March 26, 2009

What You've Been Waiting For

Introducing Owen Wyatt Linley:

There are more pictures, but I've taken over this blog for long enough! I'm going to save some stuff for Momma to do! Feel free to check out my blog for baby chatter...I'm sure I'll be talking about the Linley's in the next few days ;)

Also, I got to see Jess before I left. She's doing great! I asked her if she was disappointed in the CSection outcome & she said not at all. She gave it her best shot. I'm so proud of you Jess! Love you with all my heart & couldn't be happier.

Oh & Jer...Husband of the year award...YOU WERE AMAZING THROUGHOUT (NOT ONLY THE ENTIRE PREGNANCY) THE DAY TODAY. Thanks for being Jessie's rock.

And, most of all...Happy Birthday Owen Wyatt...You stubborn little turkey you!


Owen Wyatt-8lbs 14oz, 21 inches long
3/26/09, 12:38 AM
Mom, Dad & Baby are doing great...Thanks for all your prayers!

It's a BOY

No details yet. All are great. Pics soon.

March 25, 2009


Jess has put up a great fight, but it has been decided that they will do a CSection in approximatley 20 minutes. Jeremy came in an is emotionally exhausted. They're hanging in like troopers. Please pray for Jess, Jer & Baby Linley. It's been a long day. There are also a few (17 to be exact) people in the waiting room who are hanging tough but could also use prayer. Especially the soon to be Grandparents.

Never Though I'd Say This


Thank You Johnnie Linley for the constant waiting room entertainment...Either he is getting funnier or were getting delirious!

Oh an Jess is STILL pushing. The nurses continue to tell us she's doing great.

What I Know

Jess is doing well, but is possibly effaced (SP). Which means the baby is possibly face up instead of face down. Dr. T is here now. Hopefully my next post will be more informative.

Contrary, Contrary

Jess started to push an did great. However, the contractions slowed down. They've decided to let Jess rest for thirty minutes. She should begin to push again around 930. The nurse said a baby by midnight. I'll let you know when I know.


Jessie is fully dialated an will begin pushing at 8:00. Excitment is really starting to grow here. Jessie is nervous, but trying to get some rest until 8. Jeremy is doing great with a smile from ear to ear!

The Waiting Is The Hardest Part

Okay the prediction wasn't quite right...She's still progressing well. However, they are still wanting her cervix to thin a little more. The prediction is between 745 & 845. When we get word she's pushing I'll post. Thanks for all of your love an support. The Linleys are so grateful.


Jessie is at 9 right now. Her potocin an epidural have been upped an she's moving right along. They are hoping she can start to push in 20-30 minutes. Her contractions are much more consistent an progressive. I'll be back!


The nurse just came in an Jess is at an 8!!! Her cervix is still thick so there's still some progression to go, but things are going great. The plan is to get a little sleep now so she can use her energy later! So far Pam, Dave, Linda, Gary, Mike, Stacey, Pap, Flo an Jackie are here. It's been a blessing that Jess has had some sporadic visitors an everyone can keep each other company. As well as settle their own nerves by seeing her, visiting Jer an just being together. The Linleys have more visitors coming as the work day ends. What a blessing Baby Linley already is an how special it is that Jess an Jer have decided to share this with us!

Keepin On

Jess is doing great. She is very much enjoying the epidural. She's dialated at 5 1/2 an back on the potocin. Dr. T said it's taking a little longer than he would like so they dialed it up a bit. The goal is to keep the contractions coming an to also get Jess to relax. Jeremy is doing well an has been visiting with the fan club. All is good. Were just patiently waiting!


Epidural is in. They took her off the potocin an she's feeling much better. As long as her contractions stay consistent they'll leave her off the potocin. I'll update in a bit.

Epidural Update

Jess got through her bag of fluid. They are working on the epidural now. It's been a little dfficult. They sat her up an the baby didn't like it. They got the baby situated an are hoping to get the epidural admnistered with her on her side. The nurse said it isn't anthing to worry about. Just uncomfortable for Momma.

At A 4

The nurse just came in to check on Jess. She's progressed to a 4! Once she gets through her IV bag she'll be ready for an epidural. Her contractions have been super strong an the baby's heart rate has been falling a bit. Not a major concern, but they did put her on oxygen.

