I wrote this one night last week..and after going back and re-reading it, I thought it was worth sharing.
Tonight it was all about the little things. Tonight I truly felt this sense of peace.
Backing up....I'll start at the beginning. I had a particularly difficult day. I've mentioned in the past that we've struggled through some difficult times with Jer's father Mike before. And it's as true now as it was months ago when I mentioned it then. On top of life's normal everyday things...it's been an interesting few months for us. A bit of a balancing act. It's been emotional and difficult and I've struggled with selfishness again and again. I've also learned a lot. I've learned some (most) days what I have planned will change. What I think is happening isn't. And honestly...everything I know at 8am, could be different by 5pm....or even 9am for that matter. But...this isn't about that. It's about tonight.
Tonight...though...I came home from work, got to kiss my husband before he left again to fulfill another evening of commitments. I had dreaded not getting to see him that evening...all day long...so seeing him was a bonus! I listened to him sing Owen a song about something silly. I met my best friend and just seeing her face gave me a sense of calm. We shopped for nothing, talked about everything, bought Owen a cookie and I think we lapped the mall 8 times before calling it quits. I saw a sign for Glee and remembered it came out on DVD...which meant I HAD to buy it. So off we went to Target. Owen had some chicken nuggets and chocolate milk...and I bought Glee. I reluctantly returned her to her car and let her leave me...though I thought about saying...let's have a slumber party!! When I got home, Owen and I watched a crazy episode of Wonder Pets. We read his Baby Colors book...his book of prayers and cruised through his word book before turning out the light...singing our favorite Laurie Berkner songs and putting him in his crib. Safe, sleepy and happy. I then sat down with cheese stuffed ravioli...smothered in delicious red sauce and roped provel cheese and two...yes two...slices of my favorite cheese garlic bread. I washed it down with a glass of milk...though wine might have been a good choice had we had any in the fridge. I sat down with my delicious meal for one. A son snoozing soundly, the sounds of Glee filling our bedroom...wrapped up in my favorite down comforter and my brother's Memphis Redbirds t-shirt I stole (he's not getting it back) and felt complete contentment. It a fabulous end to a long, emotionally tough day and I could not imagine a happier close to it.
Thank you God for the little things...and how sometimes when you least expect it...they come flying at you like a freight train!
September 27, 2010
September 26, 2010
How time flies!
Today Owen turns 18 months old!!
It's amazing how fast time really goes! What's even more amazing is how much he can do! He's walking, talking, playing. He knows what he likes and doesn't like to eat. He knows what toy he wants and what movie he wants to watch. He loves to watch his Daddy mow grass and kiss the babies in all of books. He's got a sweet tender heart, but is strong willed and adventurous. I say this all the time, but it amazing how fast things change. In less that two years he's already become a little boy!
I was looking at these and was blown away at how very much Owen has changed! These were just last year!!
I love this little man with all my heart…and each new stage is a new adventure…but boy how I sometimes wish I could capture and freeze times in life to hang onto them for a little while longer! I miss his fuzzy little bald baby head…and his toothless little giggle so much sometimes it hurts! Hugs those babies…in your life everyone... whatever relation they are to you (niece, nephew, grandchild or your own)…it doesn’t matter. Because they certainly don’t stay babies for long!
It's amazing how fast time really goes! What's even more amazing is how much he can do! He's walking, talking, playing. He knows what he likes and doesn't like to eat. He knows what toy he wants and what movie he wants to watch. He loves to watch his Daddy mow grass and kiss the babies in all of books. He's got a sweet tender heart, but is strong willed and adventurous. I say this all the time, but it amazing how fast things change. In less that two years he's already become a little boy!
I was looking at these and was blown away at how very much Owen has changed! These were just last year!!
I love this little man with all my heart…and each new stage is a new adventure…but boy how I sometimes wish I could capture and freeze times in life to hang onto them for a little while longer! I miss his fuzzy little bald baby head…and his toothless little giggle so much sometimes it hurts! Hugs those babies…in your life everyone... whatever relation they are to you (niece, nephew, grandchild or your own)…it doesn’t matter. Because they certainly don’t stay babies for long!
