June 27 I jumped into stay-at-home-momdom with both feet...and I can say without hesitation that there is certainly no looking back. BUT, between the drastic change in schedule, the fourth of July holiday and a family vacation...I'm still working on keeping it all balanced. I feel that will be something that changes weekly! However, one of the biggest things that is tipping the scales in terms of balance is something I have yet to post about on the blog. I have no earthly idea why it has taken me this long. But regardless, before I post another single thing about summer or our life or any more changes for us...this one is a doozy. And I'm gonna bust it out...right...now...
January 15 or there about, this family will go from a family of 4 to a family of 5. If you are thinking wow...you are not alone. Some days...even 15 weeks in...Jeremy and I are still looking at each other and saying that very thing!!
Let me take you back to a fun weekend in May where we celebrated my brother and Katie's wedding nuptials. That weekend and a few leading up to it were chaos! Good and wonderful chaos but chaos none the less. That particular weekend, as I have mentioned, our whole family of four got gussied up and stepped out to celebrate! During much of the weekend, there were snickers and laughter in our direction (particularly after the ceremony and during the reception) from lots of people. People said things like: "So you think you'll have anymore?" "Hahaha...You guys having more kids?" Jeremy and I breathless and exasperated at chasing four little legs from one thing to next said...You know...we actually think we are done. We have not made it official, but two is a good number. We are pretty sure 2 is good with us! Laughing and exhausted we scooped up our crazy twosome and went about our business. As I said this happened throughout the weekend for us. The response was the same from both Jeremy and I.
This people...is where God sat back and had a BIG FAT LAUGH at our expense!! Little did we know that at that very moment, sparks of life were already happening inside my body and our world was about to get a little bit crazier!!
That Monday after feeling like I'd had the longest hangover of my life and not hardly drinking enough to be hung over for a single morning...I started thinking. A quick look at the calendar and I realized something was missing from my monthly schedule. A test confirmed I was right...and 3 tests later (because Jeremy was so sure I wasn't pregnant!!) I called the doctor. The rest, as they say, is history!!!
Linley Baby Number 3 will join us in January!! And while we are still reeling a bit at the idea of adding another tiny human to our family, we are overjoyed and ecstatic too! No this wasn't in our plan...but this is how I feel about it (after much reflection and talking with my husband!). Ultimately, God is the planner of our lives. We can try to make our own plans. Sometimes he even lets us think that we are in charge. But how wrong we are about that! Also, I think Jeremy and I's original plan to have 3 babies was the right plan for our lives. And though we thought maybe we weren't going to be able to handle it, God saw otherwise. And most of all...after burying a parent less than 9 months ago...Jeremy and I learned first hand that life is short. So very short! And truly? How many good surprises in life are there?? I think we only get a few. So though I'm scared, though I'm 100% sure I have no idea how I'm going to mother 3 precious babies and be what they need, I'm trying to soak this up. Thank God for this kind of surprise...b/c there are so many other kinds that are not like this!!

Ready or not world...this crew is gonna get just a little bit bigger...and a little bit crazier!! The Linley 5 are gonna be making their world debut in just a few short months!! Hang on to your seats everybody. I know I'm going to be hanging on for dear life!!