Cindy-I gave her your hug. She smiled!

Broken Water

Hey everybody. I just got to the hospital. Jess is doing great. Dr. T broke her water at 8. She said it made her feel better. It also made the contractions stronger an faster. She's being a trooper. Will update soon.

Potocin Started-Update No. 2

Hey everyone. I talked to Jess just a few minutes ago. Here's the low down...

-Slept only a total of two hours due to nervousness an monitors constantly making a racket
-Dialation didn't really change overnight
-They started potocin at 6
-Since then the contractions were rated with a WOW
-Mom, Dad an Baby are all doing great

March 24, 2009

The Begining of Baby Linley Updates

Hey there blog readers! This is Steff and, as Jessie mentioned earlier, I’ll be doing some guest blogging over here for the Linley 3. My husband Bryan and I have had the honor of being friends (that seems like such an understatement anymore) with Jess & Jeremy for the past six years. They have truly been a blessing to us. We’re so excited to meet Baby Linley and totally honored that they have included us in this exciting time!

My goal is to try and keep those interested in the happenings of Jeremy, Jessie & Baby Linley as updated as possible.

With that said, in regards to the Linley 3, here’s what I know:
*Jess & Jeremy have made a beautiful home for Baby Linley
*They are a great team & will make wonderful parents
*Today was a day filled with lots of emotion, excitement & nervousness
*Jessie was very swollen today, had a uncomfortable nights sleep last night & is very ready to not be pregnant anymore
*Jess got checked in to the hosiptal around 8 & was finally settled around 9:30
*The nurse indicated that she hadn't made much progress from Friday
*She is still super nervous, but some of the needle stuff is done so she is feeling a little better
*Jeremy is doing great & has been catering to Jess all day
*He's just as nervous
*The nurse was going to offer her a sleeping pill around 10...Hopefully she's snoozing as I type this
*They will check her tomorrow morning between 5:30 & 6:00 hoping for dialation & thinning
*Once they check her they will let her shower & start the potocin (She has to be dialated to at least at 2 before they can start the potocin)

She's planning to call me in the morning once she's ready for company. I'll keep you updated as well as I can.

Please pray for Jessie & Jeremy.

Jess hasn't spent much time in the hospital so all of this is new to her. I know she’s nervous about the workings of everything so please pray that God will ease her mind and make this an enjoyable experience. Pray that God will give Jeremy courage & strength to help his wife through these next hours. Pray that God will calm him & let him know He is near. Pray for a body that responds well, calmed nerves & good rest tonight. And, most of all pray for a HEALTHY BABY LINLEY.

Jess & Jeremy-We’re so excited & happy for you guys. Soak in every moment. Although sometimes it won’t seem this way, time is really going to fly. We love you guys and CANNOT wait to meet Baby Linley!

Today is the Day!

Today is the day we head to the hospital. We don't go for several more hours...but I'm already nervous!

Please please keep us in your thoughts and prayers over the next few days. Pray for labor to begin quickly. For my epidural to go smoothly. For me to stop letting my mind wander onto all of the what if's? For God to ease my fears about needles and hospitals. For our baby to be strong, safe and healthy through all of this. For us to enjoy all the excitement and wonder that is giving birth!

This will be the last post from me for a little while. But Steff has graciously agreed to update the blog for me and Jer as things progress throughout the day tomorrow. Keep checking back! Hopefully by the end of the day we'll have pictures of the newest little Linley.

March 23, 2009

Thank You Aunt Steff and Uncle Bryan!

Sunday night we got a wonderful visit from Aunt Steff and Uncle Bryan. They stopped by and the plan was to go get ice cream...but as a bonus they brought us a gift and lots of laughter. It was so sweet and unexpected!

The gift was perfect for a couple getting ready to head to the hospital to have a baby! It was a green and white polka dot canvas tote full of so much wonderful stuff! We got Twilight and Pirates of the Carribean - At World's End on BluRay DVD. I got a brandnew pair of PJ's to spoil myself with when I get home. We got a whole assortment of cookies and yummy cinnamon pecan straws and other snacks for the hospital stay. We also got a 2 liter of Pepsi (just for me...since I've managed to not let myself have but a handful of Pepsi's my whole pregnancy). We also got some good magazines and a book! We are all set! They wrapped up a whole lot of love and thoughtfulness in our gift as well. Thank you so much :) What would we do without the other half of the Linoski's??