September 25, 2010
Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue…
And now…so are my bedroom walls!
My Grandma has spoiled me all my life. And just because I’m grown up doesn’t mean I still am not on the receiving end of some serious spoiling!! Awhile back she arrived at my house with a box as big as a Geo Metro to surprise me. What with you might ask? This!!
It's our anniversary present! The big 5 is coming our way in a little less than a month. The short story behind this is that our dog chewed a hole in our other comforter. In the quest for something new and less haggard, this beautiful set jumped off the pages of a JCPenny’s ad. I was in love! I merely asked Grandma and my Mom’s opinion about this set and the next day Grandma went and placed the order! She’s sneaky I tell you!!
Anyway…this new set was the perfect excuse to update our bedroom a bit. Change is good right? We picked a pretty light blue color and I got busy painting, cleaning and re-organizing our room. The best part? All of the pillows and shams were part of it. No need to go out and get creative and spend $20 a pillow to mix and match. It was already done for us!
This also inspired me to put some art/décor on the walls. Our house is lacking in this department in a few rooms…our bedroom included. So…with some self taken photos and a few new frames…we plan to put a little touch of us on the wall. I love it because A) the photos are ones I took of our magnolia tree in bloom this year. B)it's a nice touch that is versatile and easy enough to change with seasons or as the mood strikes. Pictures of the finished product coming soon!

My Grandma has spoiled me all my life. And just because I’m grown up doesn’t mean I still am not on the receiving end of some serious spoiling!! Awhile back she arrived at my house with a box as big as a Geo Metro to surprise me. What with you might ask? This!!
It's our anniversary present! The big 5 is coming our way in a little less than a month. The short story behind this is that our dog chewed a hole in our other comforter. In the quest for something new and less haggard, this beautiful set jumped off the pages of a JCPenny’s ad. I was in love! I merely asked Grandma and my Mom’s opinion about this set and the next day Grandma went and placed the order! She’s sneaky I tell you!!
Anyway…this new set was the perfect excuse to update our bedroom a bit. Change is good right? We picked a pretty light blue color and I got busy painting, cleaning and re-organizing our room. The best part? All of the pillows and shams were part of it. No need to go out and get creative and spend $20 a pillow to mix and match. It was already done for us!
This also inspired me to put some art/décor on the walls. Our house is lacking in this department in a few rooms…our bedroom included. So…with some self taken photos and a few new frames…we plan to put a little touch of us on the wall. I love it because A) the photos are ones I took of our magnolia tree in bloom this year. B)it's a nice touch that is versatile and easy enough to change with seasons or as the mood strikes. Pictures of the finished product coming soon!
Thank you Grandma Flo. This was the best anniversary present! We now have a new rejuvenated space to enjoy at the end of the day!!
Here are a few before and afters.
September 24, 2010
An Interesting Wednesday...
This Wednesday, Jeremy, Owen and I all made our first trip together to Children's Hospital as a family of 3. I spent most of the time leading up to it, sick to my stomach and filled with dread...and when I tell you why, you will think I'm a big fat baby. But, we're talking about my baby here. So baby or not, I worried.
At a recent doctor's visit, Owen's pediatrician told us that she noticed his right eye turning in. Rather than say...I think your child may be developing a cross-eyed condition, she (thankfully) simply named off a term called esotropia and gave me a number to a Pediatric Opthomologist (I do not like spelling that word!). I wasn't exactly sure what I thought about the whole thing, but when I called the number and the St. Louis Children's Hospital Eye Center answered, my stomach became a permanent knot. Luckily...it only had to stay that way for less than a week.
After talking to a few people, I felt good about what our experience would be and I calmed myself down a bit. It was just an eye exam right? He was in a great place to be looked at right? Somehow those things didn't help calm my nerves more than slightly. But, I'm a big kid. And I never want Owen to fear something simply because I, or we, as his parents do. So I prayed that morning before stepping out of the shower, for me to find a smile and laugh for my little boy. I didn't want him to sense my nervousness. Now, again, I will say, I know I was being a bit of a baby. People find themselves at Children's for so many serious and devastating things. If you've read along with me...you will find that I can sometimes let my brain get the better of me. This situation was no different...if not worse simply because we were talking about our child. I could not help the thoughts that ran through my mind about what they could tell us or what I would possibly see on our visit OR most importantly what Owen would experience. Horrible things that I will not get into, crossed my mind. But in a weird way I think all the worrying helped me because when we marched into the office, I felt like I could handle whatever they were going to tell us, even if the news wasn't the greatest.
