May 30, 2009
May 29, 2009
Our son is Two Months Old!
Though I can hardly believe it...Owen turned 2 months old on Tuesday of this week!! May 26th. He also had his two month check up...complete with his first 3 shots! He did so good! Jer and I are so amazed everyday with the things he can do and the way he changes. It's going so fast! I try everyday to hang onto the little things he does that day...and enjoy every smile, laugh and chance I get to rock him to sleep, watch him see something new for the first time, or even just smile at me around his bottle. Time is going to fly...and I'm only starting to get a glimpse of just how fast it's going to go!
At two months old Owen:
Weighs 13lbs 13oz
Is wearing a size 2 diaper
Can control both his hands intermittenly
Loves to laugh ;)
Can hold his head up
Is 24 and 3/4 inches long
Is loosing some of his baby hair and growing in new ones
Can wear 3 to 6 month clothes
Loves to be outside
Amazes us every single day with how much he changes
Laughs when Purcey rubs on his feet
Here are some pictures taken on his 2 month birthday!

At two months old Owen:
Weighs 13lbs 13oz
Is wearing a size 2 diaper
Can control both his hands intermittenly
Loves to laugh ;)
Can hold his head up
Is 24 and 3/4 inches long
Is loosing some of his baby hair and growing in new ones
Can wear 3 to 6 month clothes
Loves to be outside
Amazes us every single day with how much he changes
Laughs when Purcey rubs on his feet
Here are some pictures taken on his 2 month birthday!
More from the Garden of Delight
I blogged sometime back about planting flowers around the house. Here are some updated pics of our growing plants. The herbs are doing amazing and so is my hanging basket!

As chocolate mint! It actually smells like mint chocolate chip ice cream. Very cool!
As chocolate mint! It actually smells like mint chocolate chip ice cream. Very cool!
Monday - A Rainy Memorial Day
I was so proud of us. Monday we spent our memorial day doing absolutely nothing. We did not get out of our PJ's the whole day. We watched movies, cooked yummy food and relaxed while it thundered and rained away. It was the perfect ending to our amazing, full holiday weekend!
May 24, 2009
Sunday - Ded·i·ca·tion
This Sunday we was Owen's dedication at church our church.

According to Merriam Webester online Dedication has the following meaning:
Function: noun
Date: 14th century
1 : an act or rite of dedicating to a divine being or to a sacred use
2 : a devoting or setting aside for a particular purpose
3 : a name and often a message prefixed to a literary, musical, or artistic production in tribute to a person or cause
4 : self-sacrificing devotion
5 : a ceremony to mark the official completion or opening of something (as a building)
Why we did this:
Jer and I want to hold ourselves accountable for helping teach Owen about our faith and our church. This was a symbol of our devotion to do this. The whole day went very well.

My favorite part of the day:
When Pastor Brad talked about Owen's name and what it meant. We loved his name for it's meaning as well as the names themselves. However, it was neat to see it put through someone else's eyes. Owen Wyatt according to PB's research means immovable little warrior.
According to Merriam Webester online Dedication has the following meaning:
Function: noun
Date: 14th century
1 : an act or rite of dedicating to a divine being or to a sacred use
2 : a devoting or setting aside for a particular purpose
3 : a name and often a message prefixed to a literary, musical, or artistic production in tribute to a person or cause
4 : self-sacrificing devotion
5 : a ceremony to mark the official completion or opening of something (as a building)
Why we did this:
Jer and I want to hold ourselves accountable for helping teach Owen about our faith and our church. This was a symbol of our devotion to do this. The whole day went very well.
My favorite part of the day:
When Pastor Brad talked about Owen's name and what it meant. We loved his name for it's meaning as well as the names themselves. However, it was neat to see it put through someone else's eyes. Owen Wyatt according to PB's research means immovable little warrior.
Saturday - “Someone told me it's all happening at the zoo”
Owen took his first trip to the STL Zoo. The zoo was packed and the weather was toasty...but we made some great memories and enjoyed ourselves tremendously!
What a great day!!
Jer had just finished saying when you stop to tie your shoe...a shade tree is the best place to stop. A lovely shot of the bird poo that got dropped in my hair while standing in the cool of his shade tree.
May 22, 2009
Friday - Blood, Sweat and More Sweat
Jer and I decided to kick off the Memorial Holiday by doing a few chores around the yard. Last summer we spent ALL summer (literally ask our friends and family) on our big house painting project. I was so excited when spring came this year because it meant we would finally get to do some fun stuff around the house to spruce it up even more! It's amazing what a little grass mowing, mulch, flowers and fresh rock can do for your yard! Today was a fantastic day of hard work with wonderful results!
4 tons of gravel for the driveway later...and we're about 6 tons away from being finished!