I didn't get a picture of the whole present all wrapped up because we opened it too fast, but here is a snapshot of the start to our snack/entertainment bag for the hospital. All the goodies are compliments of the Cincoski's!

Days Before Meeting YOU!

This weekend was one of my and Jer's last weekends spent together as Jeremy and Jessie. While we CANNOT wait till we become Jeremy and Jessie plus 1...I already feel blessed to have this time to be together. To sleep in a little each day, to stay up late watching movies and spending time with the dog, and also to do some things around the house we've been meaning to do. It also been a time to ponder all the millions of questions running through our heads and laugh at each other over our insecurities about bringing a baby into our house. Here are some snap shots of what we've been up to...

Given that Deci's life is about to change big time...we tried to spend some quality time with her! Jer gave her a much needed bath! Isn't she so cute??

We also took her to park! We made a trip two Saturday's ago with Indie and Jayde...and she's been begging us to go again. Today it was just the three of us!

We also hit an amazing sale at Old Navy. We couldn't help ourselves and HAD to go look! We got boy and girl outfits and figure we'll return whatever we can't use! It was sooo much fun :)

The girl outfits. I LOVE the little blue sweater!

The boy outfits. Our favorite has to be the little plaid fedora!

When the right words just come to you...

Writing often helps me express myself and find my heart again when I am grasping around for understanding or the words to put with the emotions.

As the day of our induction approached, I never imagined I'd find myself feeling bittersweet. The passage below came to me after I admitted to Jer that I was scared to loose the way we feel right now. I had a tear slip down my cheek and he looked at me and said "It's ok Babe. I'm scared too." I am so excited to meet our baby. Make a life with them. But our life is so wonderful...are we being greedy to think it'll get better? Once I put my thoughts into writing I realized the way I'm feeling is a simple testament to my marriage. It's not perfect...but it's ours. I realize so clearly the way I feel about the life we've built. I'm proud and blessed and so very loved. I never want our child to forget that they were made of our love and our desire to share this life with them. Life is pretty good all around :) Thanks for reading and letting me share my heart.

I wish I could freeze frame this moment. This time we are at right now. The way everything feels. The excitement. The nervousness. The comfort of each other and our routine. The one we know how to do. The one that has made you and me a family for the past 3 and a half years. The way our house looks now. The way it feels right now to pick up the house of just our belongings. The way I feel when you wrap me in a hug after a long day. The way it feels when you wipe away my tears. Or make me laugh so hard I can't stop crying. The quiet moments we spend before falling asleep every night. The smell of you on the t-shirt I'm sleeping in. Everything that has made us you and me. I wish I could take all these things and bottle them into a beautiful jar. The kind of jars you put lightening bugs in or see sitting on some old dusty forgotten shelf. The kind with a greenish blue tint...with a rusty metal lid. I'd wrap it in twine and put a tag on it that says "Us before you." I'd put my favorite pictures of us. And pieces of paper with these simple words. Love. Faith. Strength. True Friendship. Intelligence. Kindness. Happiness. Adventure. Bravery. Shoulder to Cry on. Purpose.

I love you Jer and I can't wait to see what else life brings our way. I love you Baby Linley. I can't wait to see what wonderful memories you will add to our Life Jar. All the wonderful things we will teach each other and learn as we grow into the Linleys.

As a tribute to are some of my favorite pics of me and Jer over the past few years!

March 21, 2009

Friday's Appointment...the waiting is over!!!

