Our guests started arriving around 3:40 and it was pretty much craziness from that point on. The shower flew by. Jer and I got to spend a lot of time catching up with friends and family. Having everyone together in one place was chaotic, but we wouldn’t have had it any other way!
Around 5pm we all headed to the garage to eat! The food was amazing and delicious. They know how to keep a pregnant girl happy :) After eating Alison helped entertain the crowd with a game. The game involved me and Jer only. She had a series of questions to ask us. Each of had a dry erase board and would fill in the answers without consulting each other. Then after a few seconds we would compare answers to see how similarly we answered. We only missed 2 of the questions…and both of us were trying to think of what the other person would put. My favorite answer was the one where we were asked, “If you had one wish for your child, what would it be?” Both of us answered happiness! It was fun and everyone seemed to really enjoy it!
After the game we opened gifts. We were so spoiled!! Our nursery is now packed with all kinds of wonderful things for Baby Linley! It was a little crazy opening gifts from nearly 40 people, but oh so much fun! I tried to make sure we read each card and thanked each person as we opened. Hopefully we did ok with this!
After the gift opening Pastor Brad gave us a Lay of Hands. It’s an ancient Christian tradition. It’s a way of blessing the baby and the baby’s family. It was by far the neatest thing Jer and I have had done. Jer and I both placed a hand on my belly. Then everyone gathered around us and touched our head or shoulders. Brad said a prayer over us. I felt an overwhelming sense of peace and ease about everything that’s in store for me and Jer.
Jer and I owe so many thank you’s it’s hard to know where to start. And the bottom line is that there are hardly any words that will express how much it truly meant to us to be surrounded by those who were there. Thank you Bryan and Steff for being our best friends. We’ve talked about this many times, but God knew what he was doing when Steff and I met that day at Hickey College. Words can’t express our gratitude for everything. Steff you were the most gracious and caring host ever! You get the “Hostess with the Mostess” award that Brad often likes to give out! Alison and Julie, thank you so much for everything you both did. Having you there and knowing Jer and I have your support means so much! Mom, Robin, Stacey, Jackie, April and Missy…you girls are all awesome! There wasn’t a food I didn’t go back for more of!! Finally…to our guests who might be reading this…THANK YOU! Jer and I would not be the people we are today without the love and support of everyone who took part in our day. We are truly truly blessed. God has seen fit to fill our lives with more love than we know what to do with!
I just realized that we were dressed alike...I think we mentioned it that day. But, looking at the picture...I remembered again. Totally share a brain!
Totally something we would do!! There is way too much evidence that we share a brain - scary!
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