A post is coming soon on all our fun adventures! Until then, Happy Monday. Or is it Unhappy Monday? Either way it's Monday!
April 30, 2012
Good Things are coming!
We had a whirlwind trip to the Lake of the Ozarks this weekend...and today...this picture sums up our family!
April 25, 2012
Sometimes…life just isn't fair...
I’ve been thinking about my posts this week…and I debated with my heart on what to do…what to say. This story isn’t really mine to tell. But this story directly affects those I love…and for that I’m heavy hearted.
This weekend tragedy struck two families. These families need prayers and strength for the days ahead. Two very young lives were tragically lost in a house fire; two sisters, friends, daughters who were only 19 and 21 years old. The story would have still been immensely sad without me having any connection to it. Unfortunately this one hit a little closer to home. My brother’s long time girlfriend Katie’s little sister, Lauren was one of the victims. I know how important she was to Katie and my brother. Josh was there at the hospital. Talking to him was nearly unbearable as I listened to him recount his experience...and I could hear the pain in his voice. Words like impossible, heartbreaking, and unbelievable don't even scratch the surface. The decisions that needed to be made, discussions that took place…there is nothing in this life that could prepare anyone for that. Life is so very short and tenuous is it not?
But as I wrestled with whether this was something I should mention here, I felt helpless. There is just nothing I can do to make things any better. But I can pray for them. And hold them in my hearts. Remembering their sorrow as I go about my daily tasks this week. And I can also ask for more prayers from those who read my blog. I know Katie often reads this blog...so I hope she finds her way here and finds some comfort knowing others are wrapping her and her family up in as much warmth as we possibly can. So in that light, I just couldn’t continue my week without reaching out and asking for prayers for these two families and for Josh and Katie. The loss is immense and impossible to truly imagine.
Josh and Katie, you are on my heart and mind this week. We love you both so much…and are so deeply sorry.
April 23, 2012
A good healthy mess!!
Friday afternoon, Owen was off with Neemaw for a visit...so Cooper and I spent a very productive Friday around home...digging out what seemed to be every toy we own (crazily it is just what is stored in our shelf in the living room!). We read some fun stories, stacked up blocks, sang a couple silly songs and played with a wand that lights up.
Cooper, Momma thoroughly enjoyed every second of this precious time with you.
April 20, 2012
Having a 3 Year Old....
Often leaves you with photos that look like this:
**Note the marker marks on the side...were not part of the original design.
**Note I hadnt actually eaten of my cinnamon twists yet. But I love eating them straight off the table!
**Note: Sometimes the above pictures, influence pictures like these to crop up after them. Enough said!
April 19, 2012
Thankful Thursday
Fun trips out of town
Spending all day in my sweats
Season 4 of Private Practice
Talking to my bestie about Private Practice
Spend an hour getting ready for a date night with my husband...I missed little man pulling on my jeans...and at the same time...the peace was so nice!
Putting a curling iron to my hair...and renewing my "grow it out" motivation!
This new hair/shine spray...it's the bomb!
Spending all day in my sweats
Season 4 of Private Practice
Talking to my bestie about Private Practice
Spend an hour getting ready for a date night with my husband...I missed little man pulling on my jeans...and at the same time...the peace was so nice!
Putting a curling iron to my hair...and renewing my "grow it out" motivation!
This new hair/shine spray...it's the bomb!
A perfectly cooked, most fabulously delicious steak...we're talking PERfect!
Sleeping in past 6:30am. Blissful!
Seeing Jer almost physically appear as though a weight had lifted off his shoulders.
Seeing my kiddos after a long absence...I don't think my heart can grow any fonder of those two little ankle biters, but it sure felt whole again having them back!
Holding my hubbies hand
Actually pulling recipes out of the pile of magazines sitting on my buffet and USING them in my meal plan this week!
Starbucks coffee run...just because!
Shopping for and creatively collaborating invites with April
Talking about and helping plan my furture nephews baby shower!
Shopping for and creatively collaborating invites with April
Talking about and helping plan my furture nephews baby shower!
