This man, has been in my life in some facet since I was 13 years old. I remember sitting next to him in 6th grade computers, 7th grade science and even band in 8th grade.
October 30th marked his 29th Birthday. Wow. Both of us celebrate our final birthday of our 20's this year. While I haven't known him his whole life...I've pretty much known him for half of it. So to say he's pretty important to me is quite the understatement. Of the century!
Jeremy to you on your 29th birhday I just wanna say Happy Birthday. Thanks for spending the last half your life celebrating birthdays with me. Here's to another wonderful 29 :)
I love you always.
I also happen to miss this little bundle of joy's three month birthday...what is Cooper up to these days? LOTS!! Below you will find some stats and my favorite things from this month. Enjoy :)
**Weight: 14lbs 2oz.
**Is still working on his hair. He now has a cute little bald spot on the back of his head from sleeping. But the rest continues to be growing in. It's getting spiky on top...and so far it's dark!
**Eyes appear to be turning/staying blue...yay for another beautiful blue-eyed boy!
**He has gone from our skinny little newborn to a hunk a chunk in just the short time between last month and this month!! From 12 to 14 pounds!
**Can officially fit into 6 month outfits. What a fast transition that was!
**Had his first ear infection and 10 days of amoxicillin :( He was such a good, sweet boy for us though, rarely crying at all. He just didn't want to eat much...and that was our cue! Sorry bud, I guess it costs to be the little brother!
**Was treated a week later for reflux and now is on a special formula with added rice starch to help keep things in his tummy better. So far he LOVES the new stuff. And Momma and Dadda are loving that you have more peaceful bottles!
**Is grasping on very tightly to anything and everything..clothes, toys, hair. He's got a serious grip!
**Trying so hard to sit up.
**Wakes up in the morning with a huge grin on his face. It's the most precious thing in the world!
**Smiles at you before you smile at him.
**Laughs when you tickle his belly, kiss his feet or grab him under his arms
**Laughs when you pop your lips at him or say Boo
**Laughs all by himself when he's laying in his crib playing!
**Enjoys putting his hands together and pulling them to his mouth. It's even more fun when he has a fun little toy in his hands.
**Talks and coos and makes noise NON-STOP. He's gonna be a little talker if his verbal communication keeps going like this!
**Thinks his Dadda is the best thing since bottled formula. If Jer is simply around him, he lights up. I LOVE this!
**Is hitting a stage in the evening where he needs a lot of extra love and attention! At the end of a busy day of play it seems you just don't know quite what to do with yourself! Remember Momma and Dadda love you and we will do everything we can to help you relax and enjoy the evenings as much as possible :)
**Likes to sit in his highchair
**Is very close to rolling over and works really hard to bring his feet up in the air and wiggle around.
**Sleeps...all night long...every night! Bless your little heart Cooper. You're a rockstar sleeper and Momma and Dadda love you to pieces for it!!
**Watches everything going on around him with pure contentment!
**Sleeps better when it's noisy...hmm...I wonder if that has to do with his big brother??
**Besides Momma and Dadda's lack of making the change, is ready to sleep in his crib and be moved out of our room. I thought I would be ready to have our bedroom back...but I honestly keep coming up with excuses not to move him out yet!
Dear Cooper,
Somehow you have already turned 3 months old. I think every letter I write like this will be filled with this sentiment of "my how time flies!" I have enjoyed every minute! You are changing and growing SO MUCH! You were the cutest little monster on the planet this month when we celebrated Halloween. I want to thank you for your beautiful little smile. It makes my day so bright and happy. I can't wait to get home to you after a long day. Or spend a quiet morning before the rest of our house is awake just enjoying a bottle and hanging out :) Thanks for the wonderful addition you continue to make to our amazing little family! God is good to us buddy! He truly is!
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