The office was packed! But there were tons of toys and things to distract Owen...at least for a little while. We were taken back to a room on "Eye Lane, Room 5" and saw someone who did an initial look and took care of dialating Owen's pupils. This doctor told us that he definitely saw something there and asked if we noticed it in both eyes, which we had. After that we were instructed to wait for 30 to 40 minutes. We played, wandered the hospital and played some more. Finally after what seemed like an eternity we went to another room on Eye Lane and saw another physician. I held Owen in a chair and had to restrain him so the doctor could get several readings and calibrations from tools. There were lights and flashy things and several serious fits of unhappiness. But he got what he needed. This doctor told us that what he saw appeared to be mild to moderate and that "The Chief" would have to make a call on whether or not Owen needed a muscle procedure or not. So we sat again and waited for "The Chief" to come in and give his official diagnosis.
While we waited Owen got to watch a clip of Elmo in Grouchland, eat a Nutrigrain Bar and then watch a clip from The Incredibles. He liked that! "The Chief" finally made his way into our room and began examining Owen. Owen got extrememly upset and wouldn't cooperate. The next thing I know, we're being told "Let's go into another room." The room we followed him into had a table and lots and lots of instruments. I had a small panic attack and minor melt down in my head...luckily I played my Poker Face so no one saw it! (You can insert a sarcastic eye roll here b/c I have zero ability to leave any emotion off my face when I feel it) Jer (always my touch of humor in serious situations...one of the things I LOVE about him) looked at Owen and said..."Uh Oh buddy. I think we're getting put on lock down!" And sure enough. An entourage of about 3 or 4 folks came wandering in. They had a nurse at the head of the bed, one doctor over one side, another on the other, then me and Jer in the mix somewhere. I was asked to put the back of my arms across Owen's belly and hold him tightly. He could, we were told, kick his feet at much as he wanted. There is just something about forcibly holding down your child that I cannot handle. And of course, our wild child isn't the type to sit still! So needless to say there were more than one set of tears shed in the exam room, BUT, our son is in fact not cross-eyed. So there will be no need for procedures or other worries! He IS however, already near-sighted. So much so his vision has been changing nearly since birth. So, he is headed towards glasses in the future. We go back to Children's next September to have him examined again...and I'm thinking we may be getting him fitted for his first pair of specs then. I hate that I have passed on my poor vision genes to our little boy (Jer also has near-sightness...if that's a word)...but I am soooo thankful that his vision troubles are simple and easy to fix. Answered prayers are amazing...and somehow I keep having blessing poured out to me, even though I don't deserve them!
Our visit to Children's was an eye-opening experience for a number of reasons. But I have never felt more gratitude and thankfulness for our healthy little boy, than I did in that very moment that I stepped through the doors of the hospital. At every turn there were children with machines hooked to them, parents giving blood for who knows what, and special fitted chairs to allow children to sit up right and pump oxygen to their poor little bodies. What an amazing gift it is to have a healthy happy child. If glasses is our biggest hurdle with our son, I'll never ever count my blessings more!
At a recent doctor's visit, Owen's pediatrician told us that she noticed his right eye turning in. Rather than say...I think your child may be developing a cross-eyed condition, she (thankfully) simply named off a term called esotropia and gave me a number to a Pediatric Opthomologist (I do not like spelling that word!). I wasn't exactly sure what I thought about the whole thing, but when I called the number and the St. Louis Children's Hospital Eye Center answered, my stomach became a permanent knot. Luckily...it only had to stay that way for less than a week.