This past Friday Jer and I went to what will amazingly enough, be our final weekly appointment at the doctor's office!! YAY! It was by far our most exciting appointment because we found out that we're getting induced on our due date! We are excited, nervous and happier than ever! Here are some details on how the appointment went and what next week has in store for us:

The appointment:
Dr. Talsky came in and informed me I was now his most pregnant patient. There was a girl due March 24th, but her water broke on Wednesday night and she ended up having the baby Thursday. So I now held this esteemed position! The first thing we did was measure me. We have not changed. I'm still 43 centimeters. This means the baby has not dropped. He felt my belly for the baby's positioning and said the baby (his best educated guess) is 8.5 to 9lbs. This prompted some discussion of how much longer we wait for Baby Linley? He checked me and I had not made much progress, which was slightly disappointing. I was only one and half centimeters dialted. This means I most likely won't start laboring any time soon. Most women are 2 and half centimeters before they begin laboring on their own. And after checking me said the head is still not down and dropped into place. This is also another sign that labor wasn't as imminent as we would really like it to be.

The induction:
Given the size of the baby and the lack of progression, Dr. Talsky decided we would be good candidates for induction. We decided to wait until my due date to give Baby Linley just a little more time to decide if he/she was ready to join us without pitocin's help. So Tuesday at 8pm, we check into the hospital to be administered a dose of cervidil (something to help my cervix dialate) and then on Wednesday morning (our official due date) around 7am, I will be able to shower and then we'll beging pitocin. Dr. Talsky said our goal is to have a baby by midnight on Wednesday night. YAY!

Please if you could, keep us in your prayers. As the day quickly approaches I am finding myself more nervous than I expected. Something about knowing the exactly day it will happen rather than blindly waiting for it to happen anyday, change the game a little bit! Stay tuned...I plan to post a few more posts before we head to the hospital. We've had some fun enjoying our last couple days off before there will be more to come!

March 17, 2009

One Week Away

Bare with me. The following post is lengthy. Given my pregnancy hormones and need to express myself through writing...this post grew to greater lengths than I meant for it to.

Yesterday was the first day of 39th week of pregnancy. Exactly one week from today is Baby Linley's official 40 week due date. I’m not sure if it is the impending birth of our first child that has me all jazzed up…or if it’s simply just the things that have been going on with us lately! Either way...I have a ton on my mind. And that being said...I wanted to list/decompress all of the things that just keep randomly raging through my brain at random times.

Tax Returns – we’re still waiting on our return from State of Missouri. Why does it take the state a month to send us our money, but if we owed them money, we’d be getting harassing phone calls by now?

Leave Pay – I’ve been on the phone everyday since I returned to work trying to make sure my insurance has all the paperwork they need. Every time I talk to someone else, they need a new piece of paperwork. The best part: today the story is…we need a document stating that you can return to work at full capacity. Mind you, Dr. Talsky already signed paperwork stating I could return to work on March 6th and faxed it to the insurance company last week. However, since he did not put the date on the paperwork next to his signature of when he signed the paperwork, they need another form filled out and sent into them. You have to be kidding me??? Luckily the leave was approved and that allows the company to pay me regardless of whether the leave is closed out or not. Thank Goodness! Hopefully one final piece of paperwork will be all they need and I can focus on my upcoming maternity leave.

Magazine Hate Mail – I was signed up for two free issues of Parenting Magazine while shopping at Motherhood Maternity. I never said I wanted to keep the magazine as a permanent part of our monthly reading list. Apparently you don't have to sign up. They take it upon themselves! Before I even recieved my second magazine, I got a bill. I have since gotten 3 pieces of mail stating I needed to remit payment for my subscription to Parenting magazine. I ignored the first 2 because I thought, I never signed up for this…I’m not paying for it. They must just be trying to make a reader out of me. Yesterday, the third piece of mail came…and it sent me through the roof. It stated that this was the third time they had tried to retain payment from me and I had not complied. In order to keep my subscription in good status, I need to send payment immediately. I immediately called and yelled at the first person I came into contact with asking them to remove me from the list. I certainly didn’t appreciate being made to feel like I agreed to a subscription I wasn’t willing to pay for and somehow now I owed them money and my account was deliquent. Please don’t bully me into buying a magazine. Luckily I was able to have everything cancelled and she told me she was very sorry. Again…thank Goodness!

39 Weeks and counting – A few weeks back I thought we might just have a baby by now. Now, I’m starting to think we’re going to miss our March 25th due date and end up with an induction. I’m trying very hard to stay as positive as possible about everything! I know things could be so much harder. I know my pregnancy has been unbelievably amazing, but at nearing 10 months of supporting another life, the hormones, the swelling, and all the strange changes I’ve watched my body go through, I’m ready for pregnancy to be over and for our baby to be here!

