April 6, 2012

Random Thoughts from my Wandering Mind...

Me again. With some interesting tid-bits to share!

Couldn't Agree More...
I came across this article on a blog I frequently check in with.  I liked the whole article and am intrigued at learning more about this interviewee's approaches to happiness. BUT what drew me in the most was this particular part...

Is there a happiness mantra or motto that you’ve found very helpful? (I remind myself to “Be Gretchen.”)
Years ago, when I was researching an article on research into stress, one social scientist passed on a simple tip: “At some point every day, you have to say, ‘No more work.’” No matter how many tasks remain undone, you have to relax at some point and enjoy the evening.

Amen Brother!!  We spend so much time making to-do lists and filling our days with tasks and chores to be done.  I'm the worst offender I know!!  But I read this and I realized that lately with the addition of Cooper in our lives, I have had less trouble reminding myself to sit and read. Turn on that DVR'd episode of Chopped or American Idol or Oprah interviewing Paula Deen. Or honestly? Crawl under the covers well before my normal bedtime and catch an extra hour or two of sleep. I cherish that last little bit of the day when I let myself off the hook. And when I finally do say...no more work...it's amazing!

So I cannot tell a lie.  Ever since I watched Jaws (parts 1 through IV) I cannot shake an eerie feelings about things under water.  If I can't see into the water, I'm sure there is something lurky below.

This popped up on my Yahoo newsreader...seriously folks. It's huge!! We saw one...on our snorkeling cruise off the coast of Puerta Vallarta.  Not near this size (obviously or it'd be our boat captain standing with it in this picture about 7 years ago), but even then, I about peed my pants. It's amazing and a little freaky that stuff this bigs..lives on the ocean floor. Minding his own business.  Wow.

K...enough about freakishly-large ocean creature. I just had to mention it.

But speaking of freakingly-large...
Not sure (other than a political statement) this kind of wedding dress train is good for.  But I really was shocked. Anyone else?

Blooming Trees...
I'm sure everyone has noticed the trees blooming out...but this past weekend the Red Bud trees (pretty purple blooms) were just amazing.  I think the pop of color really stood out over the greening grass and trees that are still just starting to get leaves.  The freshness is one of the things I love most about this time of year!  Just a note from me to check out your scenery in case you were looking for something to enjoy on the everyday drive.

**Since drafting that up I noticed that the red buds have taken a back seat to the dog woods. My favorite springtime flowering tree!  Check them out...they are undergrowth trees that come in a white or a pretty pink!

We survived!
Last week was one I'd been looking forward to and dreading.  And somehow...we survived!  Owen made it through 5 days of preschool and our family schedules didn't fall apart.  We learned a few things along the way and will be doing some tweaking of get-up, get-ready times/schedules. But for the most part...we all survived just fine and well!  Friday morning I even enjoyed a morning breakfast date with my littlest Linley boy at Bread Co. See the pic below.  We followed our date with a trip to Target...where he received more ohhh's and ahhh's than I thought humanly possible!  Maybe it's the cheeks...maybe it's the hat. 

Well, I've got some catching up to do for ya'll...Cooper's 8 month stats and diaper pics and all about Owen's first week of school! More to come soon!!

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