After talking to a few people, I felt good about what our experience would be and I calmed myself down a bit. It was just an eye exam right? He was in a great place to be looked at right? Somehow those things didn't help calm my nerves more than slightly. But, I'm a big kid. And I never want Owen to fear something simply because I, or we, as his parents do. So I prayed that morning before stepping out of the shower, for me to find a smile and laugh for my little boy. I didn't want him to sense my nervousness. Now, again, I will say, I know I was being a bit of a baby. People find themselves at Children's for so many serious and devastating things. If you've read along with me...you will find that I can sometimes let my brain get the better of me. This situation was no different...if not worse simply because we were talking about our child. I could not help the thoughts that ran through my mind about what they could tell us or what I would possibly see on our visit OR most importantly what Owen would experience. Horrible things that I will not get into, crossed my mind. But in a weird way I think all the worrying helped me because when we marched into the office, I felt like I could handle whatever they were going to tell us, even if the news wasn't the greatest.
The office was packed! But there were tons of toys and things to distract Owen...at least for a little while. We were taken back to a room on "Eye Lane, Room 5" and saw someone who did an initial look and took care of dialating Owen's pupils. This doctor told us that he definitely saw something there and asked if we noticed it in both eyes, which we had. After that we were instructed to wait for 30 to 40 minutes. We played, wandered the hospital and played some more. Finally after what seemed like an eternity we went to another room on Eye Lane and saw another physician. I held Owen in a chair and had to restrain him so the doctor could get several readings and calibrations from tools. There were lights and flashy things and several serious fits of unhappiness. But he got what he needed. This doctor told us that what he saw appeared to be mild to moderate and that "The Chief" would have to make a call on whether or not Owen needed a muscle procedure or not. So we sat again and waited for "The Chief" to come in and give his official diagnosis.
While we waited Owen got to watch a clip of Elmo in Grouchland, eat a Nutrigrain Bar and then watch a clip from The Incredibles. He liked that! "The Chief" finally made his way into our room and began examining Owen. Owen got extrememly upset and wouldn't cooperate. The next thing I know, we're being told "Let's go into another room." The room we followed him into had a table and lots and lots of instruments. I had a small panic attack and minor melt down in my head...luckily I played my Poker Face so no one saw it! (You can insert a sarcastic eye roll here b/c I have zero ability to leave any emotion off my face when I feel it) Jer (always my touch of humor in serious situations...one of the things I LOVE about him) looked at Owen and said..."Uh Oh buddy. I think we're getting put on lock down!" And sure enough. An entourage of about 3 or 4 folks came wandering in. They had a nurse at the head of the bed, one doctor over one side, another on the other, then me and Jer in the mix somewhere. I was asked to put the back of my arms across Owen's belly and hold him tightly. He could, we were told, kick his feet at much as he wanted. There is just something about forcibly holding down your child that I cannot handle. And of course, our wild child isn't the type to sit still! So needless to say there were more than one set of tears shed in the exam room, BUT, our son is in fact not cross-eyed. So there will be no need for procedures or other worries! He IS however, already near-sighted. So much so his vision has been changing nearly since birth. So, he is headed towards glasses in the future. We go back to Children's next September to have him examined again...and I'm thinking we may be getting him fitted for his first pair of specs then. I hate that I have passed on my poor vision genes to our little boy (Jer also has near-sightness...if that's a word)...but I am soooo thankful that his vision troubles are simple and easy to fix. Answered prayers are amazing...and somehow I keep having blessing poured out to me, even though I don't deserve them!
Our visit to Children's was an eye-opening experience for a number of reasons. But I have never felt more gratitude and thankfulness for our healthy little boy, than I did in that very moment that I stepped through the doors of the hospital. At every turn there were children with machines hooked to them, parents giving blood for who knows what, and special fitted chairs to allow children to sit up right and pump oxygen to their poor little bodies. What an amazing gift it is to have a healthy happy child. If glasses is our biggest hurdle with our son, I'll never ever count my blessings more!
September 23, 2010
Thankful Thursdays
A Saturday spent cooking meals for Stacey and Mike and their return home. It felt good to be helping and it kept me and April occupied while we spend another Saturday without our husbands! Thanks April for the company and the help!
The best kind of surprises…my brother stopped by and surprised me. He stopped by with a soda…just for me! Not only did he bring me a soda…we were able to visit for nearly an hour. It was a great visit and a great surprise. Thanks Joshie…for being kind-hearted you!
