The day after our shower Jer and I spent some time getting out all the baby's new toys. Jer and Dad put together a few of the bigger things...and we enjoyed some time together just putting out baskets and relaxing in the baby's room.
The weekend after our shower I got the chance to enjoy a "Girls Night Out" with Steff. We got tickets to Legally Blonde and hit the STL for a night on the town. The boys were at Bryan and Steff's enjoying a few beers together and we headed out out for the night! We had dinner at El Mezcal for a something yummy and quick...then we headed into the big STL and enjoyed the ambiance that is the Fox Theatre. No matter how many times I go, it never looses that wonderful feeling of historical mystery. The plush red chairs and the huge ornate halls, walls and ceilings. It's striking and beautiful. I love everything about it. I was excited to share it with Steff for one of the first times in her adult life. The place is always buzzing with excitement before the show begins. I love the low level buzz you can hear. This night because of the show, the place was packed with women all enjoying a night out so the buzz was more of a roar! The show was adorable. It followed the movie very closely, minus the dancing and singing through each scene ;) I left singing the main theme song from the musical...Oh My God...OhmyGod You guys. LOL. We didn't get home till nearly midnight, but it was such a great night! We made a pact to do more of those types of nights in the future!

The next day Jer and I were lucky enough to be invited to share in Julie and Rob's daughter Ella's first birthday! I can't believe how much she's grown since last year! I had so much fun shopping for her. We got her this fun cube that had a little bit of everything on it. It had a bead runner that lit up and played music, a play phone, some letter and number shape cut-outs on each side and a few other things to entertain her. In true 1st year fashion, she ended up plastered with cake and icing...and had a blast making a mess of herself, her high chair and the floor! It was a fun event and we enjoyed ourselves tremendously!
That night Jer and I headed over to Baby's R Us to make some returns from the shower. We got a few duplicates and we wanted to get them returned before the store decided to change their return policy. We ended up ordering our rocker for the baby's room...which I am oh so excited about! And we scored a killer deal. We ended up doing some shopping for a few things. We got mom and dad their carseat base, bought our changing pad, some crib mattress pads and new hamper for the nursery. We couldn't stop putting things in our cart! It was a blast...and our nursery looks even more ready for the baby than ever. I'm getting very anxious.
Since drafting up this post our rocker came in at Babies R Us and is now in our nursery!! This past weekend was Valentine's Day. We spent our day shopping for last minute baby needs and enjoying a lazy day together. We picked up two of the most adorable outfits from Old Navy for our baby's going-home outfit. We also picked up bottles, binks and our glider/rocker from Babies R Us! Our V-day evening was capped off by a trip to Target for more baby stuff. I concocked this plan for hanging some paper lanterns in the nursery and Jer is trying his hardest to make my vision a reality! Stay tuned for pics - the nursery is coming along so well!! When we got home from Target, we had some yummy crab pasta compliments of my fabulous husband who takes such good care of me, for dinner and enjoyed some much needed couch time!
Things appear to be slowing down a little at a time. Our milestone is looming out there now...getting ever closer. I'm looking forward to some lazy weekends coming up and some time spent with Jer enjoying our last few times as "Jess and Jer the young married, free birds" as we prepare to become "Jess and Jer - the exstatic parents of a healthy new baby!"
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