A newly beautified space in our yard - before

In progress

And after

My newly planted lilac bush! They are beautiful in the spring and smell amazing! Mom and Dad gave it to me for my first Mother's Day!

We transplanted some pansies from our whiskey barrel to various pots in the yard.

In the pansies place, we planted some hardier sun-lovers!

We also filled in some bare spots in a border with new plants! What a day!
(Where was Mr. O while all this was taking place you might ask? He spent the afternoon with family and had so much fun playing! Thanks Uncle Jonnie and Aunt April! You can read about their night together here.)
4 tons of gravel for the driveway later...and we're about 6 tons away from being finished!
A newly beautified space in our yard - before
In progress
And after
My newly planted lilac bush! They are beautiful in the spring and smell amazing! Mom and Dad gave it to me for my first Mother's Day!
We transplanted some pansies from our whiskey barrel to various pots in the yard.
In the pansies place, we planted some hardier sun-lovers!
We also filled in some bare spots in a border with new plants! What a day!
(Where was Mr. O while all this was taking place you might ask? He spent the afternoon with family and had so much fun playing! Thanks Uncle Jonnie and Aunt April! You can read about their night together here.)
A Few Dislikes about this Time of Year...
The way our freshly washed car is ruined by the birds in our trees...or the pollen and helicopters in said trees.
Having an old drafty house. Bugs and other manner of vermin can sometimes get in.
Because of drafty old house...having to scope out the basement before doing laundry...all summer long.
Case in point...finding a wood bee sitting on top of my Tide cap in the basement.
Case in point number 2? Finding strange bugs with wings on the floor...also in our basement.
Case in point number 3? Watching Jer carry a frog out of the house in a box...after catching our basement!
Finding dead frogs on top of our air conditioner. Yeah...still haven't figure that one out.
The return of our summer lizards. They visit us every year. Have blue tails. And frankly? Gross me out. I talked to a neighbor last night and apparently we aren't the only ones plagued by them. My Dad keeps saying they are a good thing. They eat bugs. I'm not convinced.
Mosquitos and june bugs.
Having an old drafty house. Bugs and other manner of vermin can sometimes get in.
Because of drafty old house...having to scope out the basement before doing laundry...all summer long.
Case in point...finding a wood bee sitting on top of my Tide cap in the basement.
Case in point number 2? Finding strange bugs with wings on the floor...also in our basement.
Case in point number 3? Watching Jer carry a frog out of the house in a box...after catching our basement!
Finding dead frogs on top of our air conditioner. Yeah...still haven't figure that one out.
The return of our summer lizards. They visit us every year. Have blue tails. And frankly? Gross me out. I talked to a neighbor last night and apparently we aren't the only ones plagued by them. My Dad keeps saying they are a good thing. They eat bugs. I'm not convinced.
Mosquitos and june bugs.
What I love about this time of year
Wearing flip flops everday
Having the windows open
How it cools down at night and everything smells fresh
The smell of fresh cut grass
Planting flowers in pots
UABC Softball games on Thursday night
Cutting my peonies and sharing them with the people I love
A new one for me this year? The way my son looks in plaid shorts :)
Lilacs blooming
Reading about end-of-year play days on local school billboards
Enjoying a glass of wine at Piasa Winery
The promise of lazy summer days ahead
Having the windows open
How it cools down at night and everything smells fresh
The smell of fresh cut grass
Planting flowers in pots
UABC Softball games on Thursday night
Cutting my peonies and sharing them with the people I love
A new one for me this year? The way my son looks in plaid shorts :)
Lilacs blooming
Reading about end-of-year play days on local school billboards
Enjoying a glass of wine at Piasa Winery
The promise of lazy summer days ahead
May 19, 2009
Way to Go Owen!!
It can be officially announced that last night Owen slept all night long! He had a bottle at 9pm...and was in his crib fast asleep by 10:30pm! This morning, we didn't hear a peep out of him until 6:15am. YAY Owen!! Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you!