A surprise phone call from Steff…so needed!
A trip to Target that proved highly productive!
Wonderful blessings in my life that have seemed to help turn the last few weeks of craziness into more good than bad!
Knowing that the end of this week, my father in law will be coming home again for the first time in many months
Spending some girl time together with Steff
Red toe nail polish
Writing and reading about Baptist Missionaries on our church’s Faith in Action Sunday (it’s a Sunday where we cancel worship services and “be” the church in our community. This year I wrote letters to several foreign missionaries. Their faith is inspiring!
Linley family dinner at Mike’s house for the first time in a long time
My black Old Navy skirt and jean jacket
My curling iron
That Jer caught up our laundry this weekend
Praying more...and feeling great about it.
Answered prayers...even if we don't deserve them.
Fresh air at Glazebrook park and watching the park be utitlized and expanded!
That this week I have so much to be thankful for I could bust.
God is good.
The best kind of surprises…my brother stopped by and surprised me. He stopped by with a soda…just for me! Not only did he bring me a soda…we were able to visit for nearly an hour. It was a great visit and a great surprise. Thanks Joshie…for being kind-hearted you!
A surprise phone call from Steff…so needed!
A trip to Target that proved highly productive!
Wonderful blessings in my life that have seemed to help turn the last few weeks of craziness into more good than bad!
Knowing that the end of this week, my father in law will be coming home again for the first time in many months
Spending some girl time together with Steff
Red toe nail polish
Writing and reading about Baptist Missionaries on our church’s Faith in Action Sunday (it’s a Sunday where we cancel worship services and “be” the church in our community. This year I wrote letters to several foreign missionaries. Their faith is inspiring!
Linley family dinner at Mike’s house for the first time in a long time
My black Old Navy skirt and jean jacket
My curling iron
That Jer caught up our laundry this weekend
Praying more...and feeling great about it.
Answered prayers...even if we don't deserve them.
Fresh air at Glazebrook park and watching the park be utitlized and expanded!
That this week I have so much to be thankful for I could bust.
God is good.
September 22, 2010
September 21, 2010
Glee...How I've Missed You!!
I will fully and honestly admit that Jeremy and I didn't miss an episode last season until our DVR started recording LOST instead. It wasn't fair to have to choose between the two, but we were in our final season of LOST and we figured we'd catch the missing episodes of Glee some time this summer.
Well last Tuesday, I splurged and purchased the full season of Glee on DVD. Oh how I've missed it! It's so nice to lose ourselves in something so different from what we normally watch on TV. So late into the evenings you can hear music from the Glee cast blaring from our TV...and we're happily laughing and talking about how much talent the cast has. Today, the second season will begin and you can bet your DVR we won't be missing an episode!
Glee Season 2, we're ready! So bring it on!!!
Well last Tuesday, I splurged and purchased the full season of Glee on DVD. Oh how I've missed it! It's so nice to lose ourselves in something so different from what we normally watch on TV. So late into the evenings you can hear music from the Glee cast blaring from our TV...and we're happily laughing and talking about how much talent the cast has. Today, the second season will begin and you can bet your DVR we won't be missing an episode!
Glee Season 2, we're ready! So bring it on!!!
September 20, 2010
Owen…more Remember Always!
How you pull me and Dad’s hands together to make us hug, apart to make us step back and then together again…over and over. Then you stand back and smile. It’s awesome.
That you threw your first object (your little Crocs) from the back seat into the front. Ok you didn’t exactly throw it. You kicked with excitement and tossed it out of your car seat. It just so happened to land in the seat next to me!
That you now pull my ladybug apron off the stove and hand it to me 2 and 3 times in an evening and want me to put it on!
That one night your Dad and I read you the book “I love you through and through” at least 25 times. You handed it to us in the kitchen, the living room and before bedtime.
That you LOVE getting ice cream and I think your favorite part is sharing Daddy’s waffle cone!
That our green laundry basket is your new favorite place to sit!
That the first time I heard you say dog…you were carrying your stuffed dog around the house by his foot and you tried to put him in the cat liter box! We still haven’t convinced you that it’s yucky!!
