Last Friday, October 25, I headed to Dr. T's office for my monthly appointment and glucose screening test. It was already not your run-of-the-mill appointment...but boy did it get interesting!!

I headed in, the lab brought me my glucola drink and while I drank it down, I used the restroom, got weighed and had my blood pressure taken. You have 3 to 5 minutes to drink down 10oz of a super sweet tasting drink...this one was in a bottle and it was orange flavored. Not too bad...but in 5 warmed up and was sickly downing the last few drinks was gross! Once done I sat down and waited for the Nurse Practitioner who was doing my appt that day to arrive. She came in, I hopped up on the table and we waited for Mr. Greyson's little whirring heartbeat to pop into our ears...I heard the whirring, but she had a really concerned look on her face. She waited a minute, moved around, came back to his heartbeat and requested that I stand up...while asking me what hospital I go to. After standing up and moving around, his heartbeat seemed to behave a little better. She listened for a good solid minute or two and requested that after they drew my labs I come back to have another tonal sounds check just to be sure. I'm pretty sure my heart stopped beating for a few minutes...and I broke out in a panicked sweat waiting for his heart rate to do what it should. I sat and waited for my blood draw which just so happened to be the longest 40 minutes of my entire life. After my blood draw I headed back to the office for another listen to his heart and Dr. T sent me straight to Alton Memorial for a non-stress test or NST. What I ended up finding out was that Greyson's heart beat did something called a d-cell. His typical heart beat runs around 138/140. And it was in the 90's for awhile while Deb was listening to it. The NST would allow them to monitor him for a solid 30 minutes and make sure it wasn't happening intermittently. I made a few phone calls and headed to Alton Memorial, not sure what to expect but nervous. Though I was nearly positive it was going to be ok...b/c Dr. T said that it is common for babies to d-cell at this stage of the game because they move and kink their cord, you just have to be sure it isn't happening all the time...there was still a part of me that had no clue what to think. The nurses put me right at ease and Greyson very quickly began moving the time we left she said it was a beautiful NST and looked just like it should. So relieving. That is all I can say. Since this incident I won't say that I haven't worried about little mister...he's such a mover and shaker that I worry about him moving around too much and causing cord issues for himself with no way of me knowing. But I am trying to trust that God has a plan and will see us through whatever comes our way. So when I worry, I try to remind myself not to!
Mr. Greyson, sir, I'd prefer if you could spare us all anymore scares in the future...Momma's heart is not sure she can take it. Love you little buddy. Keep on keepin' on. Let's not meet up till January ok?? Love, Your Momma
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