Morning Conversations...
Are starting to be my favorite part of my day!
Owen has begun talking (a.k.a. cooing, gurggling, using his voice) and laughing a lot! His favorite time is in the mornings when he first wakes up. He has started what I will call Mommy and Owen's Morning Conversations. He begins with a big cheesy grin to my Good Morning Buddy! I think it's his way of saying Good Morning Mommy! Then we change his diaper and chat about how he slept and what he dreamt about. Sometimes when he gets really excited, he'll copy the sounds I make. He laughs about me kissing his feet and making silly faces at him. And we discuss all the wonderful things life has in store for him.
I think this time was made special by the Big Man upstairs. Just for me. It's amazing how one small person can make your heart feel so tremendous.
Owen has begun talking (a.k.a. cooing, gurggling, using his voice) and laughing a lot! His favorite time is in the mornings when he first wakes up. He has started what I will call Mommy and Owen's Morning Conversations. He begins with a big cheesy grin to my Good Morning Buddy! I think it's his way of saying Good Morning Mommy! Then we change his diaper and chat about how he slept and what he dreamt about. Sometimes when he gets really excited, he'll copy the sounds I make. He laughs about me kissing his feet and making silly faces at him. And we discuss all the wonderful things life has in store for him.
I think this time was made special by the Big Man upstairs. Just for me. It's amazing how one small person can make your heart feel so tremendous.
May 18, 2009
Our Little Super Hero!
Owen's Aunt Casey bought him some adorable super hero pj's not too long after he came home! At the time they were a little bit big. Last night, he sported them for the first time. They were so stinking cute of course we had to take pictures!! Check out our little Pete Parker. He has them in the Hulk too. Can't wait to see those on him!
Music that touches the soul
When I was walking at the park the other day, I heard a Keith Urban song on my iPod that I hadn't heard in a long time. I love music and how a song you've heard a million times before can suddenly hit you just right. For some reason, the words struck me just right with this song. It made the perfect soundtrack for contemplation while walking with Owen in the fresh air. Life feels like it's fallen perfectly into place. And even though sometimes the next steps are scary, they always land you somewhere worth walking to. And that is my life right now. Jeremy and I do have a once in a lifetime love. I love you Jer!
Once in a Lifetime
I can see it in your eyes
And feel it in your touch
I know that you're scared
But you've never been this loved (mm hmm)
It's a long shot, baby,
I know it's true.
But if anyone can make it,
I'm bettin' on me and you. (mm hmm)
Just keep on moving into me,
I know you're gonna see
The best is yet to come
And don't fear it now,
We're going all the way.
That sun is shining on a brand new day.
It's a long way down
And it's a leap of faith
But we're never giving up
Cuz i know we've got a once in a lifetime love
Everybody's looking
For what we've found
Some wait their whole life
And it never comes around. (uu huhh)
So don't hold back now.
Just let go of all you've ever known
You can put your hand in mine.
And don't fear it now,
We're going all the way.
That sun is shining on a brand new day.
It's a long way down
And it's a leap of faith
But we're never giving up
Cuz i know we've got a once in a lifetime love
I close my eyes and i see you standing right there
Sayin 'i do' and they're throwing the rice in our hair.
Well the first one's born
And a brother comes along,
And he's got your smile.
I've been looking back on the life we had
I'm still by your side.
So don't fear it now,
We're going all the way.
That sun is shining on a brand new day.
It's a long way down
And it's a leap of faith
But I'm never givin up
Cuz i know we've got a once in a lifetime love.
Once in a Lifetime
I can see it in your eyes
And feel it in your touch
I know that you're scared
But you've never been this loved (mm hmm)
It's a long shot, baby,
I know it's true.
But if anyone can make it,
I'm bettin' on me and you. (mm hmm)