That you started talking a lot …most of it sounds like gibberish…but you’re trying anyway!! Besides dog, we got yucky and go and I got it!!
That you like having the itsy bitsy spider sang to you...over and over and over again!
You were mesmerized by the train at the Mills Mall.
Watching you drag your backpack/diaper bag through the house…
Watching you play under our dining room table…and listening to the Laurie Berkner CD I bought you and dancing around your room!
How much you look like a little boy after you latest haircut!
The cutest kiss ever that you gave me while I pushed you around Walmart in a cart.
That you throw your stuffed animals out of your crib when you’re going to sleep
That you want to sit in the stroller in the church nursery the entire time you are in there otherwise you cry.
That you smack your hands on your thighs when you are frustrated with something…or really excited about something. Lately this has been followed by "I Got it!"
That you have started taking me into the kitchen when you are hungry…and pushing my hand on the counter to say you are hungry. No matter how much I say…hungry? Food? Or snack…you never actually say anything.
That every set of photos I have of you…you always have one where you are in deep thought about something
That when you were sick you wanted to lay your head on your Dadda’s shoulder at the doctor’s office
That when you are sick you could ask me for anything and I’d give it to you if it made you feel better…
That you watch Dadda cut grass from the front door every time he mows…and you follow him from the living room to the breezeway and back again.
You make me laugh everyday! Even on our family's crabbiest, most tired, unmotivated days...you still find a way to make me smile and laugh!!
That you threw your first object (your little Crocs) from the back seat into the front. Ok you didn’t exactly throw it. You kicked with excitement and tossed it out of your car seat. It just so happened to land in the seat next to me!
That you now pull my ladybug apron off the stove and hand it to me 2 and 3 times in an evening and want me to put it on!
That one night your Dad and I read you the book “I love you through and through” at least 25 times. You handed it to us in the kitchen, the living room and before bedtime.
That you LOVE getting ice cream and I think your favorite part is sharing Daddy’s waffle cone!
That our green laundry basket is your new favorite place to sit!
That the first time I heard you say dog…you were carrying your stuffed dog around the house by his foot and you tried to put him in the cat liter box! We still haven’t convinced you that it’s yucky!!
That you started talking a lot …most of it sounds like gibberish…but you’re trying anyway!! Besides dog, we got yucky and go and I got it!!
That you like having the itsy bitsy spider sang to you...over and over and over again!
You were mesmerized by the train at the Mills Mall.
Watching you drag your backpack/diaper bag through the house…
Watching you play under our dining room table…and listening to the Laurie Berkner CD I bought you and dancing around your room!
How much you look like a little boy after you latest haircut!
The cutest kiss ever that you gave me while I pushed you around Walmart in a cart.
That you throw your stuffed animals out of your crib when you’re going to sleep
That you want to sit in the stroller in the church nursery the entire time you are in there otherwise you cry.
That you smack your hands on your thighs when you are frustrated with something…or really excited about something. Lately this has been followed by "I Got it!"
That you have started taking me into the kitchen when you are hungry…and pushing my hand on the counter to say you are hungry. No matter how much I say…hungry? Food? Or snack…you never actually say anything.
That every set of photos I have of you…you always have one where you are in deep thought about something
That when you were sick you wanted to lay your head on your Dadda’s shoulder at the doctor’s office
That when you are sick you could ask me for anything and I’d give it to you if it made you feel better…
That you watch Dadda cut grass from the front door every time he mows…and you follow him from the living room to the breezeway and back again.
You make me laugh everyday! Even on our family's crabbiest, most tired, unmotivated days...you still find a way to make me smile and laugh!!
September 19, 2010
EPL The final book report and movie review

I definitely enjoyed finishing up the book. Each location had a ton of great aspects to it. Italy made me want pizza and want to go to Italy like nothing else has! It also made me think about my family and friends and how lucky I am to have them. In India, I loved the part about Liz becoming the Suzie cream Cheese Key Host for new guests at the Ashram. It’s a very funny moment where Liz decides she is going to observe the practice of silence, only to be asked to do the only job in the Ashram that doesn’t observe silence as part of the job. Irony was thick here and really funny! In Bali, Ketut (a medicine man) was awesome! A favorite character of mine and I think Steff’s too! I also thought the description of the locations were awesome. I actually think traveling to Bali some time in my life might be a very cool trip! Anyway, I will not say the book changed my life. But I took away a ton of very fun one-liners from Luca Spaghetti in Italy, a Balinese healer named Wayan, and Ketut;who she described so completely, I felt like I could feel his kindness and love pouring out of the pages and into my bedroom. YOU YOU YOU…was one of my favorite lines of his and "Smile from your Liver Lis." I also enjoyed the witty epiphanies she had over the course of her journeys.
