*Treated for two ear infections...
*Is now being treated for a sinus infection.
*AND as of now is on day 6 of a virus that consists of a fever, sore throat and vomitting. Because you know...now seems like a great time for his little body to fight that crap off as well right??
Oh and then there is Cooper. Cooper Cooper. Cooper, who just was treated for an ear infection in November...went in for a well check on Friday of last week...and we left with the declaration that he had a full blown ear infection in one ear...and start of one in the other...so an almost double ear infection. SERIOUSLY???? Yep. Serious as the plague folks. (Pun fully and sarcastically intended!)
So my crew has been filling up on ibuprofen and antibiotics like fools...and were about darn tired of it. One saving grace, Owen will be heading to see an ENT at St. Louis Children's Hopsital after all of this non-sense because he's finally battled his way through enough sinus and ear infections to need to be seen. I honestly have been thinking this was a long time coming...I'm just praying it cuts down on our doctor's visits for runny noses that turn into infections...almost every single time.
Anyway...all that being said...we are doing lots of movie watching, afternoon napping and when we're up for it..some fun play time. But we're ready to have our crew of four back in action!! Last weekend admist 2 house showings and an open house that brought 4 sets of people through...I couldn't help but think...we could use a little more crazy in our life right?? HA!
So the Linley's say...crud crud go away...please stay away for a lot more days!
When is spring again?!?
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