That even though Coop has had some restless nights, his little giggle and sweet smile reminds me how fleeting this time is with him...even if it is 2am!
Watching Cooper get really brave. He's going to be walking in no time!
Enjoying my lilac...which has just bursted with blooms...you can smell it as soon as you walk out our back door. Amazing!
**And as a disclaimer...this picture doesn't do it a bit of justice. My goal this weekend is to get out and get some real camera pictures of it!**
A yummy veggie basket this week from the co-op...complete with these baby cucumbers I've never bought before. I went home and promptly made a cucumber and tomato salad with a balsamic vinegrette. Delish!
7 chapters into Catching Fire...another awesome book is unfolding!
A fun weekend ahead with some Linoski time on the books! Woohoo!
April 18, 2012
April 17, 2012
April 16, 2012
Weekend Recap!

I can honestly say this Momma of two has learned a thing or two since last year! Quiet time is to be cherished!! And that's exactly what I did. No crazy mall running or shopping...just me, some magazines, the laptop and Season 4 of Private Practice! I didn't get out of my sweats or do my hair until it was time to meet Jer at the end of the night and go out on a date! It was a marvelous day of relaxation for me...and Friday night after massages we enjoyed a very relaxing dinner at place called Broadway Brewery in downtown Columbia. We took one grainy picture the whole evening...and the rest of it was spent talking about things we've missed out on the last couple of months. Did I mention it was marvelous?
When we got home, we couldn't get enough cheek kisses from our two amazing boys to make up for the ones we missed...but boy did we try!
April 14, 2012
Easter 2012
This year's Easter celebration was a little less than our most exciting because Big Mister has been studying! But we did manage to have some fun anyway :)
We dyed Easter eggs (which Owen called Eeee eggs). Hunted eggs and opened baskets in the morning. And then went to our church's Easter Sunday service. It was a great Easter because we spent it together. Nothing else is really more important than that.
The egg kit we got was to build Monster-style eggs. There was even hair and glue to adhere the hair to the top of the eggs! I thought they were a fun boyish alternative to glitter eggs, but I had those in my hand too. (Can't blame a Momma for trying!) But Monster Eggs won out!
After the egg dying wrapped up, we had a little Linley family play time! Sometimes it gets a little silly around here!
And as I mentioned Owen got big boy underpants in his basket. Dadda and Momma are taking simultaneous photos!
We dyed Easter eggs (which Owen called Eeee eggs). Hunted eggs and opened baskets in the morning. And then went to our church's Easter Sunday service. It was a great Easter because we spent it together. Nothing else is really more important than that.
Getting the cups of dye all ready to go...we had to wait patiently as the color tablets fizzed in vinegar. Anybody else think dying eggs is a smelly affair??
Owen putting a couple in! We had so much fun this year...he could participate like a big boy and even name the colors and pick which ones he wanted too!
Whose Bud Light is that? Oh...mine...that's right!
This look may go down in the record books. It cracks me up! Thank you Mr. I have a million facial expressions...you never know what will show up on the camera....but you can keep these looks coming!
After the egg dying wrapped up, we had a little Linley family play time! Sometimes it gets a little silly around here!
Owen: Here Cooper. Let me show you how it's done for real.
Cooper: Your turn Momma!!
The Easter Bunny left the boys some fun baskets! We enjoyed sorting through them and talking about all the goodies!
Little Mister thinks he needs to be pulling to a stand and gives cruising a shot after playing with his new loot.
And as I mentioned Owen got big boy underpants in his basket. Dadda and Momma are taking simultaneous photos!
Here's hoping everyone had a wonderful holiday spent with family, remembering the sacrifice Jesus made for us...and celebrating all that that means for you and yours.
April 13, 2012
Owen's 3 Year Photo Shoot
The weekend before Owen turned 3, I booked a photo shoot. It was an interesting afternoon for us, as our 3 year old to be wasn't all that interested in taking pictures! But we got some good shots regardless!
Here are a few of my favorites:
Here are a few of my favorites:
*All photos taken by Steph's Photography.
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