The movie, my friends, was AWESOME! It pulled the story together in a great flow. I LOVE the way Julia Roberts embodies the author’s character. I would recommend if you have any interest at all, taking time to dig into the book and movie will be worth it. The lessons she learns were so moving on the big screen. I enjoyed every bit of my 2 hours and 14 minutes. I also enjoyed the many discussions and time with my best friend. What a great thing to share and what a great way to spend some time together!
September 15, 2010
A Call for some Prayers
It’s been awhile since I’ve done a Mike update. This week marks a big week for our family. Mike is coming home! After many months of rehabilitation he is heading homeward. It’s a welcomed change for everyone as the facility he’s been staying in (as with all the faculties he’s been to) have presented a few challenges and hurdles. Mike is still working hard on rehabilitating himself. He currently does not have the ability to walk or move much of his left side. But these hurdles, through more rehab and patience, may be overcome. Regardless, home will most definitely be a more comforting, welcoming place for him to be. All that being said...the Linley family could use a few extra prayers during the remainder of this week. Prayers of thanks for the very fact that this event is occuring. Prayers for all of the pieces that still need to fall into place for it to all happen on time and successfully. Prayers for all the things that will be changing for many people. Prayers for the new home that is being made. Prayers for extra patience and for reminders for us to lean on one another. We are all preparing for and welcoming with open arms a “new normal” that will find us enjoying time with Mike and Stacey at their home instead of a nursing home. So the changes are good, but changes none the less, and with change comes challenge. So if you are the praying type…prayers would be great. Thanks for reading and following along with us on this journey!
September 12, 2010
Jackie’s Wedding Shower!
My sister-in-law Jackie is getting married on October 23rd. Two Saturdays ago we celebrated her wedding shower! Everything turned out beautifully and Jackie and Paul got a great jump start for their new home (which they close on September 24!).
I’m honored to be a bridesmaid and am so excited to help them celebrate the beginning of all the new things they are headed for. Congratulations Jackie and Paul. You have so much ahead of you and I can’t wait to watch you start your family of two!! We love you both.
September 9, 2010
Thankful Thursday
It's Thursday already and I find myself nearing the 10th day of September. Where does the time go?!? this week as I find every week, I have much to be thankful for!
A long extended weekend
A short week that followed
Doing yardwork with my hubby and seeing how awesome the yard looks!
BBQing with friends and relaxing
Eating cinnamon sugar pretzels twice in one weekend
Shopping for fall clothes for Owen...I love GAP!
Burning a fire in our fire pit for the first time ever...and what I hope will be the first of many times this season!
Tyelnol Rapid Release
A flexible work schedule and a boss who wants me to always take care of me first
Watching Owen eat a banana so fast I could barely cut the whole thing up before he was done!
Hearing Owen say I got it!
Prayers and thoughtful people in my life
Anticipation of some great things to come
That every time I hear Taio Cruz, I will now picture myself stepping off an airplane somewhere sunny with Jer, Steff and Bry...my crew.
A cloudy and cool fall morning
How much I love fall
A long extended weekend
A short week that followed
Doing yardwork with my hubby and seeing how awesome the yard looks!
BBQing with friends and relaxing
Eating cinnamon sugar pretzels twice in one weekend
Shopping for fall clothes for Owen...I love GAP!
Burning a fire in our fire pit for the first time ever...and what I hope will be the first of many times this season!
Tyelnol Rapid Release
A flexible work schedule and a boss who wants me to always take care of me first
Watching Owen eat a banana so fast I could barely cut the whole thing up before he was done!
Hearing Owen say I got it!