What a baby means for us - I've said for a few weeks now that Baby Linley can join us anytime. We're ready. We have bags packed and the nursery is all fixed up. We even have 8 frozen meals neatly stacked in our deep freeze with reheating instructions written on top just in case we're not the ones putting them in the oven. We're stocked on diapers, wipes and everything else. But that covers the physical basics. Emotionally I'm just as ready to meet our baby and start our family. But there are so many questions running through my mind. Are we going to be good parents? Our marriage is strong and we are a good team. But as parents...will we be what our kids need? Another question - how will this new addition to the family add to our family dynamics? Who will the baby look like, talk like, act like? I can't wait for Jer to have a conversation with our child where they use logic to back their way out of trouble. Something Jer is famous for doing to me. Will we raise them right? I want us to raise a kind, caring person who is smart like Jer and maybe has some of my creativity. I think knowing the kind of person you want to raise is the first important step, but the actual act of raising that person is a whole other ballgame! We have such a massively amazing adventure in front of us. I can't imagine taking it on with anyone but my husband. But regardless, part of me is just the tiniest bit nervous about what's to come and all the new changes headed our way!

Strangeness - I realized yesterday I haven't carried my planner with me in weeks. Since being off for pre-term labor, my schedule has become focused on taking care of myself and the baby first, everything else second. The strangeness is that the planner used to be attached to my hip. I purposely bought bigger purses so I could carry my planner with me everywhere. It was full of post-it notes, lists, reminders, bills to mail, etc. Most of the time when I opened it, 5 things came tumbling out and I remember yet another thing that had lapsed my mind on my to-do list. The strangest thing about all of it is, I was sure I'd miss it if it somehow wasn't there. A full planner and a busy scheduled signified success to me. At this point, I know one day the planner will fill back up with play dates, soccer games, and everyone elses busyness. But my prayer is, I don't go back to the same level of busyness I once had. I've felt more peace and calm in my life in the past few weeks than I ever thought possible. I've had time to watch some fun TV shows, read nearly an entire book in just a week, blog and take pictures of my growing belly, enjoy days at the park with my friends and husband. I've truly enjoyed the strange quietness that the planner never seemed to afford me. What a strange strange feeling.

Waiting - I had no idea not knowing when the baby would come would drive me so crazy. The whole thought process of "the baby could come at any minute", yet nothing seems to be happening is making me anxious and ansy. It brings up more questions about what I'll be going through...when it'll all finally it will all happen (c-section, induction, etc). I'm nervous and have come to realize...I suck at waiting!

March 16, 2009

What is Wrong with People??

Some people think it's appropriate to just say whatever comes to their mind and b/c you're pregnant it's either appropriate or acceptable. I think many people under-estimate the power of all those hormones at work in one body. Plus the strong desire to protect yourself and your baby that never leaves your mind. However, today, I had someone who has topped my charts in terms of strangley inappropriate comments. I've had quite a few in the past 9 1/2 months. This one however, takes the cake.

I was on my way to the cafeteria to get something to drink, and I had a elderly guy waddle up to me. Yes I said waddle. He waddled as if he was making fun of my walk. Elbows back and stomach pushed out a bit. (Hi...I've NEVER seen you before in my life. YOU of all people are NOT allowed to make fun of me!) He then proceeds to get very close to my face and say, "Thanks for saving it." Long pause...big smile. Pats his belly as he finished with, "For choosing not to abort your baby."


March 13, 2009

38 Weeks and 2 days

Jer and I went to our second weekly appointment this morning. Today marks 38 weeks, 2 days. Holy smokes! We had the opportunity to meet Dr. Talsky's nurse practioner Deb. She was fabulous!