Just keep on moving into me,
I know you're gonna see
The best is yet to come
And don't fear it now,
We're going all the way.
That sun is shining on a brand new day.
It's a long way down
And it's a leap of faith
But we're never giving up
Cuz i know we've got a once in a lifetime love
Everybody's looking
For what we've found
Some wait their whole life
And it never comes around. (uu huhh)
So don't hold back now.
Just let go of all you've ever known
You can put your hand in mine.
And don't fear it now,
We're going all the way.
That sun is shining on a brand new day.
It's a long way down
And it's a leap of faith
But we're never giving up
Cuz i know we've got a once in a lifetime love
I close my eyes and i see you standing right there
Sayin 'i do' and they're throwing the rice in our hair.
Well the first one's born
And a brother comes along,
And he's got your smile.
I've been looking back on the life we had
I'm still by your side.
So don't fear it now,
We're going all the way.
That sun is shining on a brand new day.
It's a long way down
And it's a leap of faith
But I'm never givin up
Cuz i know we've got a once in a lifetime love.
Congrats Missy and Chad
This weekend one our high school friends tied the knot! I had the honor of being an attendant in her wedding. Missy and I have known each other since grade school. I love that we keep in touch and she wanted me to help her celebrate her big day! Missy and Chad actually danced their first dance as a married couple to a song Chad requested for Missy at our wedding nearly 3 and a half years ago. Their wedding weekend was a busy and fun-filled time spent with a fun group of people celebrating what I know will be a wonderful marriage! Our pics from the day didn't turn out...we need a new camera. So I'm waiting for some to get sent my way. Stay tuned because I'll post some when I get them!
Congratulations to Missy and Chad. Enjoy Jamaica! Ten whole days...did Jer and I mention we were higly envious??
Also...thank you SOO much Aunt Steff and Uncle Bryan for watching Owen Friday night while we were at the rehearsal! We were able to get ready and be to the rehearsal right on time! Oh and Owen told us he had an amazing time and can't wait for you to watch him again!!
And finally, thank you SOOO much Mom for taking him Saturday afternoon and over night! Jer and I got to sleep in and enjoy a carefree night on the town!
Congratulations to Missy and Chad. Enjoy Jamaica! Ten whole days...did Jer and I mention we were higly envious??
Also...thank you SOO much Aunt Steff and Uncle Bryan for watching Owen Friday night while we were at the rehearsal! We were able to get ready and be to the rehearsal right on time! Oh and Owen told us he had an amazing time and can't wait for you to watch him again!!
And finally, thank you SOOO much Mom for taking him Saturday afternoon and over night! Jer and I got to sleep in and enjoy a carefree night on the town!
Garden of Delight!
So as I said in my previous post, I planted flowers on Mother's Day. I have always loved going to White's Greenhouse and picking out flowers with my Mom. She plants annuals all over their yard each spring/summer and it's a tradition I've picked up here at our house as well. That being said...I would like to keep track of how well they grow throughout the summer! I'm not quite sure I've got Mom's green we'll see! Stay tuned for updates on my plants...hopefully we some serious blooming soon! Here are pics from Jessie's Garden (well...planters) of Delight.

My patio herb garden...we have oregano, cilantro, and basil.

Here we have lavender and spearmint. Still to come I want to plant some chocolate mint.

These planters went out front on our porch. They look great! I planted a variety of stuff. Mom and I got a planter demonstration at White's one year and they taught you how to make a planter look full before everything blooms. I think I got the job done!

My patio herb garden...we have oregano, cilantro, and basil.
Here we have lavender and spearmint. Still to come I want to plant some chocolate mint.
These planters went out front on our porch. They look great! I planted a variety of stuff. Mom and I got a planter demonstration at White's one year and they taught you how to make a planter look full before everything blooms. I think I got the job done!
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