Prayers and thoughtful people in my life
Anticipation of some great things to come
That every time I hear Taio Cruz, I will now picture myself stepping off an airplane somewhere sunny with Jer, Steff and Bry...my crew.
A cloudy and cool fall morning
How much I love fall
September 4, 2010
Thankful Thursday – it’s back
Okay so it's Saturday...but I need to get back in this habit! So here they are anyway...no particular order. Just the good stuff...God is good!
Having a healthy child
Tailgating, beer, and a rain delayed Cardinals game on a Friday night...outstanding!
Mat Kearney on CD
Getting into my scrapbook space again
Keeping laundry caught up AND a new washer…we got this beautiful piece of machinery (it was the silver lining to the whole broken motor issue we had that left standing water in our old machine!!)
Planning a Linoski trip to Mexico/Jamaica/somewhere blue and sandy.
Eating dinner at the new Mexican restaurant in town – delicious
Making Virginia’s chocolate chip cookies – also delicious!
Seeing Mike at Jackie’s bridal shower.
Seeing our Walnut family – we’ve seen so much of them this year and though the circumstances are terrible, I’m thankful all the same…there’s nothing like a Grandpa Linley hug!
Taking up a table of nearly 20 at Roma’s
Watching Owen play with his cousins
Jackie’s pretty bridal shower and her hug of thanks after all the hard work was over. (more to come on this!)
Having ice cream with Steff and Bry
Surviving a week of craziness...broken washers, broken car windows, sick babies and missing husbands. It was nuts but we came through!
Hosting a BBQ at our house over Labor Day for our bible study group…and enjoying the distraction
Fun stacking blocks Mom surprised Owen.
My TV free afternoon with Owen
Using a new scrapbook tool and creating some fun magnets for our new chalkboard
A new computer at work
Our new bedset that Grandma Flo gave us! I can't wait to post before and afters!
Spending a day shopping with my best friend. Complete with an Owen melt down, one peed on shirt, a killer deal at Bath and Body, one wedding outfit purchased, wonderful conversation and lots of laughter!
That following an email stating they are laying off surplus Office Admins (that'd be my job title at work) in BDS (my division) that we have a nice long extended weekend in which I'm embracing with open arms!
Happy Labor Day! I hope everyone enjoys their weekend!!
Having a healthy child
Tailgating, beer, and a rain delayed Cardinals game on a Friday night...outstanding!
Mat Kearney on CD
Getting into my scrapbook space again
Planning a Linoski trip to Mexico/Jamaica/somewhere blue and sandy.
A new Facebook app on my Palm
Signing up for Financial Peace University at church
Helping Jer paint at his Dad’s house
Watching my husband and my brother-in-law…in two separate rooms, unplanned and not even seeing each other, dancing around like total dorks to Keisha on the radio. It was hilarious!
Watching April and Baby Linley grow
Making Virginia’s chocolate chip cookies – also delicious!
Seeing Mike at Jackie’s bridal shower.
Seeing our Walnut family – we’ve seen so much of them this year and though the circumstances are terrible, I’m thankful all the same…there’s nothing like a Grandpa Linley hug!
Taking up a table of nearly 20 at Roma’s
Watching Owen play with his cousins
Jackie’s pretty bridal shower and her hug of thanks after all the hard work was over. (more to come on this!)
Having ice cream with Steff and Bry
Surviving a week of craziness...broken washers, broken car windows, sick babies and missing husbands. It was nuts but we came through!
Hosting a BBQ at our house over Labor Day for our bible study group…and enjoying the distraction
Fun stacking blocks Mom surprised Owen.
My TV free afternoon with Owen
Using a new scrapbook tool and creating some fun magnets for our new chalkboard
A new computer at work
Our new bedset that Grandma Flo gave us! I can't wait to post before and afters!
Spending a day shopping with my best friend. Complete with an Owen melt down, one peed on shirt, a killer deal at Bath and Body, one wedding outfit purchased, wonderful conversation and lots of laughter!
That following an email stating they are laying off surplus Office Admins (that'd be my job title at work) in BDS (my division) that we have a nice long extended weekend in which I'm embracing with open arms!
Happy Labor Day! I hope everyone enjoys their weekend!!
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