Today she didn't check me. Dr. Talsky is out of town and she did not want me going into labor when I didn't have my OB to deliver. I was slightly bummed b/c I wanted to know how we've progressed (if at all). And honestly, I'm pretty much ready to have this baby! But I understand why she chose not too. And her decision simply proves the time is drawing closer! She did do the usual measurements and heartbeat check, as well as getting a good look at my miserably swollen feet. She said my ankles are "pitting" a +1 or 2. Pitting is when your fingers leave an indententation on the top of your shins. The worse the pitting, the longer the indentations take to bounce back. Mine weren't good, but not the worst. Apparently it can get much worse. Wow is all I can say! She told me to spend more time with me feet up and stay off my feet more than I had been. I measured 43 centimeters. Growth is leveling off b/c the baby is dropping rather than continuing to make my belly expand further. She thought the baby was every bit of 8 pounds at this point and like Dr. Talsky has been all along, she was impressed with the size of the baby. The heartbeat was a strong and steady 130 - 140. She loved that the heartbeat fluctuated when the baby moved around b/c it again shows good connection between heart and brain function. (See blog about our 30 week check-up when we first learned about this) Yay Baby Linley! Keep it up!

Overall the appointment went great! I'm still huge and uncomfortable and ready to meet our little bundle of joy...but this helps me want to keep on truckin'. Baby is happy and healthy and according to my health care professionals, I'm doing fabulous for a first time mom!

Thank You CDI!

Civil Design Inc. (or CDI) is the company Jeremy works for. They're a small engineering firm located in the Soulard area of downtown St. Louis. We are proud to be part of the CDI family, and Jer is looking forward to many years of growing his career with them!

That being said, thanks to his wonderful co-workers at CDI, Jer and I were blessed by yet another shower! They set up a surprise shower for him two Friday's ago. I was lucky enough to get to go down to their office and celebrate with everyone! The best part is that one of Jer's co-worker is expecting a baby March 15th. So it was a double baby shower with Adonis and Mandy. They had cake and snacks, balloons and beautiful flowers set up in the room for us. We were so spoiled by the outpouring of gifts. This shower helped us finish up all the last minute things our nursery was lacking. We are now stocked with the perfect amount of crib sheets, blankets, extra teethers, laundry detergent and a large number of other wonderful items! A special thank you goes to Mark and Tiffany who took on the task of shopping for us. Our gifts were so beautifully wrapped neither of us wanted to open them! It was a very special and thoughtful day for us.

Thank you so much CDI!

March 12, 2009

Our Baby's Nursery

The nursery has been a labor of love. Not unlike every other room we have in our house, we had a blast decorating it and taking it from it's former state to a beautifully crafted space for our newest addition to the family! I thought it fitting for us to show you a progression of the room throughout the 4 years we've lived in our home. It's definitely seen some serious changes and I'm so proud of our finished product!

We painted the room purple when we first moved in. It was supposed to match my old bedroom stuff from home. We were never so glad to see it go!

We refinished the hardwood floors. After some much needed instruction from St. Peter's Hardware, we had all the equipment we needed. The floor turned out WAY better than we even hoped!

Yellow was our color of choice. We painted it this way, hoping one day it would become a nice color for a nursery ;)

Jer hung a brand new ceiling fan and our room was a completely clean slate!

Until Baby Linley came along, the room served as a spare room for us to relax in. We have since moved that space into our loft area and began creating our nursery space. Thank you Jer for making my lantern idea happen! Below are pics of the finished product!!

March 11, 2009

Baby Belly Week 37

Jer and I snapped a few shots of my measuring 42 wopping centimeters. It's amazing what your body does!!

Enjoy ;)

Swollen Ankles

Just b/c I couldn't help myself...I had to take a shot of my insanely swollen ankles. They have been swollen on and off since around 5 and a half months...but that pales in comparison to the flare up that began this weekend.

I woke up with them a bit puffy on Saturday morning. Steff and I spoiled ourselves with a pedicure that morning and we both noticed they looked a little off. I thought our shopping trip to the Mills and around town would nip it in the bud. Usually walking alleviates the swelling and they go back to a somewhat normal version of my ankles. By Saturday night however, they were unstoppable. My toes looked like they had been smashed together...and when I walked on them there was a crease and it tingled. I proceeded to prop up my feet and read in the nursery that evening for awhile. It helped, but still the swelling kept coming. Figuring sleep would be the best remedy, I went to bed Saturday night and tried to forget about them.

