July 26, 2013

Dear Baby Number 3...

**I wanted to post this so I'd always have it to look back and remember!**

Dear Baby Number 3...

I wrote this the morning after we found out I was pregnant with you. I wanted to get my thoughts out before this moment slipped away.

Wow. To say I was shocked is the ultimate understatement.  Your Daddy and I were not sure if we were going to have another baby...in fact we had just got done telling everyone...oh we think we're done...as we breathlessly chased your VERY busy older brothers around at your Uncle Josh's wedding.  But oh how little we really knew...that God was at work in our lives.  Making sure our plan for 3 children was seen through...even if we didn't think it was really our plan anymore.

So now, there is going to be you.  Beautiful, blessed you.  Today you are the size of a seed, but all too soon, you'll be a part of our family.  It's pretty darn amazing.  I'm scared for us both.  But mostly excited.  You mean big changes for our little family of four.  But as I learned when going from one baby to two...our hearts will grow bigger than we can imagine and make room for the love that will fill our lives and be you!!

So that is how i'm feeling on this first full day of knowing that the Linley 4 will become the Linley 5.  God am I glad this unplanned surprise is a good one :)  There are so many not so good ones in life!!

Here we go.  Another exciting adventure awaits us.  I know we can rock it!

Your Momma

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