Rolling over - Owen has been doing so much moving. I know I mentioned in an earlier post, that he rolled over from his belly to his back. I think it was a fluke and he did it on accident, because he hasn’t done it again since. However, he’s getting very close to rolling from his back to his tummy! Regardless, he is loving tummy time and enjoying all the wiggling he can muster up the energy for during the day!
Sleeping through the night - Last weekend Owen’s bedtimes were the following times: Friday night – Bedtime 10pm Awake at 6:15am
Saturday night – Bedtime 9:30pm Awake at 5:15am.
Sunday night – Bedtime 8:30pm Awake 7:30am...11 whole hours!
Monday Night – Bedtime 9:30pm Awake 7:50am
Go Owen!!! Dad and I are enjoying our new found sleep very much!!
New PJ’s - Speaking of bedtime…he has currently outgrown all of his PJ’s except for new ones that we have just purchased. He is in now in 9 month sleepers! We snapped some pics of him in some of them. I love the footballs on the feet and the monkeys! He thinks it is hilarious when you wiggle his feet and make monkey noises!
Other fun things - Owen loves to squeal. This is a new thing he’s figured out he can do. Grandma PJ helps keep the squealing going. It’s funny when he’s playing…when he’s not, and he seriously mad…it’s not so funny! Thanks Grandma PJ for teaching our son that fun lesson ;)
1 comment:
Uncle Bryan would love to have the football jammies!
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