I opened up my blog on a whim this morning. Just to see where I left off. And the first post was this one. Man do I need to get back in this habit. I know there are tons of moments I have missed. TONS. And this proves it. But boy was this one worth sharing. I had to update and hit post. And pray that I can start backing up our memories again. Sure there will be holes in there. But maybe I can get back to it. Treat it simply like a journal and make sure I get something in here every week. Catching up will be trickier, but I've done it once before. I am sure I can do it again! Here's to hoping! Stories like this need to be jotted down so my kids have them to read when I'm long gone and can remember how much I love getting to be their mom! Anyway, enough rambling for today.
**** (Post first drafted during the 2016 School Year this past fall) I haven't blogged in just about a year. But for the first time in a long time, I wanted to blog. Words came to my mind the way they used to. I watched a memory unfold in front me of and knew just what I'd say to myself 15 years from now. So I really wanted to sit down, load my pics from the day and blog. I hope its the beginning of a lot more of it...because I cannot for the life of me figure out why I don't make the time to blog...but then I sit down to the computer and work out meal plans, grocery lists, coupons, calendars and bills and realize what time I had devoted to the computer is gone! And life with 3 kids is likely going to be linked to diminished brain function in some scientific study down the road. Seriously. It's exhausting. Regardless, Greyson and I had one of those days this past Friday that I know when I am old and gray that I will look back on and feel like I really hit the jackpot in life. I know I am blessed. But sometimes you have moments that rise up above the rest and you know that one day it'll stand out.

This little boy has stolen my heart. All 3 of my little boys absolutely did the same thing at different times in their life. But at this age, I am having more conversations with Greyson than I ever remember the other two slowing down to have with me. Friday morning after our newly established drop-off routine at Owen and Coop's school, we hit the donut shop for donuts. This little boy walked right on in with me holding my hand the whole way. Stopped at the glass counter and requested SPRINKLES with so much enthusiasm you would think he might burst. Then picked out a pink milk and patiently waited while I paid for our breakfast. He picked a booth and then very specifically requested I sit across from him. I laid a napkin out for him and he said, "you donut too Mommy!!" making sure I had a napkin just like his laid in front of me. He uttered an Oh Boy and smiled at me. After devouring all the icing and sprinkles off the top of his donut, he said yummy yummy yummy almost under his breath. And finding more sprinkles on the table he said Oh!! More sprinkles! With his chubby little fingers he picked those couple of sprinkles off the table and popped them in his mouth. Such pure joy. Over such a simple little thing. Donuts for breakfast. Sprinkles. Happy as could be in this single moment. And I felt it too. We finished our breakfast talking about the cars in the lot, the pictures on the wall and whatever else popped into his little 2 year old mind. But leaving that donut shop holding my hand asking me where we were going next...I knew God was smiling on me. Thanks Greyson. Sometimes Mommy has no idea if she's doing anything right with you 3 boys. I worry one day you'll grow up and leave me and Daddy alone and feel like we failed you as parents. But today was a glimpse of the love we share. And years from now I hope we still find time to sit down at the donut shop and eat sprinkles and strawberry milk. I know I'll never forget this particular morning with you***
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