So 2012 is going to be a big year for us! One entering preschool and one turning one!
What else is happening??
For the most part the beginning of our year is pretty quiet! Or maybe not really?? BUT:
This little lady in our life will turn one on the 24th and we get to celebrate her 1st Birthday party on the 28th. We cannot wait!!
Jer and I have a couple fun dates planned to help us get in some more husband and wife time together…we were a little short on that last year what with having a new baby and all!
AND we’re also on the countdown for this big guys 3
rd birthday!
And finally Jer will sit again for his PE in April and we’ll be making the trip down to Columbia as we did last spring…and Jer will be taking classes for about 8 weeks in a row on Saturday mornings prior to the test. Prayers for my hubby as he prepares to have his brain grilled once again.
So that’s a quick glance at what’s up and coming with the Linley’s…I hope everyone is having a wonderful start to a fresh new year!
Praying that everything goes smoothly during surgery & post op for Owen & everyone else! Glad to hear your dad is doing good too!
My prayers and well-wishes on the surgery. How was it going? I hope everything is okay now. Thanks for sharing it. Izza
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