He is rapidly leaving his 3 month clothes in the dust. He has a few 6 months sweat suits that are fitting perfectly and nearly all of the 9 months sleepers we own and that have been previously worn/washed fit perfect. His little toes even fill them out. It blows me away how long he is!
Speaking of outgrowing...mister is working out of his size 2 diapers.
We removed the extra neck support from his car seat this month
Have found him rolled up on his side multiple times AND he loves to do 180's in his crib at night...swaddle-me and all.

Speaking of appetite...he is eating a 6 oz bottle almost to the last drop, every 3 to 4 hours during the day.
And more on eating...he is spitting up. A LOT. We're talking massive amounts every day or two. I thought it was from a cold/congestion...but it's begun to be a pattern. A pattern we aren't huge fans of in this house both for his little sake and for the lady who does all the laundry around here...sigh. There is a debate of breaking down and giving him cereal early (which is against our doctor's wishes until he's 4 months old) or if we should simply make a switch to the formula we fed Cooper which had added rice and kept him from spitting up so much. More to come on what we end up doing.
He is cooing, talking and doing so much communicating. We have a chatty Kathy folks!
He loves to hold this little taggies cloth that used to be Owen's when he rides in his carseat or sits in his pack n play...or is relaxing in his swing. Pretty much any time...it's his fave. Of all time. Ever.
He lights up at people when they talk to him and the sweeter you talk the more he lights up.
We caught him and Owen playing together recently and Owen actually got his first real laugh out of him. It was priceless!
Is putting his hands and toys in his mouth non-stop! Drooling machine in the works this one!
Wants to be up and sitting or up on his legs. I'm excited to get out the bouncer in a short order...he's almost ready!
He is enjoying lots of awake time and we have gotten into a pretty good little routine on school days with dropping off and picking up.
For the record...here is Owen at 3 months. And Coop at 3 months.
Greyson Oliver,
You light up our house like a Christmas tree. Your smile is infectious and you give it so often I find myself happier just getting to love on and be around you. Mommy is getting the hang of things around here with 3 amazing kiddos to love. And I am sorry if I'm not able to do everything you need right now. But I hope you know how loved you are. Your older brothers are smitten more and more with you every day. I found myself imagining the 3 of you talking in our car one day. The 3 of you running in the backyard with bubble wands flying in the air pretending to be the three musketeers or a trio of Octonauts together. I'm so excited about what our life is turning into little buddy. Can't wait to see what this next month (err well half a month) has in store!
Love you to pieces little man.
Your Momma (And Dadda too!)