Sunday morning...they were not quite to the point of tingling anymore...but they were still big. As of Monday night I no longer have ankles at all. My calves and ankles appear to be one big blob and my feet look like webbed version of their previous selves. Coming back to work this week quickly ensured the swelling would not be going down...and now my feet are impossibly swollen. Nothing seems to help.'s a picture of my lovely lower extremities. Thank God for the purple toe nails all neatly painted. Otherwise I might not have had the guts to post this picture!!

March 9, 2009

Friday's Appointment

Last Friday, March 6th, Jer and I went to our 37 week appointment. It was just what I needed; a great visit with Dr. Talsky's undivided attention.

From our visit we found out the following:
* I am 42 centimeters in size and the baby is around 7.5 to 8 pounds - given Dr. Talsky's best guess.
* Being "vigrously" checked is miserablly uncomfortable, but doesn't last for very long, and I did just fine...and we learn a lot from it so it's worth it.
* I am 1 centimeter dialated
* I am 30% thinned.
* The baby's head is down and at -3 station. He could actually touch the top of baby's head and push it away from my pelvis. He said it would float away, but come right back down. So baby is down, but not locked into place yet.

Also, Friday's appointment was full of more famous quotes from our quirky OB. They must be shared!

Dr. T: Wow! You're really pregnant aren't you??

Dr. T: Who did this to you??

After I pointed to Jer, he then said...You're trying to have a Brian Bosworth. Here's a link in case you aren't aware of who he is (I had no idea).

Dr. T: You're working on a really dark line (referring to the unsightly dark hormone line down the middle of my belly) aren't you?

He never ceases to amaze me!

March 5, 2009

Heading Back...

So today marks my last official day of leave. I officially go back to work tomorrow...and honestly, I'm much more ok with it than I thought I might be. At this point, I'm ready for a distraction. Being at home has been great, don't get me wrong. I needed a break like this. I was able to gorge myself with more daytime TV than I ever wanted to watch. Also, I let myself get totally absorbed with the first season of the O.C. Thanks Josh and Katie ;) I'm now into Season 2. It's a guilty pleasure...and I'm addicted! I also was able to enjoy some relaxing days without makeup or anything to do...and sleep in after some sleepless, contraction-filled nights that would have made work the next day impossible. So the time off, though a little scary, turned into a bright little blessing for me. That being said, I'm still ready to head back. I'm ready for the baby to join us...and being off, though it's wonderful, doesn't make the time go any faster. I miss Jer most days all day long. Thank God for Steff's phone calls and my Mom's after work drive by's, oh and the visits from my grandma too. Those have made the days seem less long and lonely.

Thanks to everyone who called, stopped by, or got ahold of me to see how we were doing. Our blooming family has so many wonderful people who care about us! It is nice to feel loved and know who you can count on when you really need it!

Jer and I have our 37 week appointment tomorrow with Dr. Talsky. Please pray for us. Our last few office visits have left a little to be desired. And I'm nervous all the contractions have been in vain and he's going to tell me I haven't progressed even a centimeter...and I'm afriad if that's the case, I might just cry when I leave the office. Maybe that's the hormones talking...or my swollen ankels. Either way...much more to come after tomorrow's appointment...

Contractions, contractions...and more contractions

Since I hit 36 weeks, Dr. Talsky said we were able to have a baby any instead of stopping labor, we began waiting for it to start. And it's not really keeps faking us out!

I've been experiencing lots of contractions in the past few weeks. Some have kept me awake until midnight. Others have woke me up in a dead sleep at 3am. Two nights last week we spent time timing contractions for 3 and 4 hours at a time. One night they started at midnight and were accompanied with severe back pain. They lasted till 3:45am about 4 minutes apart, then they just stopped. I thought we were heading to the hospital! The next time they went on 10 minutes apart from 8:20 till nearly 1am. While I love all the practice with timing, I'm getting a little disheartened. The past few days the contractions have slowed a bit...and that is also disheartening too. I am ready for the baby to be here. I'm ready to be done trudging myself out of bed 4 times a night just to go to the bathroom. I'm ready to meet our baby and count all ten fingers and toes. I'm ready! And so is Jer.

So Baby Linley...whenever you are ready...your parents and lots of other wonderful family are awaiting your arrival...anyday!