I can honestly say this Momma of two has learned a thing or two since last year! Quiet time is to be cherished!! And that's exactly what I did. No crazy mall running or shopping...just me, some magazines, the laptop and Season 4 of Private Practice! I didn't get out of my sweats or do my hair until it was time to meet Jer at the end of the night and go out on a date! It was a marvelous day of relaxation for me...and Friday night after massages we enjoyed a very relaxing dinner at place called Broadway Brewery in downtown Columbia. We took one grainy picture the whole evening...and the rest of it was spent talking about things we've missed out on the last couple of months. Did I mention it was marvelous?
When we got home, we couldn't get enough cheek kisses from our two amazing boys to make up for the ones we missed...but boy did we try!
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